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Musings of a boring nerd


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lol....glad you are making the rose for her. This is one of those where you have to read between the lines. She asked you about v-day, you promptly shot her down with "nothing". So she decided to go with it and claim that yeah it's just so blah blah blah.....in reality she is really hoping you'll do something and surprise her. The rose sounds really cute and romantic. Be careful about getting too comfortable with doing the "usual" though and getting into a boring rut. These holidays serve us all as a reminder to get out and do something special with each other from time to time. Shake up the routine once in awhile.

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lol....glad you are making the rose for her. This is one of those where you have to read between the lines. She asked you about v-day, you promptly shot her down with "nothing". So she decided to go with it and claim that yeah it's just so blah blah blah.....in reality she is really hoping you'll do something and surprise her. The rose sounds really cute and romantic. Be careful about getting too comfortable with doing the "usual" though and getting into a boring rut. These holidays serve us all as a reminder to get out and do something special with each other from time to time. Shake up the routine once in awhile.


Great point.


I especially like staying in on the big days - New Year's, V-Day - and on other days, finding new adventures.

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Love the indestructible rose idea!!


You don't have to do anything or go out on v day, but DF makes a good point about getting too comfortable doing the routine and risk getting into a rut. Good to go out and do/try/experience different things together, will also help build your bond

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We do try to spend time doing different things. Museums, photography walks, meetups, eating out, we even went shopping once...

It's just that it's a bit difficult thinking up things to do together, when you're both technically broke and its the middle of winter.


We're planning to to go to a nearby park to see the deer if the weather isn't too bad, not sure what we'll do if the weather's crap.


When I said "the same thing we do most saturdays" I meant saturday evenings. Most of the saturdays in the last month-and-a-bit have been spent doing something interesting during the day, then going back to her place when the urge to rip each others clothes off becomes too great.

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Disaster has struck. The plastic I was using to make the rose for CJ has degraded, the protective film to stop it getting scratched has somehow reacted with it. It's completely lost its workability and there are bits of protective film welded to it. It has been sitting in a shed for 4 years, so I suppose these things happen...


Plan B. Origami!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had quite a mad weekend.

On Friday me and CJ suddenly decided to go to London for a day trip on Saturday. She's always wanted to take me, to show off her local knowledge.

We got the 5AM coach and got there for about 8:30

Took some pictures outside the Albert Hall, had a look around a couple of museums (we hardly touched the V&A, you'd need a whole day to see it all), wandered the Camden markets and bought some crap (a.k.a souvenirs), walked through Leicester Square and Trafalgar Square, took some pictures on Westminster bridge and then rushed back for the 7.30 coach home.

I couldn't have done it without her. It was amazing the way she knows her way around and which buses to jump on.


Loved it. We're planning to go for a weekend sometime, to try to see some of the hidden gems she knows about.

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Yeah I think everything's ok.

The apartment purchase is still being delayed. I keep prodding them, but all I can really do is wait. I was told that things were nearing completion about 2 weeks ago... then nothing.


Me and CJ are fine. I feel like we're starting to settle down a bit now.

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Usually up to 3 months is the extreme ga-ga infatuation period....the 'I can't believe this is happening to me!" Then after that...they usually dumped me!! lol After that, the next stage lasted up to a year...for me anyway. Then the guys would think...CRAP..it's been a year...I gotta SHEET or get off the pot!


And they'd get off the pot!


I'm glad you had a great experience in London. Was there once....and really, knowing what buses to get on was a real challenge. I paid for my son and i to get pedaled around the London sites! My 14 year old son said that was the only part of our two week trip he liked!!!

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Yeah, not too long ago I was dying to see her all the time. I couldn't think of anything else.

I'll be happy to see her on Saturday, but I don't feel like I'll explode if I don't see her right now. I feel much more comfortable.


We've made plans for the whole weekend, I'm looking forward to it, she's looking forward to it...

I know we'll have a good time, but there's no rush.

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Good job Peter! It's a better place to be at...but i always liked the 'I can't WAIT to see him' stage! I guess that's why I'm basically single...drive the guy's nuts! ugh


What are you doing this weekend? I'm driving 6 hours to go to an Aunt's and Uncle's memorial service. Died close together. They had a kid i grew up with, that i liked. So going to see her. But first i had to buy a new van....one that could travel 6 hours! Got it home and parked it. Drove my old van. 2 days later, as i was driving to bf's house...I hit a deer!


Dang! First time in my life...and so glad i had my old van and not my new one. sigh. I woulda cried.

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Oh yeah I still can't wait to see her, but it's not like it was a few weeks back. Two weeks ago I sent her a text on Thursday and arranged to meet her after work (even though I was tired out), because I hadn't seen her since the Monday and would have died if I'd had to wait until Saturday.


We're doing two photography group things: a meetup for chatting, drinks and a buffet tomorrow lunch time and a photo walk in Bath on Sunday.

Plus we're going out to a stand-up comedy/film night tomorrow evening.

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Not a lot, we were both tired from work and had to be up for work this morning...


We went out for dinner at a pub near her place. Then we went back to hers.

I fed her chocolates while we watched a DVD, the same film we started watching 3 months ago...

This time we missed most of the first half... we were a bit busy.

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