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What's annoying you today? Part 2


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On Tuesday two guys I went to school with (one who I don't know and one who I haven't talked to since elementary school) uploaded a video on Facebook in which they were at a bar/restaurant and impersonating the voice of a mentally disabled who we went to high school with.


Not lying. Actually happened. Someone must have got on them about it, because it was removed soon after.


How low status and scummy can you get? Not to mention the obvious fact that high school was eleven years ago.

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On Tuesday two guys I went to school with (one who I don't know and one who I haven't talked to since elementary school) uploaded a video on Facebook in which they were at a bar/restaurant and impersonating the voice of a mentally disabled who we went to high school with.


Not lying. Actually happened. Someone must have got on them about it, because it was removed soon after.


How low status and scummy can you get? Not to mention the obvious fact that high school was eleven years ago.


Wow, it is amazing how some people never grow up.

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People and people involved in making videos saying horrible tragedies are fake and all crisis actors. I was shown some of these on YT, eff off idiots!


Yes yes yes! That is so horrible! I've seen such comments too and the people saying that are clearly idiots!

I've read many saying the mh17 plane crash was a hoax and some even called the grieving families to tell them they are actors and should stop crying on TV cause the thing wasn't real.

Man that pissed me off!

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It angered me too, I was shown ones recently on the Orlando shooting and Nice, France tragedies... I think those people claiming that upsets me almost as much as the ones killing people. I saw one where they are mocking the mother of Pulse murders in an interview because she was smiling, people grieve differently or do these fools think everyone grieves similarly. Heartless. They said bodies in Nice were mannequins.

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Yep i saw that too with the bataclan shooting, they said it never happened and all the stuff was staged.

It makes me furious so i make it a point not to read or watch those stupid ignorant comments and i almost wish they get to see first hand one day. And yes i know that's terrible too....

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noticed a lot of posts lately have nonsensical random words in them that make it very hard to distinguish what the poster is trying to say. i'm wondering whether it's autocorrect or speech to text or what.


i mean if your post says "you will Coke to make it and then debicare to fore filled hobittsess parseltongue Fus Ro Dah Banannananaaa Yub nub!" what do you expect anyone to say???!!


i'm just going to start replying with links to the Lapine, Na'vi, Klingon, Dothraki and Elvish glossaries and insert potato potato potato randomly in the urls.



either there's a weird new app or a weird new drug out there.

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noticed a lot of posts lately have nonsensical random words in them that make it very hard to distinguish what the poster is trying to say. i'm wondering whether it's autocorrect or speech to text or what.


i mean if your post says "you will Coke to make it and then debicare to fore filled hobittsess parseltongue Fus Ro Dah Banannananaaa Yub nub!" what do you expect anyone to say???!!


i'm just going to start replying with links to the Lapine, Na'vi, Klingon, Dothraki and Elvish glossaries and insert potato potato potato randomly in the urls.



either there's a weird new app or a weird new drug out there.


Had to give you a rep point for that, lol.

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haha, it's tempting (and fun) to imagine it being a secret coded language. ("Frank, it is I, Arlene. I'll get the pizza, you get the beer, Emma will get the duct- tape. Do you think 6 feet is deep enough? XoXo")


lmao!! That made my day, lol.


Yep, there's a whole new language out there these days - either that, or a lot of drunk posting. Actually, you can usually tell when someone is drunk posting. Must be the new language thing.

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