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Starting Over....again.


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^ There aren't as many GPs because medical students choose to go into specialities. Specialities pay a lot more, have more prestige, and they have better hours. So it's more desired.


A good GP is a necessity but unfortunately, hard to find. You don't want a specialist, trust me. You want a GOOD GP. A good GP will be able to get to the bottom of what's ailing you by knowing your history and by being competent himself.


Notalady, I have an aunt who lives in England. She was diagnosed with early stage breast cancer. She was treated promptly but decided she didn't like the hospital she was going to so, using her private insurance, she went elsewhere and was happy. The private insurance over there according to her isn't that expensive and it allows you more choices and to have more attentive care, like access to a GPs cell phone for calls to him when you have questions.


I would totally get that if I were over there.


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How exciting about the move in! Just realised you and Jay are coming up to one year! Time flies


And the crazy part? One year ago today I was dating someone completely different We ended on Valentine's Day...and 2 weeks later I met Jay Life is so unexpected. And...I try to tell people that when they're going through break ups...that if you let things go...if you take care of your heart and put yourself out there...you can have a completely different life in a year...I mean, I didn't believe it at the time...I guess you have to go through it, eh?


I'm so excited for this next chapter. I feel like everything is coming into place (even though it's a crazy, busy ball of stress right now )

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My suggestion is if you only have periods a few times a year, you probably need to see a gyno, not a GP. Could be a hormone imbalance or thyroid issues or PCOS or other condition that can be treated that a GP might miss.


re: feeling broody, i'm not surprised at all! Just before you started feeling broody you were talking about how the two of you were discussing baby names, and he's moving in, so you're emotionally feelings 'in a family way' even if you are not literally pregnant! So you have lots of conflicting feeilngs right now I am sure, where you WANT to be a family with him but it is scary etc. I know so many women who constantly think they are pregnant (when they're not) either because they WANT to be pregnant and settle down, or because they are terrified of it! So your mind is tricking you and you are 'over' observing normal body events and interpeting them as pregnancy due to what is going thru your head.


but i would see a gyno if your periods are really irregular. It might be something you need treatment for such as a thyroid disorder or other issue that can be treated.

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I didn't think about that chickadeedee....it probably is related to all the stuff going on with Jay. I'm projecting lol.


I have a mirena...periods are light to non existent with it...I always get period symptoms every month. I get one zit in the same spot every month, my boobs hurt, I get tired and craving chocolate...but I rarely bleed. It's just the way my body adapted to the IUD.



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Well, the healthcare system is different province to province in Canada because it's a provincial responsibility. But it's not free guys come on we pay through the butt for it in tax. Just because we don't pay upfront doesn't mean we are not paying. I remember when we used to pay our premiums to the government. Now the government just takes it out of our tax. And we are one of the more heavily taxed nations in the world to be able to provide this service.

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But it's true you can't find a GP in Canada to save your life. They all go to medical school and then run to the States where they can make more money. In Ontario what doctors make is capped off. We drive 3 1/2 hours to see our doctor because he's a great doctor and we don't dare let him go.

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I didn't think about that chickadeedee....it probably is related to all the stuff going on with Jay. I'm projecting lol.


I have a mirena...periods are light to non existent with it...I always get period symptoms every month. I get one zit in the same spot every month, my boobs hurt, I get tired and craving chocolate...but I rarely bleed. It's just the way my body adapted to the IUD.



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I've never used one of those before but when I was on the pill, it really messed with my hormones and I didn't like it at all. Nothing too serious but enough to be annoying and interrupting! So I went off it and now feel so much better and like my normal self again!

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I've never used one of those before but when I was on the pill, it really messed with my hormones and I didn't like it at all. Nothing too serious but enough to be annoying and interrupting! So I went off it and now feel so much better and like my normal self again!


Yeah, I understand. This is just my best bet for not getting pregnant...so I have to go with it. NO BABIES.



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Faraday - 2 things:


1) I've finally been off of panty liners for about a week. YAY!!!! My body finally seems to be adjusting to the Mirena. (Just in time for my date tonight! Hahaha! Joking.)


2) I had a dream last night where someone was mentioning something that I knew to be about you, so I said "Oh, you mean Faraday?" (using your actual username) and they went "Omg you know her?? She's awesome!!"

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Faraday - 2 things:


1) I've finally been off of panty liners for about a week. YAY!!!! My body finally seems to be adjusting to the Mirena. (Just in time for my date tonight! Hahaha! Joking.)


2) I had a dream last night where someone was mentioning something that I knew to be about you, so I said "Oh, you mean Faraday?" (using your actual username) and they went "Omg you know her?? She's awesome!!"


Lol, you're funny. It's neat how we incorporate things into dreams. My dad is like crazy about his lawn...he mows it twice a week in the summer, he's meticulous. I had a dream zombies happened, and he was mowing the lawn attracting them all over with the noise. So weird.


I'm glad you're finally getting used to the mirena I like the peace of mind (generally lol)

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