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The BellaDonna, Get off Your Ass Journal


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Petite, your post about the mint leaves later reminded me that I had a pepperment herbal pack in my freezer. It is a small pillow filled with herbs. Between the vick's and putting the herbal pack in the microwave and applying the heated pack to my eyes while laying in bed- I was able to breathe temporarily and long enough to fall asleep last night. So thanks for that!!!


I felt like a truck ran over me in the morning though so I'm on Dayquil and Ibuprofen 800mg to deal with a pounding sinus headache that turned into migraine. Then I went to the chiropractor. I had intentions of going to the gym this morning but I could not even function with the headache so I never got there. grrrr


Hopefully this too shall pass.

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Feeling slightly better. Still not 100%.


I have been eating very healthy though and drinking a ton of water. I can see my stomach is a little flatter and I haven't had any bloating from eating bad food. I know I would have even better results if I just was able to start working out hard again and doing some HIIT. My throat still hurts a lot and I worry that if I overdo it I will have a setback with getting better. I want to hit the pool but my ears hurt and pop a lot. This nasty cold moved from my sinuses into my chest and led to some of the worst coughing attacks I've ever had while sick. It's slowly but surely going away. What's left of it is a very sore throat from all the damage of the coughing.

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Ugh. Being snowed in with a 3 year-old is more draining than a 12 hour HIIT workout.


I don't think I have an ounce of energy left. I wasn't able to take him outside in the snow because I am still sick & worry it would make me worse if I did.


So we went from DVD's to puzzles, to crashing trucks, and singing, and 7 million other activities to make the day pass.


I did break a pretty good sweat from running from my kitchen into my living room and letting him "ride" on a blanket while I pulled it (I've been reduced to a carriage horse or a mule). Then we had to play "airplane" which means he flies on my legs while I lay on the floor- like a reverse crunch +40lbs. This house is a circus.


Although I enjoyed the day it was nothing short of exhausting. It reminds me why I never went into early childhood education or decided to be a stay at home mom. I give credit to anyone that can be in toddler land, snowed in for 7 fulls days a week. After one full day I am ready to drop dead. Not being able to go outdoors leaves to much time for children to get "bored" and not burn energy. It's so much better when I can take him different places and let him run around outside. Today was insane! lol


On the weight loss front: I seemed to have lost 2 more pounds since my last weigh in, probably from being sick.

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Today's Gym Workout


30 minutes HIIT cardio on cross stepper


20 upper body weight training


stretching 10 minutes


Ugh- I got really tired during the weight training. My absence at the gym over the holiday season caused my arm muscles to turn into mush. I couldnt use 15lb free weights I had to use 10lbs. I will work my way back up.

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So I made it to the gym 2 times last week, which was short of my minimum of 3 times a week. I had to work late twice and screwed everything up, then we got a blizzard. I am hoping I made up for it a little today because I cleaned all day- complete with mopping and vacuuming and scrubbing- moving furniture (about 6 hours of it!) .


I have been eating well. I allow myself one cheat meal a week. I had a chocolate craving tonight so I decided to indulge it and make that my "cheat" this week (3 Lindt truffles) I weigh in on Sunday mornings. I expect I probably didn't lose anything due to the gym situation.

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Stuck home today and tomorrow because my son's preschool closed due to the snow. He also has another cold from school so it would not be good for him to go outdoors. It's absolutely maddening. I understand what drives people to bang their heads into walls sometimes. ](*,) It also reminds me why I can't be a stay at home mom.


My job is always the one to suffer in these situations too, despite being in a 2 parent household. It must be nice when being able to go to work every day is just "a given". No matter how many women enter the workforce and excel in it- some old and crippling sentiments just never die it seems. It doesn't matter how vital your work is- it doesn't matter if you have an advanced degree..... A "mother" always has to sacrifice all other aspects of her personhood to be the caregiver to stay home on a sick day or snow day. At least this one does- I don't know how it works for the rest of families, but I suspect the same. I envy the freedom of being able to go to work every day without a 2nd thought, and not being the one to dea lwith the consequences of school closings, etc.


I hate this winter so far. Everything after the holidays has sucked. I am so ready for Spring and it is only January. I'm not saying I don't enjoy my son- but 12 hours of being in 3 year-old land 2 days in a row with no break and knowing I have crucial work to be done to meet a deadline at the office is enough to make my head spin in circles. I go stir crazy. On top of that- my gym also sent a notice that they are closed due to the snow. I hate snow.

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Grrr.....for the snow.


I know first hand how crazy a house can be with a little one and then multiply that by 4 over here at my house. I'm sorry you are feeling down. Do you have some good dvd's to help keep him entertained? I found that when my littles ones get bored with the dvd's we have here, I will go to youtube and just grab something totally random to grasp their attention and keep them from wanting to tear each other's eyes out.


How much longer are you supposed to be snowed in, do you know?


I'm over here kinda envious because I would love to say it's snowing outside, all I have is 80 degree weather for the entire week. I sure enjoyed the colder weather last month.

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Hi Bella...


I am not familair with your line of work, but is it possible for you to do any of your work from home?

I am sure that would be challenging with a toddler to look after, but perhaps it would make your mind rest easier if you could. Sorry if you have covered this already and I missed it..


You sound frustrated. Does your husband help out at all? Or can he?

Have you discussed your frustration with him?

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I am allowed to work from home by my director/boss but my child does not allow for that. lol The only time I get work done from home is when he is asleep. Today he decided not to nap which threw a stick in my wheel. I wish he were a DVD kid sometimes. He is not interested in them. the only ones he ever liked were "Your Baby Can Read" and they are long played out. He's bored with them now and has them memorized.


He is so intense and very, very active and bright and has a hungry mind. At the first chance of even slightly divided attention he will conduct a science project in my home. Even when DVDs are on he wants to talk about them with me and sit on me. Poor kid. lol He is very well behaved in school because they account for every second of his time there with some sort of exciting activity and other kids keep him in his place a little. At home he gets bored....and boredom leads to trouble....lol


Trying to focus on any work project that requires academic writing is virtually not POSSIBLE when he is in the room. Neither is any form of rest or slight relaxation of any kind.


Does your husband help out at all?


LOL that is a different story for a different day. the short answer is not consistently.


Have you discussed your frustration with him?


For about 2.5 years now. Which probably why I will never have another child.


I am less cranky than I was earlier because I got a couple of hours of work in tonight once my son went to bed. So I feel semi-productive and less stressed about not making progress on a project. The only issue now is that I feel I am getting sick again. My left ear is suddenly hurting again and my throat hurts. tomorrow is another day of being snowed in. The roads are not expected to be clear until tomorrow evening as another storm system moves through. ](*,)


I will probably have to bring snow IN the house like I did during the last storm since he has a cold and now I have an ear infection and we won't be going outdoors. He'll want to get his hands on it so badly.

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Oh gosh, I sorry to hear that you are getting sick again! This virus is something scary, people are getting it and when they start to recover, they get it all over again. This is kinda scary.


I hope when all is said and done and when the snow is gone and your son is back in school, you can take a Bella Day. You are sure gonna need it.

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I'm not usually sick, and in the rare event I do get sick I can usually kick it pretty quickly. But this is throwing me for a whirl. It's exactly as you described too- I finally get better and then it hits me all over again. It's sure a nasty virus.


Ibuprofen seems to really help my ear so I feel better as long as I take it periodically. It seems to take the feeling of swelling and pressure out temporarily.


Seeing that this is supposed to be a weight loss journal I suppose it is good news that when I got on the scale this morning I lost another pound. But it isn't due to intense workouts, but likely the result of having no appetite from being sick. Oh well.

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Ok so I was up all night last night coughing and not even Nyquil would put a dent in it. This morning I woke up and ear was killing and I also heard rattling in my chest and was coughing up stuff that was not good at all.....so I finally go my ass over to the urgent walk-in clinic and it turns out I now have "walking pnemonia" and an ear infection.


I'm on about 5 different meds right now including a narcotic syrup with hydrocodone in it .....so...yeah........weeeeeeeeee...... I am already feeling a lot better. I'm glad I got checked out. Once it moved into my lungs like that I knew I couldn't wait another day to address it.


Hopefully I will finally be on the mend now and can go to the gym when I kick this thing.

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