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My Life- Thoughts and Happenings

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It is interesting how the dementia is affecting my mom. Yesterday my niece brought her boyfriend over for dinner and my mom was charming and talkative so they wouldn't have known she has dementia.


But she wanders around the house and can't remember what she was doing or where to find what she wanted.


If I leave things out she puts them away. Sometimes in a strange place. But on the other hand their house is very tidy!


She is having difficulty with categorization of objects. For example, all of the washcloths have disappeared somewhere. I found some in with the kitchen towels. And I also found cloth napkins in there too. And rags. My dad can't find his handkerchiefs so when she is not around I will snoop in her dresser.


I found my book in her bedroom this morning So I got it back. But unfortunately I left it downstairs again this afternoon and it has disappeared again. My dad laughed and said "Welcome to my world! "


I went to Costco today to stock them up on supplies like hearing aid batteries and vitamins and coffee.


Today my brother drove in to help my dad finish his taxes.


I have been doing all of the cooking and dishes which is fine with my mom. But she still likes to do their laundry. She spent all day in the basement doing laundry and hanging it up on the line to dry. Who knows if she is remembering to put in soap - well, she did remember for the load I saw her putting in.


They have their heat cranked way up to 73 degrees. I sweat the first night but I moved to another bedroom and turned off the heat in that room.


Tomorrow I take my dad to the doctor.

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Today I found my book - she had put it on the bookshelf with all of her books. I have learned not to leave things around where she can move them. My dad said that things get put away in odd places so he has to watch over where the bills and important papers go.


Took my dad to his doctor appointment. He has such an old body so of course there are issues. His blood pressure was only 100 over 46! His old heart is not pumping as well as it should be - but I guess that is what being 97 is all about.

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My sisters worry a lot about my mother's dementia. I think for one of them at least, the one who sees her the most, that she has been grieving for a long time because in many ways, our mother is very different through her old age.


It's good that your mother is doing the washing - even if she dies forget the soap.

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Another thing interesting about my mom's dementia- it is like her memory is being stripped away in layers. The most recent memories are going away but she still has vivid memories from years ago. She is 94, so some of her old memories are very interesting.


Yes, Silver I think it is good for my mom to continue to do what she can. She also likes to set the table, and yesterday she went out to the yard to cut some greens, which she made into a centerpiece arrangement.


She constantly carries books around with her, but I think it is difficult for her to read now.

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I had hidden some leftovers in the bottom back of the fridge so I could make some soup today. But my mom found it all anyway and put it into a pot and stuck it into the oven. But never turned it on. Oh, and who knows what she put in there- there were dinner rolls floating on top.


I made something good else for dinner and she had forgotten about the "soup" thank goodness!

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Thanks Vic! I do love my parents very much but I want them to be safe and comfortable in their remaining days/months/(probably not years...)


They are clearly enjoying my company (and my hard work). But we have to figure out a longer term solution.


My dad is hard of hearing and my mom has dementia so their conversations are annoying. "What?" " Can you repeat that? "


My mom loves to watch Judge Judy every day with the sound turned way up!

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Lol, I read Judge Judy's autobiography years ago and lived it. G could never understand that and detested her for being a "celebrity judge"




Judge Judy's husband used to be on TV too, a long time ago.


So it comes on at 4:00 here, and my mom settles in with a glass of wine. Then when my dad comes down around 5, they have a glass of wine together. Often she forgets what she just had, and simply has more. 1 and 1/2 glasses should be her limit. So my dad tries very hard to monitor her intake.


The other night she ended up drunk - probably had 3 glasses.


They have always had the tradition of having a nightly glass of wine together for years. My mom has never had a drinking problem before now. I see it more as a dementia problem.


At some point when her dementia progresses we could just give her juice in a wine glass and she would not know the difference...


Got them to walk again today. My dad could only do 3 laps today. Not sure how many my mom did but at least she came.

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My sister is here, so we made reservations to go to the Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo art exhibit. A bit of a drive, but we met my brother and sister in law there. The exhibit was fabulous!


But my mom was anxious and cranky - it stretched her patience I guess. Anyhow it was a long drive on several freeways so I assumed I was driving and got into the car. We got partway down the road and my mom was mad that my dad wasn't driving and started complaining at him.


Finally I pulled over and told her to stop fighting while I was driving. Later down the road she unclipped her seat belt and pinched my dad! I pulled over again and I told her to stop, just let it go, but and try to enjoy the outing. Fortunately she was quiet, but she stewed for a while...


By the time we got there everyone was over it and we had a nice time.


I think the dementia is reducing her to child like ways. I should not have yelled at her but it was exasperating!

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Glad to be home. My son had a great time on the Mission to Mexico trip and he worked really hard. He learned a lot about construction and he got to practice his Spanish.


My cat is so happy I am home! She slept tight next to me all last night.


Today I went hiking with my friends do C for a few hours. It was raining on us but it was not a cold rain so I was fine. Afterward I got cleaned up in the shower and I had to hurry because I had my physical this afternoon. Most everything is good- just have to go back for a tetanus shot and for my cholesterol panel.


My older son had fed the cats and brought in the mail for me. I was annoyed that he left dirty dishes in the sink and I had little ants all over my kitchen counter. I spent all morning scrubbing it up and it looks so much better.

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Yesterday I worked in a few different classes- I got there first thing in the morning but then when I went to the classroom the teacher said she didn't need me for an hour. I got some paperwork done and went in at the right time- wish that teacher were better organized...


Afterward I worked in the kinder class and the teacher went home early. Those students are just so precious!


No work today so I had a chance to do laundry and mow the lawn. There was a stray cat that actually came in through the cat door the night before and he was hanging out in the back yard. Turns out it was my neighbor's indoor cat that got out and he is an elderly guy -14 years old! My neighbor came over and coaxed him out from under the deck and then took him home.


So I only got the front lawn done before it started raining.


Then I went to my son's track meet. I took my umbrella and rain gear and a warm hat and scarf. I used it all and I still got chilled. When I got home I had a hot shower and some homemade soup.


My son wasn't happy with his running time, but he will improve as the season progresses.

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Had a low key weekend- had to do some yard work with the scouts as a thank you to the church that hosts them. On Sunday I went to the early church service for Easter. Usually I go later, but I wanted to hear the special music in the earlier service. It was really nice.


I hadn't really planned an Easter dinner but my younger son was with me and my older son said he could come over too. So at yhe last minute I cooked some Mediterranean style chicken and sweet potatoes and made a huge colorful salad With berries and cream and angel food cake for dessert. I sent my older son home with leftovers.


Today I worked in a new classroom and had a great day in there. Great kids and while a few were squirrelly and noisy for the most part they got a lot of work done. Plus the principal said they had been very quiet in the hallway with me which apparently was unusual.


I don't think I am working tomorrow so I really need to do my taxes!

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Thanks alum. Friend was telling yesterday about a farm which is about one and a half hours from me where they have vegan cooking classes. You can go stay there and also they have a cookbook which is said to be very good. I ave mailed them to enquire about their B&B tarrifs.

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