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Fat girl.


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I just walked around the entire campus of the hospital, got approx 4000 steps. I mapped on Google when I got back to my desk (bc my stupid I mapmywalk app didn't work!) and it was about 1.2 miles. Not bad I guess!


Omg, I thought it said 12 miles and I was freaking out wondering how that was only 4000 steps and why I get so many for way less...and then I saw the period.


Jeezy creezy I need more coffee.


You do good work lady. My fitbit app regularly goes off telling me to congratulate you.



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Weight loss drives me insane.


Yesterday I had a protein drink (140 cal), half a tuna sandwich, an English muffin, 2 eggs and a glass of 1% milk. 30 min of weight training.

Result: gained half a pound.


Bf ate a pork chop for breakfast, 2 huge glasses of milk, 2 chili dogs for dinner --- worked in putting up doors (construction) for 4 hrs.....

Result: lost a pound



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Last night I went and ate a big cakey dessert at a restaurant by myself instead of going to the gym. But I went home after and did a work out video. That helps...right?


Of course! Unless it's like an old person's chair workout video lol.


I've been going to the gym and not even breaking a sweat. I am just so off the ball. Getting back on!


mhowe, I'm sorry, but I giggled a little at your plight because I can SO relate.

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I think it helps to work out after because it gets you back in touch with your body and reminds you how it feels to make good choices. It's a good choice to have dessert once in awhile too but I don't think the workout burns up that many calories - even though I know a lot about calories it still was a bit of a wake up call when Starbucks started listing calories in the desserts -that was a good motivator to avoid them!


When I have to do a work out from home I do a Leslie Sansome work out and do it with a lot more running than walking and I use the exercise band the whole time rather than only part -works up a great sweat.

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My other standing bet is to loose 1% body fat in a month. Then he will have to do the same workout he has planned for me at his weight level. Again...planning it for this month...weigh in/measurement day was yesterday.


My personal best is .75% body fat...and that was a while ago. My average is .3 to .4%

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I walked for 30 minutes at lunch today with a coworker (we are having gorgeous weather!), went to the gym, worked on my legs, did some cardio, did some planking, came home and did some of th work out video from last night, and then Jared and I did a dance game on the Xbox One. So I'm sitting pretty at 14K steps for the day (my goal is 10K) and I feel pretty good with how active I was today!

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  • 1 year later...

Hi, all, I wanted to say hi. I don't post on here anymore after everything that happened with the family, but I come on and lurk sometimes. I ended up looking at some of my old threads and I don't even remember writing this one. I don't even remember feeling like this. Mostly b/c I have such a different lifestyle now.


I steadily got more and more into running. It started with the treadmill at the gym, and it progressed from there. Last March, I ran my first 5k race (3.1 miles), and then the next month, ran a 10k race (6.2 miles). I just realized how much I love running, and I've done 3 half marathon races (13.1 miles) and I'm now training for a full marathon (26.2 miles), which is in November. The longest I've gone so far is 16 miles, but we do 17 miles tomorrow. I run with a group mostly, but I started out running alone. But I love my running friends.


I used to be such an introvert and loved staying at home, especially on weekends, just reading and hanging out with the dogs (oh by th way, we have 4 dogs now...it's a lot of dog. Eesh.). But now I get bored sitting around and I'm constantly on the go, and it's like it doesn't even phase me anymore. I just keep moving. I have so much more energy now that I run, and I feel happier all the time. The runner's high is no joke; I experience it almost every time I run (and I run about 5 days a week!). I'm up running at 4:30am most mornings, whereas before, when I wrote this thread, I couldn't get myself out of bed before 6:45.


I read through this thread and feel like I just had memories of being sad and slothful a lot, also like i was a slave to food. I still eat what I want, but I'm holding steady at about 145 lbs (almost a 20lb weight loss, I guess...but I don't really care about the number). I do love my food, but I don't make myself feel bad about eating it anymore, b/c I know I'll go run off the calories later. And run it I do!


Anyway, I just wanted to come report all this. I feel like a different person wrote this thread, and it's only been just over a year and a half since I posted on it last and 2 years since I started the thread (that first post...wow...3.5 miles on the treadmill in 47 minutes...I've made so much progress...). Crazy to think how far we can come when we really find something we love!

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Hi, all, I wanted to say hi. I don't post on here anymore after everything that happened with the family, but I come on and lurk sometimes. I ended up looking at some of my old threads and I don't even remember writing this one. I don't even remember feeling like this. Mostly b/c I have such a different lifestyle now.


I steadily got more and more into running. It started with the treadmill at the gym, and it progressed from there. Last March, I ran my first 5k race (3.1 miles), and then the next month, ran a 10k race (6.2 miles). I just realized how much I love running, and I've done 3 half marathon races (13.1 miles) and I'm now training for a full marathon (26.2 miles), which is in November. The longest I've gone so far is 16 miles, but we do 17 miles tomorrow. I run with a group mostly, but I started out running alone. But I love my running friends.


I used to be such an introvert and loved staying at home, especially on weekends, just reading and hanging out with the dogs (oh by th way, we have 4 dogs now...it's a lot of dog. Eesh.). But now I get bored sitting around and I'm constantly on the go, and it's like it doesn't even phase me anymore. I just keep moving. I have so much more energy now that I run, and I feel happier all the time. The runner's high is no joke; I experience it almost every time I run (and I run about 5 days a week!). I'm up running at 4:30am most mornings, whereas before, when I wrote this thread, I couldn't get myself out of bed before 6:45.


I read through this thread and feel like I just had memories of being sad and slothful a lot, also like i was a slave to food. I still eat what I want, but I'm holding steady at about 145 lbs (almost a 20lb weight loss, I guess...but I don't really care about the number). I do love my food, but I don't make myself feel bad about eating it anymore, b/c I know I'll go run off the calories later. And run it I do!


Anyway, I just wanted to come report all this. I feel like a different person wrote this thread, and it's only been just over a year and a half since I posted on it last and 2 years since I started the thread (that first post...wow...3.5 miles on the treadmill in 47 minutes...I've made so much progress...). Crazy to think how far we can come when we really find something we love!


I've missed you! I'm glad you came back to update, I've wondered how you've been. I'm happy for you, hers

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  • 1 month later...

I am a marathon finisher. Official time was 5:17:19. Hardest thing I've ever done. I sobbed at 20 miles. I wanted to puke at 25.5 miles. My pacer and friends helped me to finish. They pushed me. It was an incredible experience. 26.2 miles done.

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