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Weird things in the opposite sex that turn people OFF


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I get turned off by any conversation of calories, or the call-out cathy about food. It's usually the ones on a new fad diet that feel to be the food moderators and letting you know what they think about what you're eating.



I don't think it's "weird" but I have a "few strikes and you're out rule," we're in the middle of a good conversation and I see this a few times, I'll still be nice but the interest level drops incredibly fast if not completely



Can't smoke



you're sweet, thanks




I feel much more intelligent when I have my glasses on! I always wear them if I am feeling a bit vulnerable or insecure.




Stereotypes are super super strong on a subconscious level and very hard to shift.


I used to hate wearing glasses, I started wearing them when I was 22...and now I've embraced them. I tried new frames that are kind of "out there" as a risk...and have only gotten compliments. This older lady working at the optometry store said they looked really good on me even though I wanted other ones, I went with her advice and really glad I did!

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I know this is weird, but it turns me off when the 2nd toe is longer than the big toe haha.


Ohhh you made me think of one of my own. Really long, especially if they are skinny/skeletal toes.


I'm not at all shy about feet, actually like them and can find a man's feet sexy. The long toes that can act like hands though; errm, I don't wanna give a foot massage. I feel sorta bad now. But it is a turn off.

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On the sandals with socks:


It really doesn't matter where you wear them, what matters is if you're visible with them. If you're visible in your apartment to another human being, specifically a female one, it counts against you all the same. harhar


I'm working from home today, and am totally rocking my socks and sandals. Guess all the ENA ladies hate me today

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I stopped wearing sandals the day they failed me. My grandfather wanted me to help move a COW in puerto rico. I thought i was doing a good job until it started to run, at the end of all that, the sandals were all the way up to my upper thigh and burning hot.


I dont like women who wear uggz. Actually, i dont like women who are into fashion too much. I mean, i will date them, but id rather she just be average.

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I'm working from home today, and am totally rocking my socks and sandals. Guess all the ENA ladies hate me today


Nah, if you're working it doesn't count.


However, if it doesn't fit well and looks like you borrowed it form your cousin (or worse your dad) major turn off.


Actually, that would be a turn-on for me. So that should go on the other thread as WEIRD turn-ons, ha!


A man who cleans up well is a turn-on because he's cleaning up well...if he's clean and well all the time, turn-off. heh


If you're trying to be dapper but really aren't, you get major bonus points for the flawless imitation pulled off, but even a flawed, half-assed effort that could fool an amateur like me will get ya everywhere. The main thing is to be able to morph back to regular joe as your default. Perfect.


I think I went a lil off topic there. lol

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I see a lot of suits everywhere in manhattan and in the buildings i work in. They are just another pea in the pot. Its when I and my coworkers come in with construction helmets and big tools banging and clanging that get the cute receptionists staring at us. It all depends on where you are at - because if you are the only dude in a suit, you will stand out and get looked at, just like my company's office women and the surrounding area see us coming and they roll their eyes and avoid us.


But, i think every girl i ever dated has tried super hard to get me into a suit.

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I love suits on guys. I wear scrubs when I work so I am very used to seeing everyone in scrubs. Suits are nice. My boyfriend isn't required to wear one to work but sometimes he does and he looks good.


I don't like it when guys are built like football players. That sort of bugs me. Like their bodies are upside down triangles (broad shoulders, small waists). I don't know. It bothers me.

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Here's another one: cliched romantic gestures that a guy does because he saw it in a movie or read it in a book and thinks it'll impress me. I know I'm weird, but nothing turns me off like walking into a room full of candles or rose petals floating in a bathtub. Ditto staring deeply into my eyes while quoting poetry. It makes me want to tell them to put the stupid harlequin romance novels away and talk to me like a normal human being.

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Another turnoff: big white puffy tennis shoes ala 1980s MacGyver. I tried to like that show, honestly I did, but then I'd see those shoes on his feet and the TV.would.go.off. I've never been able to relax around a guy wearing them either since I find my eyes drawn to them, and not in a good way, that overshadows everything else no matter how goodlooking the man or his clothes.

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But, i think every girl i ever dated has tried super hard to get me into a suit.


Haha, you should get a suit, it's just a good thing to have in your wardrobe. But I doubt you would ever be able to buy one off-the-rack, just because your biceps look like they might be larger than my head! lol

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