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Boyfriend's boy time is too crazy


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Hi Everyone, my boyfriend of two years goes out every two/three weeks with his male friends. It's nice and I support him but he comes home between 3am and 6am generally wasted, wakes me up, picks a fight over something stupid, and then passes out. Is it totally crazy of me to ask him to come home quietly? Isn't that just basic human respect? His side is that it's only every couple of weeks and I need to get over it. But I work a long week and getting woken up on Saturday at 6am by the light being turned on and my boyfriend angry with me about something nuts (like a broken toilet paper holder that he actually busted in his drunken stupor), is just too much. What do I do?

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He's an angry drunk. He gets really drunk every 2 to 3 weeks. A guy like this would no longer be my boyfriend, especially if he drives home drunk, and especially if I wanted a decent father to our future children, if that is a goal. I also wouldn't put up with someone being angry with me and I didn't do anything wrong, and had no respect for me, waking me up when I needed to work the next day. The only good change I could see would be for you to break up with him. He has the right to be a mean, out of control drunk, and you have the right to say you deserve better.

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I would tell him either he changes that behavior or I'm moving out - and I would mean it. I had an issue with a boyfriend sort of like this - he would get so drunk that he would sort of require babysitting. After it happened a few times, I told him that it was changing the way I felt about him and my level of attraction for him when he acted like that, and he shaped up real fast. Your situation is different though, because your guy becomes abusive when he's drunk. This requires stronger action. If your guy cares about you and sees a future with you, he'll change his behavior. Talk to him about it when he's sober, of course.

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I would tell him either he changes that behavior or I'm moving out - and I would mean it. I had an issue with a boyfriend sort of like this - he would get so drunk that he would sort of require babysitting. After it happened a few times, I told him that it was changing the way I felt about him and my level of attraction for him when he acted like that, and he shaped up real fast. Your situation is different though, because your guy becomes abusive when he's drunk. This requires stronger action. If your guy cares about you and sees a future with you, he'll change his behavior. Talk to him about it when he's sober, of course.


I'm going to say that to him exactly! Thanks for the good words!

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I'm afraid that if he is picking fights with you, he's eventually going to swing at you over a disagreement. Alcohol can make certain people very unpredictable, and he has already shown lack of self-control.


My sister dated a guy like this who ended up giving her a black eye the night before her college graduation. The trigger- a "heated argument" between them and he couldn't control his drinking. He was so lucky we were around our families because I would of whooped his ass at the ceremony because over what he did to my sister.


He shouldn't be drinking if this is how he reacts to alcohol. Period. This will not end well.

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If I were you, I would put a foot down and forbid him from drinking anymore as long as he is with you. If he can't handle his alcohol better than that, then he shouldn't be drinking.Don't stay with someone who is going to verbally abuse you even part of the time. If you have a shred of self respect for you, then you need to walk if he won't treat you better than that. It doesn't matter if he is sober or drunk. He won't change if you keep allowing this behavior.

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