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What's annoying you today? Part 2


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11 minutes ago, Betterwithout said:

don't get me wrong...I drive over the speed limit like everyone else, and I am not the idiot doing the exact speed limit or lower in the fast lane.  In fact the only rules of the road I break are speed limits (like most people)  but I will not run red lights and will not tailgate.  The number one accident in a car is rear ender fender benders and I really don't want you hitting my bumper if we all have to stop suddenly.  Leave a second following distance, and we'll all be good!



I agree. No need to be all up in the trunk of my car.

I'm middle aged with gray hair, so what I do when someone rides my a*s is tilt my head back and let off the gas. So I look like the stereotypical little old lady from Pasadena. I stealthily look in my rear view mirror and enjoy watching the person get apoplectic. This works especially well on roads where there's only one lane in each direction.

Also, I remind myself that I have ZERO traffic tickets and the person raging behind me is probably on the verge of getting their license suspended. That always cheers me up.

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5 minutes ago, boltnrun said:

I stealthily look in my rear view mirror and enjoy watching the person get apoplectic.

that's a pretty funny move, but just be careful about their boiling rage that could spell trouble for you down the road.  For me, I usually pull over even if I am doing 70 in the fast lane to let them pass, I find it particularly satisfying watching them speed up and then brake to get to the car that was right in front going the same speed I was.  That gives me the new opportunity to laugh instead of get annoyed.
I have a dashcam too, so one day it will come in handy when it catches their horrible driving caused an accident.  I will happily pull over and be a witness with video evidence.  😉

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I don't worry about someone pulling out a gun and shooting me. That very rarely (if ever) happens in my area. They just get irate and have tizzy fits, but that's about it. Besides, if they did try pulling out a gun they'd have nowhere to go on a single lane street. 

Someone in my previous city got arrested because he pulled out a gun (he took offense at someone passing him in the freeway) and the guy driving the truck he was trying to shoot at put it into reverse, knocking the attempted shooter's car backward so he was unable to fire his weapon. And there were witnesses. The guy with the gun was convicted of something (not sure what exactly). Road rage doesn't pay, people!

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1 hour ago, Coily said:

I am annoying me today. 

A lot going on, yet all I can do is shut down and stare at the walls, possibly a lingering medical side effect for me.

It's Friday. Maybe it's just a case of the Fridays.

I'm annoyed at my persistent insomnia. I.Can.Not.Sleep. It makes no sense to be absolutely exhausted and yet be completely unable to sleep.

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  • 2 weeks later...
3 minutes ago, greendots said:

I didn't know where to write this.

The horror that is happening in the world right now.


There are large protests going on in Russia. I truly admire the bravery of those people who have to know they're literally risking their lives or imprisonment to protest what their leader has done.

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31 minutes ago, boltnrun said:

There are large protests going on in Russia. I truly admire the bravery of those people who have to know they're literally risking their lives or imprisonment to protest what their leader has done.

Yeah, I also heard about those. Takes guts for sure. We'll see how everything unfolds in the next few days.

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34 minutes ago, greendots said:

It honestly breaks my heart to hear this. 😕

Ordinary citizens are taking up arms to defend their nation. How can someone not care?

They're too busy trying to use it as a way to praise their favorite politician or political party and put down the politicians they don't like. Or using it to start debates. The worst reaction I saw was some people who said "why should I care what happens in some other country? It's not happening in my country so I don't care." Well, these are humans regardless of where they live. And I don't want to see ANY humans killed senselessly. It's one thing if it's a natural disaster because those are not preventable. Heartbreaking, but not preventable. But war is a deliberate act. It results in nothing but death and destruction. It's not glorious or romantic. 

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2 hours ago, kim42 said:

I came here as well to write about it, because where I live people don't really care. Its' so sad 😥

I care. Lots of people do. It's terrible. I've been so upset, not sleeping well, just knowing innocent people are being hurt. It's devastating and scary. 

People who care gotta stick together. 

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13 minutes ago, boltnrun said:

The worst reaction I saw was some people who said "why should I care what happens in some other country? It's not happening in my country so I don't care."

Someone actually said that? What the?!


5 minutes ago, itsallgrand said:

I've been so upset, not sleeping well, just knowing innocent people are being hurt.


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17 minutes ago, greendots said:

Someone actually said that? What the?!

Several people. A YouTuber was covering the protest in New York City and a few people in the chat said that. 

I've seen a lot of that lately. If something doesn't directly affect some people they don't care about it.  For example, two of my cousins insisted Covid wasn't a thing. They were loudly complaining on Facebook about how terribly inconvenienced they were by safety protocols. Until one of them got it and the other one's husband got it. Then they were strangely silent.

I think most of us care about all humans, no matter what country they live in. I still believe most people are inherently caring.

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42 minutes ago, boltnrun said:

Several people. A YouTuber was covering the protest in New York City and a few people in the chat said that. 

I've seen a lot of that lately. If something doesn't directly affect some people they don't care about it.  For example, two of my cousins insisted Covid wasn't a thing. They were loudly complaining on Facebook about how terribly inconvenienced they were by safety protocols. Until one of them got it and the other one's husband got it. Then they were strangely silent.

Oh, no. 😕


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7 hours ago, boltnrun said:

"why should I care what happens in some other country? It's not happening in my country so I don't care." 

If we honestly cared though we would be there in Ukraine with a gun in our hands helping the locals. Saying we care when we still sit in our home doing actually nothing helpful does not mean much.

7 hours ago, boltnrun said:

 But war is a deliberate act. It results in nothing but death and destruction.

There is always a bully unfortunately. Nature made some mistakes when it designed the algorithm.


It's sad, it's 2022, we shouldn't have wars.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm not necessarily annoyed about this. But I have very often gotten "complaints" from supervisors that I work "too fast". They will assign me tasks and I get them done so quickly that it leaves me with a lot of down time (hence, why I have time to post on here!).

I had one former boss give me a list of five tasks to complete. I finished them at around 10:00 am. I worked until 4:30. So I went to her office to ask if she had anything else she needed me to work on. She said "No! I thought those things would take you all day!" So I just sat at my desk for the rest of the day doing nothing.

I don't know if I'm faster than average or if my predecessors were slower than average, but this happens so frequently that I have to believe I'm not normal. It just happened again, one of the engineers I support complained that I finish so fast it puts extra pressure on her because her backlog gets bigger. So I learned to complete my tasks but just sit on notifying my supervisors for an hour or two so they don't get upset with me.

And yes, I am fast AND accurate. It's not like I'm blowing through everything willy nilly and having to make a bunch of corrections. I finish, check my work, then send it on. I always finished exams quickly too. If we had three hours I always finished within two hours or less.

So I just post on here and read things online on my phone. Thank goodness for being able to work from home because I can read books and do chores and bake during my down time.

PS: this is not a fake humble brag. I seriously don't want to upset my supervisors but I don't know what I can do to slow down except what I've been doing.

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It's better to have an employee that is able to anticipate other issues. Can you foresee other deadlines coming up and help plan ahead or get a headstart? If you're still new you might not know how to jumpstart a process or feel you're not authorized to do so but ask your boss what she thinks.

There's usually a lot more to do behind the scenes or to prepare for other things coming up that may be in the works(but that she hasn't given you instructions for yet). She may share with you other processes going on. If there are other areas of the job you'd like to learn, take a look at what else you'd like to learn and ask for opportunities to learn other tasks.

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7 minutes ago, Rose Mosse said:

It's better to have an employee that is able to anticipate other issues. Can you foresee other deadlines coming up and help plan ahead or get a headstart? If you're still new you might not know how to jumpstart a process or feel you're not authorized to do so but ask your boss what she thinks.

There's usually a lot more to do behind the scenes or to prepare for other things coming up that may be in the works(but that she hasn't given you instructions for yet). She may share with you other processes going on. If there are other areas of the job you'd like to learn, take a look at what else you'd like to learn and ask for opportunities to learn other tasks.

I'm not privy to upcoming tasks. I'm a contract worker, so my role is pretty clearly defined. Everything has to be created by the engineers, then it comes to me for administrative review. Basically making sure everything is entered into the tracking system properly. I can't get ahead of that because it has to be designed and entered by Engineering first before it comes to me.

They have added more tasks for me to complete but again, I can't do anything in advance.

It's kind of a feast or famine situation. Some days I'm steadily busy all day, others are extremely slow. 

Right now I have two tasks in my queue. I could have both completed within an hour and a half. But I've learned no one really wants me to get them done that quickly!

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2 hours ago, Wiseman2 said:

Daylight saving time. Wish they'd get rid of it.🕜🕥☀️


My neighbor's car alarm that has been going off since 5 am. Car parked right under my window. He doesn't have a job so he usually sleeps until noon. I'm not dressed so I don't want to go out to pound on his door and tell him to shut the gosh darned thing off.

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On 3/7/2022 at 11:32 AM, boltnrun said:

So I just post on here and read things online on my phone. Thank goodness for being able to work from home because I can read books and do chores and bake during my down time.

I wish there was a "hug" or "I care" button. Thank goodness you're able to work from home! 🙂

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