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Weird things in the opposite sex that turn people OFF


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Ugh, don't even get me started on the hipsters. What bugs me even more, are the hipsters that wear hipster glasses *and they don't even need too because they don't have a prescription*


I wore glasses for over 20 years and I was bullied mercilessly when I was a kid for wearing them, so when I see people wearing them for "fun" to be "ironic" it really bugs me.


I really don't get that either. I wear glasses too and I'd love to be able to see without them, why would anyone wear them knowing they don't need them..it's like the ultimate slavery to fashion and image conscious fakery.


It's like buying an old people's walker when you walk perfectly fine. Imagine if that becomes a trendy item

Exactly!!! I guess when you grow up wearing glasses because you actually can't see, you consider them a medical device and not a fashion accessory, well at least I did anyway


yep count me in as well ...


I wear glasses and why the hell someone wants a pair mounted in their face all day for fashion is beyond me .


Ladies, the reason everyone is trying to emulate us with the fake glasses, is because we who were mercilessly being bullied and taunted over our glasses, who felt left out of the "unflawed" glam crowd, had to develop ourselves in other ways and to strengthen ourselves as people. So we have lived up to the extra sensitivity, character, and smarts that our glasses once got us crucified over. We walked the Trail of Tears (with our fogged up glasses) and came out so unbelievably cool, creative, and brilliant behind our tormenting specs, we got something about our aura everyone then wanted and they imputed the magic to the glasses.


But we all know you can't fake the magic, right? You gotta earn it, have it burned into you from the fire. Can't fake the real deal. (and same goes for the gents with the glasses, too)

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Another turn off - women who wear big hoop earrings. I'm not sure if someone said this already...but it just angers me, for some reason. I think it looks tacky, stupid, and try-hard.


Ugh, not sure why I associate big hoop earrings with prostitutes. A major turn off for me




I have never pierced my ears (so weird, as a woman and my age, I know) and I keep thinking that I need to pick some time that's meaningful to me, symbolic to do so. I've wanted to all my life, but just have had some odd hangups about it.


The one big incentive has been that I want more than anything to be able to wear big hoops earrings. I've got a lot of non-pierced earrings, I love earrings as accessories, but you just can't have proper hoops without them going through the lobes. It's my one big goal -- hoop earrings.


So yikes, I never would have thought any men would find them a turn-off! They seem to universally feminine -- boldly feminine. I'm not the conservative, demure diamond stud earrings type of feminine.


Would it help if the girl was wearing glasses? LOL

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Lol... i am not a hipster, but i did once wear fake glasses. I was 18 years old fooling around at a store putting on glasses when some girl told me i looked cute with glasses on. So, i bought them, and i did notice a lot of women were looking at me. I dont know why, maybe it made me look less intimidating, or it made me look smarter or older, but i never forgot it- it could have been a fluke and i was just actually looking for attention as opposed to just putting my head down and ignoring everyone. Those glasses broke during a basketball game - i had them in my back-pocket and crrrrrrkkkk when i fell.

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Those glasses broke during a basketball game - i had them in my back-pocket and crrrrrrkkkk when i fell.


Shoots, I thought you were gonna say you were WEARING them during a basketball game!


Now THAT I'd like to see.


I think you should get a pass to wear fake glasses, Thor. This should probably go in the turn-ons thread, but the odder the juxtapositions, the more the turn-on. Like a guy who looks like an ex-con (I don't mean that in a bad way, haha, Thor) with executive glasses, or even wire rims. Or a construction worker wearing a beret. Or guy in a Mustang blasting Beethoven. Really stretching there, lol.

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Ladies, the reason everyone is trying to emulate us with the fake glasses, is because we who were mercilessly being bullied and taunted over our glasses, who felt left out of the "unflawed" glam crowd, had to develop ourselves in other ways and to strengthen ourselves as people. So we have lived up to the extra sensitivity, character, and smarts that our glasses once got us crucified over. We walked the Trail of Tears (with our fogged up glasses) and came out so unbelievably cool, creative, and brilliant behind our tormenting specs, we got something about our aura everyone then wanted and they imputed the magic to the glasses.


But we all know you can't fake the magic, right? You gotta earn it, have it burned into you from the fire. Can't fake the real deal. (and same goes for the gents with the glasses, too)


Thanks for this ToV, love ya!

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Lol... i am not a hipster, but i did once wear fake glasses. I was 18 years old fooling around at a store putting on glasses when some girl told me i looked cute with glasses on. So, i bought them, and i did notice a lot of women were looking at me. I dont know why, maybe it made me look less intimidating, or it made me look smarter or older, but i never forgot it- it could have been a fluke and i was just actually looking for attention as opposed to just putting my head down and ignoring everyone. Those glasses broke during a basketball game - i had them in my back-pocket and crrrrrrkkkk when i fell.


mmmmm.......ok you get a pass because you were a kid and you were doing it for a girl.


And ya, you do get looked at differently when you were glasses, I had my eyes lasered a few years ago (bought myself the gift of sight on my 30th B-day) and it was worth every penny (but then I also wasn't far off from being legally blind), and now that I don't wear glasses the attention I get is different. When I wore glasses I attracted every dude with a librarian fetish. Now I don't and it's so refreshing to know that I am attracting someone not because of the medical device on my face and fantasy in his head.

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I have never pierced my ears (so weird, as a woman and my age, I know) and I keep thinking that I need to pick some time that's meaningful to me, symbolic to do so. I've wanted to all my life, but just have had some odd hangups about it.


The one big incentive has been that I want more than anything to be able to wear big hoops earrings. I've got a lot of non-pierced earrings, I love earrings as accessories, but you just can't have proper hoops without them going through the lobes. It's my one big goal -- hoop earrings.


So yikes, I never would have thought any men would find them a turn-off! They seem to universally feminine -- boldly feminine. I'm not the conservative, demure diamond stud earrings type of feminine.


Would it help if the girl was wearing glasses? LOL


Big hoop earrings just look horrible.


I find nothing attractive about it, and most of the women I see wear them have a horrible personalities to go along with the hoola hoops on their head.

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Shoots, I thought you were gonna say you were WEARING them during a basketball game!


Now THAT I'd like to see.


I think you should get a pass to wear fake glasses, Thor. This should probably go in the turn-ons thread, but the odder the juxtapositions, the more the turn-on. Like a guy who looks like an ex-con (I don't mean that in a bad way, haha, Thor) with executive glasses, or even wire rims. Or a construction worker wearing a beret. Or guy in a Mustang blasting Beethoven. Really stretching there, lol.


LMFAO! Thor she said you look like an ex con! Didn't someone else say you look like an extra from a Drake music video? I know they're not trying to be mean but oh man am I rolling right now!


Not for nothing....this thread is almost making me wish I didn't have 20/20 vision!

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Shoots, I thought you were gonna say you were WEARING them during a basketball game!


Now THAT I'd like to see.


I think you should get a pass to wear fake glasses, Thor. This should probably go in the turn-ons thread, but the odder the juxtapositions, the more the turn-on. Like a guy who looks like an ex-con (I don't mean that in a bad way, haha, Thor) with executive glasses, or even wire rims. Or a construction worker wearing a beret. Or guy in a Mustang blasting Beethoven. Really stretching there, lol.


Well, i guess i have to wear glasses and a berret, since i can pass for an ex-con and i do work in construction.


Honestly, i do think i really need glasses now.


Also, i love women with hoop earrings. No one wears that now except 60 year old strippers- at least from what i remember. But on 80s night, a women with a slender neck and hoop earrings turn me on.

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mmmmm.......ok you get a pass because you were a kid and you were doing it for a girl.


And ya, you do get looked at differently when you were glasses, I had my eyes lasered a few years ago (bought myself the gift of sight on my 30th B-day) and it was worth every penny (but then I also wasn't far off from being legally blind), and now that I don't wear glasses the attention I get is different. When I wore glasses I attracted every dude with a librarian fetish. Now I don't and it's so refreshing to know that I am attracting someone not because of the medical device on my face and fantasy in his head.


Heeey, well i like women with glasses. I like smart women, and for some reason glasses make people look smart - but not the smart "I am better than you" look.

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LMFAO! Thor she said you look like an ex con! Didn't someone else say you look like an extra from a Drake music video? I know they're not trying to be mean but oh man am I rolling right now!


Not for nothing....this thread is almost making me wish I didn't have 20/20 vision!


They also told me i look like a player too.


When i first came on this site i stood in the breaking up forum helping people out with their break ups- that was my personal way of dealing with my break up. People thought i was Dr. Phil- when i gave some my number they were like, "huh... i didnt expect thor to sound like you?" When i finally put my pic up - a lot of people were like "...... thats the same dude giving us advice?"


Tisk... tisk.. enot.. tisk tisk...


Some women do know me off of enot, and i still look out for them to this day. I am their ex-con teddy bear.

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Some women do know me off of enot, and i still look out for them to this day. I am their ex-con teddy bear.


Haha I love it!


I've spoken to a few girls off here too. They tell me that I sound more "rough" and "edgy" than what they thought from my pics. I guess it's the New York accent (though I don't think my accent is that bad lol).

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We walked the Trail of Tears (with our fogged up glasses) and came out so unbelievably cool, creative, and brilliant behind our tormenting specs, we got something about our aura everyone then wanted and they imputed the magic to the glasses.


Oh tiredofvampires I could hug you, you just nailed the childhood trauma that forged this diamond. Although after I kicked the butt of the local bully in 6th grade I got a bit more respect after that. Never hit my friend in the face with a ball of sand and make her scream in pain, ever. Then all the guys found out I could hit a bullseye with a bow and arrow repeatedly in archery class (yes, it was actually offered where I went to school!!!!) and that was the end of being bullied. Four eyes or not, no one was going to take on a girl who could do that. Hunger Games indeed!

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When I wore glasses I attracted every dude with a librarian fetish. Now I don't and it's so refreshing to know that I am attracting someone not because of the medical device on my face and fantasy in his head.


Yeah, I have had a couple of guys saying 'keep your glasses on' during sex and I think alright cool.. but then the glasses steam up or they get in the way if he's too close and I just think, that's just not practical. But then if that's what he wants I'll roll with it.


We walked the Trail of Tears


I was overweight as a teenager, wore glasses AND braces. It scarred me. I have no documentation of those years in the form of photographs as I wanted as little material as possible.

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Big hoop earrings--just one more thing for someone to grab and rip if you happen to get into a fight. That's not an issue now, but yeah in my younger years sometimes things got rather "interesting" in the places my extrovert friends would drag me. Ditto nose and lip piercings, all I can think is "Buddy/Sweetheart, I hope you never get someone mad, because that's a spot of vulnerability sitting right there on your face."

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Heeey, well i like women with glasses. I like smart women, and for some reason glasses make people look smart - but not the smart "I am better than you" look.


I read somewhere that there was a study done once where it was found that if a job candidate wears glasses to the interview, they have a greater chance of getting the job because they appear smarter.

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Yeah, I have had a couple of guys saying 'keep your glasses on' during sex and I think alright cool.. but then the glasses steam up or they get in the way if he's too close and I just think, that's just not practical. But then if that's what he wants I'll roll with it.




I was overweight as a teenager, wore glasses AND braces. It scarred me. I have no documentation of those years in the form of photographs as I wanted as little material as possible.


Aww Quirky, I can only imagine how awful that was for you, but I totally understand how being bullied changes you.


The librarian fetish became an issue for me because it was EVERY guy that I dated/attracted. And many of the guys seemed to be kinda caught up in the stereotype, like kind of expecting that I would be docile and meek but then a sexual deviant in the bedroom. It was weird and it got old. It's like Asian women who get hit on by dudes with "yellow fever", same sort of thing.

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Aww Quirky, I can only imagine how awful that was for you, but I totally understand how being bullied changes you.


you're sweet, thanks


I read somewhere that there was a study done once where it was found that if a job candidate wears glasses to the interview, they have a greater chance of getting the job because they appear smarter.


I feel much more intelligent when I have my glasses on! I always wear them if I am feeling a bit vulnerable or insecure.


And many of the guys seemed to be kinda caught up in the stereotype,


Stereotypes are super super strong on a subconscious level and very hard to shift.

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I feel much more intelligent when I have my glasses on! I always wear them if I am feeling a bit vulnerable or insecure.


I totally get this, it's funny, when I stopped wearing my glasses i had a really hard time adjusting, I felt naked and vulnerable. It was weird. It also took me a few months to get used to the way I look without them. Like I had a really hard time looking at myself in the mirror for months. I just didn't look like me, I was very insecure about my looks during that time and almost wanted to buy a pair of cheap frames just to feel like myself again, I didn't though.

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Ah yes, the naughty librarian bit. As a girl who wore/wears glasses I got that a ton when I was younger. It weirded me the hell out until the day I fell hard for a colleague who wore glasses. Then I got what all the fuss was about. It was so weird, because I didn't even notice him until one day when he showed up saying, "Check it out, I just found out I'm nearsighted!" I nearly fell off my chair, because suddenly he was cool and forbidden and just so geekily handsome I fell and fell hard right then and there. And then of course had to give him tips on how to live with glasses, hee-hee.


Sigh, it was a great four months until he had to return to Germany where he was from.


I tried the contact lenses, but for some reason every single time no matter what they create an allergic reaction in me, so I just do the whole geek girl thing.

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quirkybumablina that is so sad ...I am sorry your years where spent feeling like that .


I didn't actually have glasses as a child ...and now I wont wear them to go out , but I need to have them constantly because I can't read anything ....I wouldnt be able to sit here now without my glasses on .


I have glasses now for distance as well , but I have never worn them yet ..they just annoy my face !! if you see what I mean .

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Guys who call girls 'hun' 'missy' 'babe' etc, makes me cringe, and SCREAMS player to me

Men with really long eyelashes and/or sparkly eyes - looks cheesy and too polished/feminine

Fake tan on men or any cosmetics

Men who wear scarves and those trendy walking boots

Men who wear designer clothes or anything with a label

Muscles (I like slim and toned but not muscular)

Guys who state their main pastime is 'The Gym'

Men who have no music knowledge or like tacky cheesy music or chart music. I like creative artistic/ indie types


there are lots more lol

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Ugh, don't even get me started on the hipsters. What bugs me even more, are the hipsters that wear hipster glasses *and they don't even need too because they don't have a prescription*


I wore glasses for over 20 years and I was bullied mercilessly when I was a kid for wearing them, so when I see people wearing them for "fun" to be "ironic" it really bugs me.


And it's cool now !

Because of my glasses I was bullied and my parents didn't allow me to play sports.


Girls with glasses (NOT hipster glasses) are a turn on for me

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I have never pierced my ears (so weird, as a woman and my age, I know) and I keep thinking that I need to pick some time that's meaningful to me, symbolic to do so. I've wanted to all my life, but just have had some odd hangups about it.


The one big incentive has been that I want more than anything to be able to wear big hoops earrings. I've got a lot of non-pierced earrings, I love earrings as accessories, but you just can't have proper hoops without them going through the lobes. It's my one big goal -- hoop earrings.


So yikes, I never would have thought any men would find them a turn-off! They seem to universally feminine -- boldly feminine. I'm not the conservative, demure diamond stud earrings type of feminine.


Would it help if the girl was wearing glasses? LOL


It probably would, never hurts to try out the combination and show us a picture



Shoots, I thought you were gonna say you were WEARING them during a basketball game!


Now THAT I'd like to see.


I always played basketball with my glasses on. I did get a few hits flat on the face but the frames I picked always survived the abuse. It did help my reaction time and my attention, always making sure nothing is coming towards my face


Yeah, I have had a couple of guys saying 'keep your glasses on' during sex and I think alright cool.. but then the glasses steam up or they get in the way if he's too close and I just think, that's just not practical. But then if that's what he wants I'll roll with it.


I was overweight as a teenager, wore glasses AND braces. It scarred me. I have no documentation of those years in the form of photographs as I wanted as little material as possible.


Always on, never bothered me too much when having sex or making out. Sure they get smudges all over, who cares?

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