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Musings of a boring nerd


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I keep trying to write this post but I keep getting interrupted.

It's a difficult one to write, because on one hand our date on Saturday was a pretty momentous occasion in my life and I want to shout about it, but on the other hand the bits I'm most excited about are very private and I don't want to discuss it on the internet.


Yes ladies and gentlemen, early yesterday morning... I lost my virginity.


CJ took me out to dinner and I took her to a comedy club (we seem to have fallen straight into splitting paying for dates... seems to be working ok). We had a great time and I think we'll probably do it again, definitely another item to the list of date ideas.

Then I walked her home and she invited me in. After some snuggling and kissing, she asked how long I could stay. I said that I didn't need to rush back at all... hint hint. She invited me to stay the night and reassured me that nothing had to happen. So we eventually went to sleep, although I found it a little difficult to sleep with somebody else in the bed, something I'll have to get used to...


Then at about 7am we were both awake, we suddenly felt very overdressed, one thing led to another, we... started exploring each other's bodies.


I'm sure it's not surprising for you to hear that due to nerves, it didn't go amazingly well. Although most of me was very excited, there was one part of my body that couldn't make up it's mind... if you know what I mean.

Stress, nerves, lack of sleep... it happens.

She didn't mind... We agreed that unfortunately we may have to sleep with each other a hell of a lot before we're perfect at it... oh dear...

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Woo hoo! Enjoy practicing, I think after a few times your nerves will ease up and you'll just be in the moment and enjoying the experience.


Congrats, has anyone commented or said anything? I remember having a jump in my step and felt like the king of the world

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I remember wondering if people could tell?! It was my little secret. Happy memories I don't think your first time is meant to be the best technically! But that's the fun of being in and building a relationship. I guess, from this journal anyway, that link removed is a thing to look into for meeting new folk...maybe in the New Year for me.

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And you know what the best thing is? I feel so comfortable with her. The other girls I've been on dates with throughout the last year, have always put me on edge a bit, like I've got to be careful what I say or I have to pretend I'm somebody different. With CJ it seems like she already knows what I want to say

She's already becoming such a good friend, it's like we've known each other for months. We've expanded the friendzone to fit all the other stuff inside.

We were at a meetup last night and somebody commented on the fact that we look like a couple who've been together for ages.


We're trying so hard to stay realistic and not get too carried away, we've both heard of the honeymoon period, but my god does this feel good. More than that, it feels right.

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I hope everybody had a nice Christmas day.

Mine was really nice. Very relaxing. I had some nice presents from my family, including a beard trimmer for my new face-fungus.

We had a goose for xmas lunch instead of the traditional turkey, just to see what it was like. Very nice... quite like roast lamb actually.


Spoke to Chantelle on the phone. She's missing me (Well it's understandable, we haven't seen each other since Monday) and looking forward to the weekend. Yeah... I've invited her round to meet my family tomorrow. It feels like a very big move for such a new relationship, but at the same time it doesn't feel wrong. She's very much up for it. I'm sure they'll get on very well.

It's strange, part of me feels like we're going too fast, but I don't know why. It's that bit in my head that always tells me that I shouldn't be doing something, you know... the bit of my brain that's ruined most of my life so far. But seeing as everything else is telling me that everything's fine I'm just going for it. I don't think I have to worry too much about going too fast, she seems to be up for anything I suggest and is pushing slightly harder than I am. The way I'd describe it, is that she's perfectly happy letting me lead things, but wouldn't mind if I went slightly faster.


Lot's of very complicated emotions and thoughts, but I think I'm handling it ok. We both feel so so lucky to have stumbled upon each other. We just fit together so well.


Merry Christmas.



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Yeah they know. I couldn't just invite her round without telling people a bit about her.

The plan is that I'm going to meet her for lunch, we'll have some time to ourselves, maybe some special time to ourselves back at her flat, then we go back to mine and spend the late afternoon/evening with my family. Games, films, chatting, food, drink...

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Yesterday was amazing. Probably one of the best days of my life so far.


I met CJ, we went out for lunch. Lunch was nice, we spoke some more about our pasts, her upbringing, her marriage, my home-schooling, my past relationships. I'd already told her that she was going to be the first girl I'd ever introduced to my family, so I didn't mind explaining a bit about how things had never really worked out in the past.

Then we went back to her place for some alone time. Due to some delays we didn't get there until 2:30 and I'd said we'd be arriving at my parents place at 3pm. We were both gagging for it, but the thought of rushing to get settled, have sex, clean up and get dressed again in 30 minutes didn't feel appealing.

"Leave this to me!" I grabbed my phone and sent a text "Going to be an extra hour. hope thats ok, see you at 4", reply: "fine. needed a bit more time to sort things out anyway. take your time".

I turned back to CJ

"Using my magical powers, I've taken our 30 minutes and changed them into 90" "Oh, my hero!" "What trick would you like me to perform next?" "Have you got one that gets all our clothes off really fast?"


90 minutes disappeared really quick. We had a very intimate, very sexy time together. We're still getting used to each other in bed, so things are obviously still a bit awkward, but getting better. Let's just say that on a technical level, we're improving well, and on an emotional level, we're going through the roof.


Oh yeah, and to cut a long story short, I told her that she's my first (she asked about my first time). She said she felt honoured and really happy that I chose her and said that she'd guessed wrongly that I must have been quite experienced, because I seemed to know exactly what to do and when to do it. All I can say, is that it's just obvious what she wants me to do and I really want to do it. This may be TMI (but I'm quite proud about it), but she said that I'm much better with my fingers than her ex-husband ever was.


Eventually we managed to disentangle ourselves and go to my parents place.


She met my parents, sisters and dog.

Obviously they all got on really really well, as I knew they would. We had a great evening, my sisters want to be friends with her (my younger sister didn't threaten her once!), the dog behaved extremely well and my dad didn't say anything embarrassing. There wasn't any embarrassment for anybody actually. We had some nice food, we talked, we played a couple of games, CJ told some incredibly funny stories that nearly killed my mother.


Just... the best day ever.

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This is probably the first time I've ever been looking forward to new years eve.

Me, my sisters and my lovely lady are all going to a very fancy, vintage themed new years party. Swing music, cocktails, 20's-40's themed dress code....


Chantelle found out about it back before we were dating and suggested it to me. It's at a big concert hall in town, with a jazz concert to begin, then dancing and general partying. I got the tickets and gave my sisters theirs as a surprise christmas present. Obviously I let them know a few details before Christmas day, because I didn't want them arranging anything else for new years, plus I know ladies need lots of time to sort out their outfits. But it was still a surprise and I'm now considered the best brother in the world.


It's going to be great. I've got a slightly-old-fashioned-looking tux (it's brand new, but in a sort of retro style, it'll do), the girls have got some very nice outfits. Lucy in green, Emma in red and Chantelle in black. I'm looking forward to walking in with three lovely ladies, I'm not used to making male bystanders jealous.

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Blimey, what a year it's been.

I just took a look back and found the last journal post I made in 2013: #322 on page 33

This one will be #838 (unless somebody posts first). Wow, over 500 posts this year.


Moving out, discovering myself, two camping trips, online dating (mostly a waste of time), offline dating, photography trips, hundreds of meetups, a great summer in general, moving back in again, home buying, meeting Chantelle, Christmas, New Year...


2015 has a tough act to follow, but I've already got a few things to look forward to.


This will probably be my last post this year, got lots to arrange for tonight, so happy new year ENA!

See you in 2015!

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Last night was great.

Great music, nice venue and we all looked great in our 20s and 40s themed stuff, I'll see if i can get a picture of us for you to check out.

You'll never believe this, but I actually danced... although not out on the dancefloor. We found a slightly quiet area where we wouldn't be watched and had a go. I'm not as bad as I was expecting and Chantelle thinks I'm a natural. We're going to find some beginners swing dancing classes and have a real go at it.


Oh and we did an incredibly cutesy thing to see in the new year. There was a guy on the main stage doing a countdown, when he got to 2 we had a lovey-dovey kiss that went between 2014 and 2015. We're both feeling so excited about this new year.


I am just so happy.

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I haven't been on here much or following anything, but I've just read a few of your last posts and man, a massive congratulations is in order!




Wow, she's lovely! All the best and I'm very happy for you, you deserve someone special!


All the best,


Lo x

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Thanks. She is really lovely, in every way.


By the way, you know how relationships slowly build up and it can be a bit difficult to say when one began? Well, we decided that we're going to count the start of our relationship as the evening we had our first kiss, because that's when it all really started. That makes tomorrow our 1 month anniversary!

I can't believe it's only been a month. It feels like I've known her forever.

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Had a really crap couple of days, my mortgage application was rejected on Thursday and I have to resubmit. Then I had to take my car to the garage for a service and MOT. Along with a few other things, it turned out that there was a pretty serious problem with the brakes which I needed to get sorted and it all ended up costing me £600.


Then I went to CJ's place last night and she just magicked all my troubles away.

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Oh I forgot to mention. I went for a session with my counsellor last night. It was the first one since the end of November (before I met CJ) and...... my last.


I made the decision that it's time to stop having regular sessions and she thinks the time is right too.

I told her about my new relationship and how great everything's feeling, how I feel able to work out my own problems. There is a money side to it as well, she is expensive, but I feel like now is a good time to end.

It was a little bit sad. I've been talking to her about my problems for the last 15 months and she's been brilliant.


It was the last few minutes that got me feeling all emotional. I'd been talking in my usual sort of way, about the last month and how I felt I had progressed, how I felt about the future. It felt like a standard sort of session. Then I kind of... ran out of things I wanted to talk about. I felt like I'd reached the end. I looked at the clock: 15 minutes to go.

As far as I remember, it was the first session in the entire 15 months when I hadn't run out of time. The first time she didn't have to say "I'm afraid we're going to have to end in a couple of minutes..."


It felt like our sessions had been one continuous 15-month-long conversation, we'd reached the end and it was time to say goodbye. We talked for a few minutes about how I felt generally about our sessions, how I felt I'd improved, etc. And that was it. She said that I can always email her and arrange a one-off session, if I ever feel like there is something I really need to talk about. But yeah, it may be that I never see her again.

I thanked her again, gave her a hug and left.


I really feel like she helped me a lot. I'm so glad I decided to give it a go that time. I'm going to miss her. Although I know that she's a professional counsellor, she's always felt like a friend. I suppose it's just that she's very good at her job.


So... The end of regular counselling, the beginning of something new!

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