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What is the weather right now in your city/town/village, Part 2


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The heat is here too now, with that thick as soup humidity. Heat warnings have been in effect.


And I saw a guy with a jacket and toque on! I can only imagine the heat he is used to if he thought he needed a toque this morn.

We had a reprieve but headed back into the heat tomorrow. *Groan*

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We've got some rain but it's unfortunately locked at a drizzle. 90%+ humidity looking to stick around for a few days. Big rainy day apparently coming up Wednesday, which should bring some relief. Always feels a bit wasteful when we got the AC going when it's this mild, but it doubles as our upstairs dehumidifier.

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We've got some rain but it's unfortunately locked at a drizzle. 90%+ humidity looking to stick around for a few days. Big rainy day apparently coming up Wednesday, which should bring some relief. Always feels a bit wasteful when we got the AC going when it's this mild, but it doubles as our upstairs dehumidifier.


Yeah our rain was nowhere near enough. One river now has very little water and some creeks have dried up. It is going to be 38C again with humidity.

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We're spoiled. OK, reeeally spoiled.


75F at the beach. 80 downtown.

That's the good news.


The bad news is, the secrets out ans everyone and their uncle wants to live here :(


I walk the streets of our most popular area and English is now a 2nd language.


It does make you step back.


People obviously paying huge money to come here when we often take it for granted.

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