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The BellaDonna, Get off Your Ass Journal


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I've been staying on track. No free day yet this weekend. There wasn't really any food that tempted me to "cheat" on my eating plan. tomorrow I have a b-day party to go to so I might use that as my free day/free meal depending on whether the cake is chocolate or not.


I'm nothing short of exhausted. I worked an extra day this week- had a jam packed schedule- and I had to go to the gym so late at night that I ended up closing the gym- by the time I finsihed it was 5 minutes before the place closed. I've never been there that late before and I noticed it was harder for me to fall asleep due to working out so close to bedtime. I hope to have a less hectic week next week.


I am DREADING turning the clocks back for daylight savings time adjustment. I really don't do well when it gets dark so early in the afternoon. I like having some daylight left when I come home from work so I can take a walk with my son or do yard work. Once it gets dark early I won't risk it with all of the coyotes in this area. It sucks.

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I feel you Bella. Today: sunrise - 6:26, sunset - FOUR THIRTY. Boo. On the other hand I was hating waking up and walking to my office in the dark. I'll eventually get squeezed both ways: dark on my way to work and dark on the way home. By the way, just looked at the forecast for today and this afternoon we're having rain/snow. It'll be on you soon, Bella!


You're doing so well on with BFL. Good job!

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^There were traces of the white stuff on the ground this morning!!!! I wasn't happy to see it. lol


It looks as if my exhaustion finally caught up with me and now I am sick with a nasty cold. Thanks goodness for Dayquil and Nyquil or I would not be able to get out of bed.

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I'm trying to avoid a doctor visit over this but I might end up there if this continues. I am completely unable to breathe through my nose at all, at this point. Over the counter medication, Vicks, saline rinses, steam- none of that is even putting a dent in it. no breathing = no sleep and also = no workouts

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Thanks metrogirl. I'm sure you can relate when I say that one of the things I learned when I became a mom (that was rather shell shocking to be honest) is that you really are not allowed to be "sick" when there is a little one in the house. As much as I wish I could spend the day in bed tomorrow, that will not happen. There is no such thing as rest and recuperation lol. So now any illness I get usually lingers longer. Scheduling a doctor visit is another nightmare since childcare needs to be arranged. So I'm hoping I kick this quickly and naturally.


Sorry for my whining. I needed a "waaaaaaaaaaah I'm sick" sniffle sniffle moment

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I have a cool mist humidifier that takes the Vick's oil turned on. It helps a little at night. I will try the hot steam with the Vicks in it from the stove.


My grandmother had a method that worked well with putting a cloth in the oven and heating Vicks on it to place under your shirt. Even her method didn't work for me today.... waaah

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I am feeling a little better. I'm able to breathe better to sleep at night at least. I've had almost no appetite though so I've been forcing myself to eat and drink a lot of decaf green tea. I at least don't have to worry about falling off track with food. But I have not been to the gym in a few days and I am starting to feel like mush. I'm not ready to go back yet because I still can't breathe very well so I have been doing yoga from home but it is not the same as getting on a cardio machine or lifting weights.


I feel like if I had one day in bed I could probably kick this for good but unfortunately my lifestyle does not allow for that. Today is definitely better though.

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I feel a lot better today. I think I am well enough to hit the pool at the gym later on.


Last night I semi-indulged in banana bread (small piece). I walked into the house and it smelled amazing. My husband decided to make some- but his recipes are not always as healthy as mine. He did use wheat flour and dark chocolate chips so it wasn't as bad. I'm sure he used real sugar though. Oh well it was delicious! There was no way I could smell that aroma and not have a piece. Besides it is a rare thing for my man to bake so when he does I must sample it. lol

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I've been staying on track with my diet. I never made it to the pool last night though. It's no surprise to me that I am sick and sluggish right after the time adjusment for daylight savings time. I always have a difficult time during this season and hate that it gets dark so early now. This weekend I am going to hit the gym at least once and also start on some major yard work because I need to be outdoors. Raking is a very good upper body workout. -Especially since I have about 3ft. of leaves in my yard. It's always a huge task.


I felt happy this morning because when I saw my mother before heading to work she bascially complimented me that she can see a difference in my shape since I've been going to the gym (she specified further ......mainly my butt looks more toned- "thanks mom" lol)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm still here.....just been falling off the wagon a little. My eating hasn't been that great for the past 2 weeks (not terrible but a few to many nights of take-out due to lack of time) and I have not made it to the gym. I am feeling squishy and the waist of my jeans is tighter. I feel it and I don't want to look at the scale.


I am being slammed at work with a ton of new duties, my little guy is starting preschool soon so I have been on visits to the school with him in my free time to get him comfortable there before his first day. I have been tired with the Daylight Savings Time change and hate that it is getting dark so early. I've been hibernating and emotional eating at night.


I could have went to the gym today but chose to clean instead.


Bascially I am putting myself last and need a kick in the ass to get back into a good routine before I fall into the holiday void of bad eating and excuses.


Let me have it, readers. I need motivation to get off my ass!!! Don't be easy on me.


I have to get to the gym tomorrow. No more excuses.

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Emotional eating is hard, but instead of snacking on sweets substitute it with almonds, cherry tomato, cucumber, celery sticks or carrots. Push yourself to be there first and foremost for yourself and if you're happy, others will have a better and happier BellaDonna! So there might be dust for another day, who cares - you are more important. Remember some of your best workouts and how great you felt after them. You know you've got it in you, you have done it in the past and you can and will continue to workout hard, because motivation is not a problem for you, just don't think about it. Get out and do it. Go to the gym, take your son with you (if there is a children area at your gym) and he can play while you exercise.


Get your pretty Italian butt out from the house and right into the gym! Think positive, be positive and act positive! You've got the energy, and you can do it. You will do it!

You have no idea how much I'd love to have a day in the Gym with some eNA members, I'd love to just work them out so hard, that they would be so tired they'd fall asleep as soon as they hit the bed! Then be brutal and wake them up for a 6am bootcamp class!


Why are you still reading this? Get out and GO to the gym!!! (In a scary Jillian Michaels voice - but with a petite smile lol)

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I definitely burn calories when I clean. I usually will clean the entire house in one day (at least 5 hours worth), including vacuuming, mopping, carrying laundry up and downstairs in between. I am usually dead by the time I am done lol.


Today's workout was another lifestyle workout. I raked for 4 hours and bagged leaves. Only half of my yard is done. grrr I already feel sore so I'm sure tomorrow morning won't be fun. Raking is a really good upper body workout and bagging leaves is like doing one million deadlifts. I try to make a conscious effort to hold in my core the entire time and switch sides so I have an even workout.

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Glad your getting back on track. I don't know how you do it. I started my diet and workout yesterday. Today was the second day. The good thing here, is that though I've cut back substantially, I still eat my sweets when I want to--just in very small doses. Working out has been more difficult for me. The holidays makes it hard for everyone to stick to diets. ugh.

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I've been so bad about getting back to the gym since my last trip there on 11/24. I just don't know where to find the time. Work is crazy, so many things to do around the house, holiday shopping, visits to the preschool to get my son ready to start there, and just about all of my appointments are this time of year(general doctor, eye doctor, dentist ) Any free time I had is now consumed with those things. When I have an hour to spare, I flop down dead and try to clear my mind.


I have been active around the house with cleaning and yard work but it isn't the same as HIIT. I must go to the gym tomorrow night and get on my favorite butt-toning machine.


On the days I can't get there I need to really focus on my eating. Work is half of my problem. Everyone there is doing this delicious holiday baking. It is SO HARD to resist. I promise myself I will be very good in January I just hope my slip ups now don't do me in. I need some will power. Just from not keeping up with the gym I already noticed I lost some of my biceps and my stomach is less tight. I feel it when I sit. HATE IT!!!!


I did buy some weight watchers ice cream bars to satisfy my chocolate cravings at night. I need to keep healthy foods and "lesser evil" choices around so that I stay on track.


My eating was very good today but I was also hungry all day too. My stomach is back to feeling like a bottomless pit and I am always hungry. It is stress. Evil cortisol!!!

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I went to the gym tonight. I closed the place, leaving 5 minutes shy of their closing time. I was there for over 2.5 hours....making up for lost time.


30 minutes HIIT cardio on the crossramp machine


30 minutes weight training: biceps, shoulders, calves, hip adducter, laterals


15 minutes abs- captain's chair, reverse crunch machinem, floor crunches


10 minutes yoga, stretching


30 minutes free style swimming


15 Minutes hottub- obviously not exercise but so good for stress relief!


I feel so much better now that I went. I'm sure I will be a sore dead duck tomorrow.

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