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My Life- Thoughts and Happenings

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A productive but domestic weekend- I had a lot of catching up to do after having been gone: laundry, mowing the lawn, cleaning the bathrooms, vacuuming, church, and meetings.


It is a perfect day out today so it was nice to get some yard work done in the sunshine.


I do, however, need to do my taxes. My ex is working on our business taxes and then I will have what I need to do mine...ugh...it is getting down to the deadline. If they call me for work tomorrow I will have to decline so I can get it done.

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I envy how you seem so organised and disciplined and get things done Lum.


Ha!! Actually this weekend was not the norm for me... I struggle with organization of my bills and paperwork and housework. I am not sure what got into me, but it is nice to have good results to enjoy.

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My house is messed up again. I have been working on my taxes and I lost track of where some necessary forms are. When I went out of town I stashed them in a safe spot, which I have not been able to find. Most of it I was able to get online- just have to find a statement of my insurance. I was going to finish it tomorrow but I am being called in to work. So I have to finish tonight. I am close to done.


Younger son running in a track meet tomorrow- not sure if I will make it due to work though.

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Well I found what I needed to finish my taxes. But I trashed my house in the process! It will have to wait though because I am working tomorrow and then off to watch my son run in the track meet.


But oh blech- I owe lots of money to the government... There goes my car down payment I was saving up!

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My house is such a mess. I did get the kitchen cleaned up. I got out my older son's old boom box and was going to play some cd's. There was an old Santana cd in there so I went with that. I had forgotten how music can energize you to get some things done.


Next up, some paperwork that is calling me...


Maybe some softer music for that...

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Last night some police cars were up the street from my house in the middle of the night with sirens and lights. I could hear the officer yelling at them to put their hands behind do their head and get out of the car. Then I heard a car speed off and the police sped off too, but there were two police cars left.


I found out from a neighbor that they were trying to stop a drunk driver with a suspended license and his girlfriend got out of the car when ordered but then he sped off and left her there. They didn't catch him because he was driving so crazily. They already know who he is and will catch up with him soon, if they haven't done so already.


Anyhow, a little craziness on my quiet little neighborhood...

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My cat has seasonal allergies. She loses her fur and scabs up and is all itchy. It usually starts about March every year but this year it started even earlier. I took her in to the vet and she put her back on meds. This particular med requires no eating for 2 hours before and 1 hour after taking the pill, so I have to time it just right.


She hates the medicine and I can't give her a treat for positive reinforcement. She knows the drill - when she sees me getting it ready them she will go hide under a chair. I have to wrap a towel around her so I can keep her from running off.


She has gotten skilled at spitting it out.


But she has forgiven me for now, as she is asleep on my lap...

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