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My Life- Thoughts and Happenings

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Just finished a stretch of working this week. No school today due to grading day.


I spent the week with some lower elementary students. A great class that did challenge me from time to time. Had to mediate some tears and misunderstandings on the playground. Had to enforce some safety rules (and one student was so mad at me that she threatened to go to the principal, lol. I told her that was a great idea).


The school counselor came through the classroom several times to see how things were going. Nice to have that support!


In the end we got into a rhythm and came to a good understanding. Some students just don't do well with change...


Today I am going to go see my son in a swim meet. He is excited because they are going to put him into one varsity race. We will see how he does, lol...


No basketball games this weekend, but two next weekend. So my son is going on a campout with the scouts.


Busy busy


I am getting excited about my brother's family visit in a few weeks.

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Back to subbing all this week. This teacher is sick with the flu- her doc tested her and she has it.


The kids are a bit unsettled having me there, but we have had some great moments too.


Today a little boy came and showed me a red wiggler worm that hitched a ride in his lunch. His family owns and operates a lovely organic farm- such a great little guy! We saved the worm, btw. It now lives in the classroom garden.

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Finally home with a needed day off!


Everyone seems to be healthy enough to work now. And I have much to do at home. ..


It has been raining raining raining here- more than usual for Oregon. Also, the temperature was in the 60s yesterday. Usually it is in the 30s or 40s during winter. Yesterday when I subbed, I didn't even wear a coat at recess!


I subbed in a classroom with older students yesterday. The teacher has these students so well trained! We eat lunch together in the classroom. After I was finished, I closed my snap-lock container- SNAP! SNAP!


All of a sudden the entire class stopped talking and froze- and looked expectantly at me for an announcement! I guess the teacher claps for their attention and indeed, the snap ware sounded a bit like that!


I showed them the container and we all had a great laugh about that.

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Sorry Vic! I know my family in Michigan and Boston area are dealing with lots and lots of snow and cold weather, and you too.


It is very strange weather here- lots and lots of pouring rain but the temperature is so warm that we are getting no snow pack in the mountains. So that will mean a very dry summer.


Silver, I hope things cool down for you soon!

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Not much going on around here- just working a lot.


My brother and his family are coming to visit from Michigan next week, so I am getting my place cleaned up and ready.


It has been just pouring down rain here- crazy amounts of water. And the wind - just wild!


Have to figure out what to do with my brother and his family if it is crazy raining out.

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Haven't had much time or energy to write here this week. I have worked almost 3 weeks straight. I have subbed in ages from kindergarten through the 6th grade level during that time. Each age group has their joys and challenges.


Monday is a school holiday, so I have a reprieve.


Tomorrow my brother and his family come from Michigan. I have not cleaned up enough around here and there is lots to do to get ready. I know they are just here to see me, and their house is often cluttered. But I want to get as much organized as I can.


I am not sure what to do with them when they come, but at least the weather is cooperating this week so that leaves more options open.

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Yesterday my son was in a big swim meet, so I zipped over there after after work. I saw him in a few events and cheered his team on. It was very exciting! one of the events was the butterfly, which he only just learned 6 weeks ago. He came in last in that race, but he did finish it! He will improve his time and results once he gets more experience.


I'm so proud of him- he has a sense of humor and he shook off the loss with grace.


He has been with his dad this week (although I have seen him several times this week ) but I was surprised to see that he got a very short hair cut just before the meet. Part of the tradition for swimmers.

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Yesterday I called my mom for her 94th birthday! Had a nice conversation with her, although she does struggle for words more each time I talk with her. I told her about my subbing adventures and she was very interested in hearing about that.


She has a Masters in Educational Psychology and could have gotten her doctorate if she had not chosen to have 6 kids...


She said my brother came to spend the day with her and I'm glad he did that before flying out here for the week.


My dad's 97th birthday is next month!

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Off to church in a little bit. I have to go to the early service this time to set up a map and poster showing all of the places in the world that our denomination is helping people survive after natural disasters. We also help with clean water and provide training for women for a livelihood for a source of income.

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Had such a great time with my brother and his family. They only came for one day and night, but they decided that they wanted to drive to the coast. My niece had never seen the west coast.


The weather was phenominal! It got up to 68 degrees and was sunny.


My brother's family had come from below zero weather in Michigan, so they were soaking it all in.


My brother is a contractor so when he got a text from a client saying that her pipes were all frozen, then he took a selfie that showed the ocean and sunny weather behind him to rub it all in...and then gave her some names of people to help her.

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