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it is. And in my last relationship the guy cheated on me twice (probably more than that), lied to me all the time, put me down... I was an emotional doormat, lol. So CS had a lot to work with when it came to my trust when we started dating and he had been hurt a few times as well. It's just one of those siutations were everything is magnified. You know I don't drive myself crazy with where he is or who he is with becuase the 4,000 miles would just make that siutation a WHOLE lot worse.

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My last relationship was the same way too! I told Alex straight out that if he lied to me, I couldn't be with him. It took a lot to get me away from the state of hyper-independence that I went into just to survive. CS is committed to you, so there would be no point in putting silly ideas in your head


Our boys are awesome.

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Thanks RW!


I would really like this job but I"m not getting my hopes up about it. In some ways it would be a pain (probably a pay cut, going to first shift which would cut into mine and CS's talk time down drasticially). But I"m jsut not even going to think about it until I know if I got it or not.


So I was craving a pizone tonight, figured I'd pick one up after work. Drove to Pizza Hut after placing my order and what did I find out? I left my debit card at home. >.


We are down to less than 3 months until CS arrives! Which means tomorrow is the 3 month mark until our wedding.

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I had a pretty relaxed day.


Woke up about 9ish and managed to nap for additional 40 mins before CS woke me up by calling on Skype. We talked for a good hour before I let him go eat dinner and me eat lunch. Brittney brought Tyler back over today so I spent some time with him. God he's getting to be a porker, lol. I had him in my room waiting on CS to get back on Skype and what does my darling nephew do? He does a poop like nothing I had ever seen before. I heard it, and since I have changed 1000s of diapers I knew it was gonna be bad but OH.MY.GOD. I don't see how poop got in some of the places it did! It was literally half way up his back, under his little sack (TMI, I know. Believe me, it was too much for me and I'm his aunt!).. it was just everywhere. It literally took me 10 mins just to get him cleaned up. >.


So after I got the poopy baby cleaned and handed him back to mom (I liked how she was absent for the horrendous poop), CS and I talked again for about another hour or so on webcam Skype. I'm really enjoying the webcam. Even if he is playing Call of Duty and I"m surfing ENA (I really don't have a life people) and not necessarily LOOKING at each other, it still feels like we are in the same room. And all we have to do is look to the computer screen to see what the other is doing.


Then I went to work for 4 hours (a waste of a 20 min drive if you ask me...)


I got home and decided to use up some of the rum I had left over from the party Saturday (okay, I still have half a bottle mind you) and I made some strawberry daqs. I got SVU playing on Netflix (although I'm thinking of watching Alice in Wonderland) and I'm going to work on some scrapbook pages tonight I think. I'm in the mood to scrapbook. Too bad I have a very expensive hobby. Grrrr.... (this is also a slight hint for if my loving fiance wants to get me anything for Christmas


Mom did just come in here and tell me Tyler is running a slight fever. Poor baby. We'll have to keep an eye on him tonight. I suppose that would explain the God awful poop though in a way....

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I have had a pretty crappy day...


First it was me getting annoyed over someone I shouldn't have become annoyed over. But it's funny the way we women are. I'm confident and sexure in my relationship but dammit I can still have my moments! Ont op of that Tyler was in a mood today. I think he had a tummy ache (he would only stop crying if you had him on your shoulder or lying accross your knees) or he was missing his mom and dad. Not sure but he rarely stopped crying. AND I got to do another massive poop diaper. Come on Tyler, have some pity on your aunt!


Then I got to work and before I had even walked into the door what happened? I was told I had to clean A hall's dayroom. Who is suppose to do A hall's dayroom? 1st shift. Apparently they were leaving early but oh, while I was cleaning she was outside on break soooo why couldn't she clean the dayroom??? Yeah. I was annoyed.


Then of course I talked to CS while he watched a football game and he calmed me down. He always has had that ability....


And then it happened again. I was on E hall cleaning their dayroom when I hear a page for housekeeping. Okay, so I call the page. It's the ICU, they have a patient coming an dneed a room cleaned. Okay, I have 4 daysrooms to do BY MYSELF, I tell them I doubt I'll get over there but I will do my best. I hang up and a min later they page me AGAIN. Different nurse, same area wants to know can I clean a room. At this point I'm just like F it and told them to let me page the floor tech and see if he could help me. He can but it will be a while before he gets up there so I recall them and let them know I will be down there ASAP. I want you to know they paged me 7 more times before I was able to get down there. I was pissed. I was BEYOND pissed. Gah.


It's all okay though, I got my pizone from Pizza Hut. Hahahahaha.

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OG, I'm late in responding to the tax issue, but in 2009 >$91,000 was exempt from tax for US citizens living abroad. There's certain requirements though.

Here's more information: link removed

Go to page 11.


Thanks Greywolf. I know my tax guy said you are exempted from having to pay taxes if you make less than like 80,000 and are in the country for only 330 days or something. He's suppose to getting me the full stuff so I know where we stand since they covered a guy who was living in England last year (although he was an American working for an American company).

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Can someone please explain the lure of Black Friday to me because, I just don't get it.


Who wants to camp out in front of a department store up to 6 HOURS before the store opens just to be the first in line that morning? Okay, if they were giving out lap tops for like $50 I would be there but, come on! Most of these giveaways still cost over $100 dollars! It's like the biggest scham in the world to get people to spend money! I love a good deal just as much as the next girl but I'm not going to be almost killed for it! Anyone remember that poor guy that got strampled last year on Black Friday? Who the H wants put on their tombstone they got stampeeded to death by a bunch of greedy Americans? Thankfully I don't work in the public this year, although I do have to work a four hour shift that day. Def. going to be taking some back roads to work...


I also just realised I'm FINALLY off for one of mine and CS's anniversaries this month (our 9 month is this coming Tuesday). Woohoo!!!


It's also looking like (we are praying it won't) we have to push filing for the visa application off until April 2012 which yes, would put me moving over there much later than we want. All because of some stupid income rule. Okay, I can understand the whole having to make a certain amount (which CS does make it) but how crazy is it to have ar ule that you have to have x amount left over every week in order for me to be able to move over there when living is more expensive over there. Really? Maybe we'll find a loop hole or something. Damn immigration...


My sister also told me today Tyler weighs 14 lbs. What a porker, lol

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Did you guys get an immigration attorney over in the UK, to help you navigate through all the complexities and loopholes you need to jump through when you emigrate there?


Sometimes it helps to have the advice and help of an immigration attorney to find loopholes and make the transition process smoother for you and CS.

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I have the best fiance in the world. He asked me today how I wanted to get my Christmas gift (which, we had agreed not to do Chrismtas gifts to each other this year) and he was adament about giving me one. So what is my loving fiance getting me? About $70 and his stipulation was I HAD to use it to buy scrapbooking stuff, I couldn't spend it on anything else.


I love this man for supporting my insane scrapbook hobby, lol

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My heads hurts. Blah.


CS and I talked via video today for a good two or three hours. Since it's a Friday and he doesn't have to work tomorrow I asked him to stay on a little longer tonight (and since I have to work this weekend. Grrr). Another good talk today. We had one minor tift but in the way of us it quickly boiled over and we were laughing again before long. I got a shot of him as we were saying goodbye where he looks abosolutely handsome, I'm thinking of posting it on facebook.


I scrapbooked some tonight, worked on this previous Easter. I think that's what gave me the headache really. It's comforting thing but hunched over a piece of paper cutting out small things for a long time starts to get to you. 0.o I may work on some more later but the way I feel now I feel like I could nap.


My cat Jasper has been a pain today. I just wish he would sit still!

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