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Weird things in the opposite sex that turn people OFF


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Ok these are the rules pertaining to socks and sandals as stated by me.


Socks and sandals are generally not an acceptable combination for men with one exception:


The sandals HAVE to be Birkenstock and the socks HAVE to be woolen, and they can only be worn indoors while cleaning, or outdoors while doing something rugged and manly (piling wood, building a deck, playing with a dog etc.) and only in the fall (otherwise socks would not be necessary).


Socks and sandals of any sort are absolutely not acceptable for women to wear. Ever.


Thank you

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Women with deep voices. Not, they're not trannies...they just have deep, husky voices. Having a sexy/husky voice is one thing, but women with voices that are too deep are a woody-kill for sure.


I call them 'I smoke three packs of Camel, non filters a day' voices lol

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I call them 'I smoke three packs of Camel, non filters a day' voices lol


Yes JA! I know the type. I've been hit on by two old women who had that decrepid old lady smoker's voice. When I was in MN this past September, one walked by me and said "ooooooh look at YOU, I'd do ANYTHING for you" in that husky, smokey, deep voice. Ugh... (Shudder)

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Yes JA! I know the type. I've been hit on by two old women who had that decrepid old lady smoker's voice. When I was in MN this past September, one walked by me and said "ooooooh look at YOU, I'd do ANYTHING for you" in that husky, smokey, deep voice. Ugh... (Shudder)


Is it wrong of me that I'm reading these posts and shreiking with laughter. I could just see you running to the opposite side of the road while she looks you up and down. I immediatley thought of Selma and Patty from the Simpsons.

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On the sandals with socks:


......................................................................I do that around my apartment sometimes. But I promise, I NEVER leave the house like that. Hahaha!


It really doesn't matter where you wear them, what matters is if you're visible with them. If you're visible in your apartment to another human being, specifically a female one, it counts against you all the same. harhar

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Is it wrong of me that I'm reading these posts and shreiking with laughter. I could just see you running to the opposite side of the road while she looks you up and down. I immediatley thought of Selma and Patty from the Simpsons.


lol...it was WEIRD! She even gave me this creepy, yellow-teethed smile and licked her lips as she said it. UGH, YUCK!!!!!



On the sandals with socks:


It really doesn't matter where you wear them, what matters is if you're visible with them. If you're visible in your apartment to another human being, specifically a female one, it counts against you all the same. harhar


Yeah well, I only have a male roommate right now, and I don't care if he sees me loungin' with socks and sandals lol

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lol...it was WEIRD! She even gave me this creepy, yellow-teethed smile and licked her lips as she said it. UGH, YUCK!!!!!


Ewww, I would've screamed. Gah, I've had that done to me by guys. Never thought a woman would do that, gross. Shows what I know. One night I was out with my ex-husband and some guy looked him up and down and said, "Yum," in a really kind of icky way as we walked by. Since he was staring at my ex's butt and not even noticing me we were both pretty sure it was him that was the one getting eye-molested. My ex-husband turned to me with his eyes all big and said, "Wow, now I know what you gals go through." I was like, "Welcome to my not-so-private hell."


Another huge turnoff--guys wearing skinny jeans with beatles boots, scruffy hair and horn rims. Nothing screeches wanna-be hipster quite like that outfit does and it just looks silly.

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Ah ok - I have quite a few American friends (for some reason I only see Americans do this) and they just walk into their house with shoes on!


As a Yank I am guilty of this, especially if I'm wearing jack boots. Dang things are hard to get on and off quickly.


One "new" turn off are women who obsess over volunteering and expect it from their partners too. Don't get me wrong I do things for good causes, but altruism has limits and I won't tie up all my free time to feel good.

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Ewww, I would've screamed. Gah, I've had that done to me by guys. Never thought a woman would do that, gross. Shows what I know. One night I was out with my ex-husband and some guy looked him up and down and said, "Yum," in a really kind of icky way as we walked by. Since he was staring at my ex's butt and not even noticing me we were both pretty sure it was him that was the one getting eye-molested. My ex-husband turned to me with his eyes all big and said, "Wow, now I know what you gals go through." I was like, "Welcome to my not-so-private hell."


Yeah it was pretty gross. But the girl I was with at the time and I got a great laugh over it. And she was an older woman...I find that girls my age and younger VERY rarely approach or overtly check me out. Sometimes I'll catch a girl doing it, but not that often. I DO notice, however, that men check me out quite often. I'll take it as a compliment...even though it's creepy. And like what happened to your ex-husband, they tend to be very overt and sometimes crass about it.


Another turn off - women who wear big hoop earrings. I'm not sure if someone said this already...but it just angers me, for some reason. I think it looks tacky, stupid, and try-hard.

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Another huge turnoff--guys wearing skinny jeans with beatles boots, scruffy hair and horn rims. Nothing screeches wanna-be hipster quite like that outfit does and it just looks silly.


Ugh, don't even get me started on the hipsters. What bugs me even more, are the hipsters that wear hipster glasses *and they don't even need too because they don't have a prescription*


I wore glasses for over 20 years and I was bullied mercilessly when I was a kid for wearing them, so when I see people wearing them for "fun" to be "ironic" it really bugs me.

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I live in a hipster area... i actually dont mind them. The girls are cute, but they wouldnt touch me with a 10 foot pole- though they do look at me at times (what happened to the hipsters liking all races, styles and sexes to avoid confoming? Nope... looks like conforming to me). But, we have yuppies too, i cant tell the difference.

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What bugs me even more, are the hipsters that wear hipster glasses *and they don't even need too because they don't have a prescription*


I really don't get that either. I wear glasses too and I'd love to be able to see without them, why would anyone wear them knowing they don't need them..it's like the ultimate slavery to fashion and image conscious fakery.


It's like buying an old people's walker when you walk perfectly fine. Imagine if that becomes a trendy item




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I really don't get that either. I wear glasses too and I'd love to be able to see without them, why would anyone wear them knowing they don't need them..it's like the ultimate slavery to fashion and image conscious fakery.


It's like buying an old people's walker when you walk perfectly fine. Imagine if that becomes a trendy item




Exactly!!! I guess when you grow up wearing glasses because you actually can't see, you consider them a medical device and not a fashion accessory, well at least I did anyway

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