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My Life- Thoughts and Happenings

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Vic- so sorry you are still buried in snow! I do remember those long winters in Michigan where you thought spring would never come! And just when you think it has gotten here, then it goes and snows at the end of April...


Hope spring comes soon for you.


Yes we have an early spring here. The daffodils and magnolia trees and flowering plums are all blooming.


Silver, hope the rain has given a good drink to your grass and plants.

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Hooray for the return of enotalone!!


Had a great visit with my nephew last weekend.


I worked a lot last week in several classrooms. Also they asked me to go through the training for the upcoming state testing, which should be interesting. They will be using the new national "Smarter Balanced" test for the first time.


My friend J came to visit last night- she texted me Thursday night to see if she could stay. She was driving to another part of the state for a concert and my place was a good stopping point.


It was an absolutely beautiful and sunny and blue sky kind of day! Had a nice visit with my friend but had to go to a luncheon at church.

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My ex called - his dad has been in the hospital. His dad wanted it to be a secret, but my ex decided to include me in on the info. I got the sense that he was looking for emotional support from me and I wonder why he was not looking for it from his girlfriend instead. Or maybe was, in addition to me. Anyhow, it was for bleeding ulcers and he was released yesterday.


I am glad that he is going to be okay!

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It was so cold this morning (frosty and in the 20s) but the sun came out and it was truly a beautiful day!


So many things are in bloom now, and more to come!


I worked in the kindergarten all week and even if they needed me tomorrow I am already scheduled for another class.


My son is here for the week. He has been doing homework like mad because the end of the trimester is next week. I wish he would put forth the effort all term, but at least he is taking it seriously this week...

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I was given a choice of working with the kindergarten again today but I was already scheduled to work in another class. I felt I should honor the prior commitment.


It was a busy and intense day in the other classroom- the girls all had spring fever! The Internet didn't work, I didn't have the password for some of the computers, and the printer needed a new cartridge. .. Students wanted me to correct their work right away but I couldn't do much because of all of the other issues.


The good things: it was sunny and warm during recess, I finally found and installed the correct the printer cartridge, and I had a great chat out on the playground with one of the moms.

And I am home now with my feet up and a cat on my lap.

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My sister called this morning- my dad is in the hospital again for the same issue he had before. My brother was with them the past few days, then my sister flew in to help. My other brother will be there this week and I am flying out for next week.


Good thing I have so many siblings.


So now we have to figure out in home help for my parents- or even if they need to move to a retirement facility.

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Thanks Vic-

He is going to be 97 in a week. He is very tired and frail.


My sister is there now, and is arranging for some home help. My brother will be there tomorrow and then I fly in next weekend, so my siblings can get back to work.


My sister was texting me at midnight last night - which was 3am her time. I think she just couldn't turn off her brain, thinking of what needs to be done. I finally had to tell her I was going to bed.


She told me that my mom didn't recognize her a few days ago. So her dementia is progressing rapidly, but her body is very healthy. My poor dad is the opposite- his body is so weak and frail but his mind is still sharp. He is holding onto life because of my mother- he has been trying to take care of her but it exhausts him.

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Well they moved him to a different hospital today- one that is in his insurance plan.


My siblings all think they should be in an assisted living place but they have been adamant about staying home. So - the other option is for in-home help. My mom balked at that but in the end they have both agreed to that. It's a start.

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Not much going on for me besides figuring out my flight plans.


I worked on laundry and recycling and shopping at Costco today. Oh, and my younger son came over to my place after his run, so I spent a few hours with him before he went off to an appointment.


It is really pouring down rain right now. Normally that would mean some flooding around the state at this time of year. But we have little snow melt this year, so the rivers have room for the extra water.


I feel sorry for the scouts this weekend because they are out camping in the rain this weekend! My son didn't go because of a track and field fundraiser today...

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A few months ago I bought a used phone so I could switch to Ting cell service- they don't provide service for my old iPhone. It is a clunker...


Anyhow, there is always a risk of buying a used phone but it worked for the last 6 weeks - until now.


It just won't charge, so it completely died yesterday. I thought it was the battery or the charger so I bought a new battery and they have me a new charger half off. But it still doesn't work!


I put the new battery in and used the new charger. It says it is charging, but the battery is slowly draining. Blech!!!


Right now my son came home for the week, so I am charging my battery in his phone so I can have a full battery tomorrow.


A friend told me about a good cell phone repair place so I am going to try to get there tomorrow. It must be the charger port.


My son thinks there is such a thing as an external battery charger. I might check into that...


I just need my cell to work

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No work today so I finally got to go on a hike with my friend C and her dog. We hiked through the woods. It was a foggy morning which made the woods seem so peaceful. On our hike we saw some trillium, tiny lillies, yellow violets, and other wild flowers in bloom.


The trail went up a steep hill, but we could hear some very happy frogs "singing" away down the hill. Must be a spring or creek down there.


C'S dog was so happy to see me!!!

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Today while shopping at Costco I was walking by a sales lady giving out free food samples. She looked in my shopping basket and saw a bag of figs. So then she started talking about how she ate a bunch of free sample prunes once and - yes she did- she talked about her resulting diarrhea. With a bunch of people getting food samples from her! I didn't want to engage in conversation and then once I realized where her story was heading I wheeled my cart away from there quickly. Wow!

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Celebrated my dad's 97th birthday with him!!


His back is twisted with arthritis and he is in so much pain. But his mind is still sharp.


Much of my visit I am doing the cooking and any heavy lifting and errands.


My mom's dementia has really progressed since Christmas. So we are working on safety issues right now.


I apparently can't leave things out because who knows where she will put them. I can't find the book I was reading yesterday afternoon.


Today I go to Costco to get some things for my parents like hearing aid batteries and new pants (my dad lost weight in the hospital) and some vitamins. This week I take my dad to the doctor. Such a different world. I am glad to have time to be here this week. My other sister comes next week.

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