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My Life- Thoughts and Happenings

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Last weekend when I went to the scout activity, amother parent brought her new puppy that they have had for a month. Such a cute and fluffy little thing, and very sweet too. It was a Pomeranian. One of the little girls wanted to walk her on the leash all day, so they really bonded.


Tonight we got news that the puppy passed away today after having aspirated a leaf or choked on something. The parent brought the body to the scout meeting because she thought that some of the kids might want to say goodbye.


At first I thought that was weird but I think the parent was thinking of the little girl that bonded with the puppy. And sure enough she was in tears. So we all paid our condolences and the little girl pet the little lifeless body. So very sad. I hugged the parent who was really grieving too.

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Well- they declined to hire me for the position I applied for but they asked me to come in to talk with them about a proposal. Hmmm... I think I know what it is but that particular position had not been posted. If it is what I think it is then I would take that job in a heartbeat. It would be helping students with math and reading, I think?

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Wow, hopefully nobody has stolen your identity. I would check that out.

Awwwww, that is so sad about the little puppy. I would've thought it weird though to bring the body to a children's event. I know my son would've lost his marbles.


I hope their proposal is the job that you want!

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Wow, hopefully nobody has stolen your identity. I would check that out.

Awwwww, that is so sad about the little puppy. I would've thought it weird though to bring the body to a children's event. I know my son would've lost his marbles.


I hope their proposal is the job that you want!


Right- I thought it was weird too. But once she got there I realized that this is how she and her family grieve. She is a physician, normally very matter of fact and stoic. She was very full of grief herself, and I also think she was thinking about the little girl. In the end I think it was the right call. And she made a point of staying off to the side to respect those who didn't wish to see the body.


As far as identity theft, I think it stops just with the charge card. My other cards seem to be fine. But I am going to double check just in case.

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Had to sub today and I will be in the same classroom tomorrow. I meet with the principal and executive director tomorrow morning before school. Yikes- a job interview! I hope it is not for the middle school age because my knowledge base is rusty for that level...


Next week I sub all week for the math and reading room. Mostly I will be doing state testing with the special needs kiddos, but some tutoring too.


Wish me luck for the interview!

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Well - I have a job in the fall. It is at the very least temporary but very possibly would be permanent if the cards fall right. They really couldn't say much more because things are up in the air but they really want me for that job and didn't want me to go elsewhere. I am fine with the temporary position for a bit, but I explained to them that longterm I want permanent so I can get health insurance.

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I subbed again today. And I sub for a different position next week all week while someone is out of town. It will involve giving the state test to some students. This will be my first time this year, although I got to do the practice a month ago.

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It is that time of year again! I can hear the little baby birds singing for their food in the nest right beside my window. Such a sweet sound.


I slept in today to try to fight off my cold and it was good to catch up on my sleep.


My son is home so I will be "guiding" him to catch up with his homework, as he is greatly behind in his lit class. He has a few papers to write. ..


My older son sent me a random text at midnight saying that he is 300% sure that his dad has narcolepsy and he had called him and was frustrated that his dad won't go to the doctor. Don't know why he thinks that is important information for me, his ex wife, and at midnight no less. And no, I don't think he has narcolepsy but my ex probably does have some kind of sleep disorder.


My older son is sometimes clueless in the social skills department, but he does make me scratch my head and smile sometimes.


A lovely day here and it will likely warm up a bit to upper 60's or low 70's. I have to mow the lawn but my house is a royal mess too. Such a choice- where to begin.

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I love the sounds of the birds in the spring too!


I guess your son felt the need to tell you because even if you are divorced the both of you are still his parents. I tell my mom things about my dad's health too even though they haven't been together in 25 years. It is because the both of them are my parents and that at one time they loved each other enough to have two children.

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I love the sounds of the birds in the spring too!


I guess your son felt the need to tell you because even if you are divorced the both of you are still his parents. I tell my mom things about my dad's health too even though they haven't been together in 25 years. It is because the both of them are my parents and that at one time they loved each other enough to have two children.


I get that.


It still cracks me up that he felt the need to text it to me at midnight. .. As if I could do anything about it anyway.


But I like the text I got yesterday, offering to make me dinner for Mothers Day.

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I finished my week of subbing. It was a great week, and I enjoyed it very much. Well, except for the computer issues and one issue with a specialist that wanted to use the room I was in.


It was teacher appreciation week so goodies were brought in every day by parents and kids. After school yesterday they had a special lunch for staff members put on by the parents. It was really wonderful, with fresh organic veggies (a few of the families have farms) quinoa salads, beautiful fresh fruit, lots of baked goods, etc.


Since I was subbing all week, many staff members asked me to join them including the head of the school. It was a bit awkward but since I have subbed about 60 percent of the time this year they wanted me there.


Ironically I was subbing on the day they had this last year, too.


I go in on Monday and Tuesday but just for a few hours each day to cover for staff members while they are in meetings.

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