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Musings of a boring nerd


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Woohoo! Sooo...are you sure you haven't forgotten anything else you need to mention....like maybe how awesome your gf is???

Your thread is really becoming the poster child for inspiration. All the struggles and ups and downs and questions and set backs. At the end of the day you've figured out how to deal and persevere and look at the results. Wow! I hope you are giving yourself credit - you are much stronger than you think.

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Woohoo! Sooo...are you sure you haven't forgotten anything else you need to mention....like maybe how awesome your gf is???

Your thread is really becoming the poster child for inspiration. All the struggles and ups and downs and questions and set backs. At the end of the day you've figured out how to deal and persevere and look at the results. Wow! I hope you are giving yourself credit - you are much stronger than you think.


Oh, would you like me to say a bit more about how awesome my girlfriend is?


Where do I begin?

She's very kind and generous, but not a doormat. Funny, clever, with a silly sense of humour.

We think the same way very often. Most of the time when I suggest something, she's already thought of it... or vice versa. We say "Me too!" a lot.

I could talk to her for hours... I have on a few occasions.


We both like comedy films, a wide variety of music, games, we love food of all kinds, wine, art, nature, history, silly videos on youtube...


And although it sometimes feels spooky how similar our personalities are, there are enough differences to stop it being... creepy. Like how I'm a cold, cynical, scientifically-minded bastard and she's into astrology, ghosts and conspiracy theories. But then, I'm no Richard Dawkins and she isn't away with the fairies... it just makes things more interesting.


She's naturally beautiful, has such a pretty face and a gorgeous body (certain parts in particular )

Neither of us are perfect physically, but who is? She's perfect for me and I'm perfect for her.

And when we're in bed, it's like we both know exactly what the other wants, where, when and how much... maybe that's TMI. And although she's a bit quiet, sometimes shy in public, she's pretty... naughty, behind closed doors (and I love it when she's naughty


She makes me feel so content. Nothing else seems to matter when I'm with her and she says that I make her feel the same way. We feel like we were meant to be together. I feel like there must be a law against being this happy.


Yeah, she's a little bit awesome.

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So happy for you! As Dancing said - the turn around is so refreshing! You deserve every bit of happiness! I sometimes find in life once the ball is rolling on the positive front, more good things stem from it!


All the best and your girlfriend sounds just amazing.


Lo x

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It's just crazy. Around the time we met, we were both thinking we were going to be alone for the rest of our lives.

You know about my relationship history and how I was feeling. I was thinking that I should completely give up on women, I was obviously not compatible with the opposite sex, they wanted something that I didn't have...


She was feeling similar. She'd been married for 5 years (and not happily married), divorced for 4, dated a series of complete duds and was starting to feel like it was time to give up.


Then we met and after a lot of dancing around each other, eventually got together.


Just a month later and everything feels amazing. It feels like we've known each other forever. It's not just going "from bad to good", it's "from bad to perfect". She said on Saturday that she's never felt like this before, even with the guy she ended up marrying. And I've never felt anything like it.


We just fit together on every level. We're bf/gf, friends, lovers... everything all at once.

I'm very wary of using the L word, especially with somebody I only met 2 months ago, but I can feel myself falling in love with her.

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I'm finding it so hard to take it slow, and she's having the same problem too.

We feel like a pair of teenagers, in love for the first time.


On Monday I posted here: "I'm very wary of using the L word, especially with somebody I only met 2 months ago, but I can feel myself falling in love with her."


Yesterday she sent me a text saying: "...I don't want to scare u but I must confess I think I feel the L word for u in my heart..."


It's like I spent the last 20 years building up defences around my emotions and feelings, until they were a massive castle that nobody could break into. Then C came along and just walked straight through the door.

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Today could be the big day. My building society is sending a surveyor to value my apartment (well, hopefully it will be mine soon). If everything checks out and they're happy with it all, then the legal stuff begins. It's pretty much the last point where something can go wrong. I don't think it will, but... you know.


If I get the go ahead today, then the rest is just procedure.




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I might be going out for dinner with CJ and her mum tomorrow evening. I've seen her mum a couple of times and she's smiled and said hello, but that's about it. She's a quiet person apparently, plus I think she knows how important I am to CJ and wants to give us space.


She's met my family, so I think it's high time I met her mum properly.

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We had a great weekend. Me and CJ went out for a few hours on Saturday to one of my favourite places.

We took some photos, walked along the seafront, had a hot chocolate, kissed on the pier, watched the sun go down...

image removed


Sometimes I worry that we're too god damn cute, I hope it isn't a law against excessive cuteness in a public place...


Then we drove back to town, met up with her mum and had dinner at a pub that we go to a lot. It was really nice getting to talk properly and I think I got the OK . We talked about all kinds of nonsense and ate some Jamaican food, which got the thumbs-up from her mum, who's an old Kingstonian.


I took them home and me and CJ hung out in her bedroom for an hour or two... or 14. Not joking. We watched a film and talked and kissed and cuddled... and slept of course, and uh... hmm... I can't quite remember what else we did.

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Oh yes.

Part of me is dying to tell you all the details, but it's private stuff. It isn't just my sex life after all.

Let's just say that when we're in bed, we go together as well as we do when we're out on a date. Remember what I said about taking forever to eat dinner because we were talking too much? Replace "eat dinner" with "get some sleep" and replace "talking" with "bonking"...


I think it's going to take a long time before I stop saying "I can't believe how lucky I am". Friendly, attractive, funny, interesting, caring AND great in bed!

Plus she thinks exactly the same about me. I want this feeling to last forever.

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I've been doing a lot of thinking recently.

About a week ago, I realised something about the way I feel towards CJ. I realised that I still had a tiny little bit of fear, that if she broke up with me I'd never find anybody else. It's never been an overwhelming fear like the ones I used to have, but I realised that it's always been there since we got together.

And the problem is, once I noticed it and thought about it, the more I wondered about how powerful a fear it is. Was I driven towards her by fear? How attracted to her am I? Did I just grab the first person I could, to stop myself being alone?


But since then I've done a lot more thinking. And I've been told a couple of times (once on here) that I'd be a good catch for anybody. I know that my problem, before I met CJ, was confidence and I feel like being with her for the last 2 months has given me a massive boost.


I realised that if we did break up for some reason, after picking myself back up, I'd be in a good state to start dating again. Better than before.

I've got nothing to fear about what would happen if we break up.


I no longer "need" to be with her, I'm not frightened of being alone. I now "want" to be with her, for a number of reasons. I'm with her now, purely because I find her attractive and interesting and funny and she makes me happy. I just love being with her, she's amazing. I know that I make her happy, and seeing her happy makes me happy... have I used the word happy too much?


All those realisations have let me come to terms with how strongly I actually feel about her.

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Haven't been following your journal but I do recall seeing a few posts from you before over the months about trying to meet someone and your dating dilemma. Yesterday I saw on someone else's thread that you had been dating someone for two months so I came here to say I'm really happy and excited for you and hope it all goes well

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CJ asked me on Saturday if I had anything planned for valentines day. I said I haven't yet. Personally, I don't like the modern concept of valentines day, but I was willing to make an effort for her and was trying to decide what to do.

"If you haven't planned anything, then don't feel like you have to. I don't really like valentines day much. It feels so forced and commercial..."


I think I may have somehow found the perfect woman.


We're going to ignore the tacky commercial stuff going on around us, watch some dvds, eat some chocolates, snuggle, etc.

i.e. Pretty much the same as what we do most Saturdays.


I do have a little gift for her, that I started making a little while ago and need to finish off during the week. I was experimenting with heat-forming a sheet of 2mm polycarbonate (which we just happened to have lying around) and made a rose flower-head. It's quite nice and I thought I could get some narrow aluminium tubing and make a stem for it...

An indestructible rose.

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