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The BellaDonna, Get off Your Ass Journal


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LOL -yeah I'm sure I did lose weight from that terrible bout. Spanish rice could be my new dieting secret for the New Year!!! woohooo I can eat it til my heart's content.....I won't retain any calories and I will also become emaciated and dehydrated every time I digest it. woohoo ring in the new year!


Gee, I hope the tomato I just threw at you wasn't used in the spanish rice.


I don't know what the heck was in it- all I know is that I never , ever want to eat it again, ever! lol

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2 days until the new year and the total overhaul of my life. lol My eating since Christmas has been pretty clean....exercise has been nonexistent though.


I have to load up on vitamin C because my son is sick with a nasty cold. He's been home from school, stuck to me like glue and pretty much coughing in my face.....it will be a miracle if I don't get it too.

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Yeah- it's no fun.


He makes any illness so much worse than it needs to be because he refuses medicine. He has a very bad gag reflex and response to bad tastes. Even when I can convince him to take medicine he will throw up within moments of swallowing it. So trying to give it to him just makes him worse. We have to resort to natural ways to keep a fever down, since motrin is not an option unless I hide it in his juice.


(no progress since last year grrrr)

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That's gotta frustrating. We usually have our daughter take two of the Nordic Berries before she goes to pre-school. Wife and I have been diligent about taking a lot of C's also to prevent and if not minimize the effect which seems to be working. Although when you have a bigger population in the pre-school it'd be hard to avoid everything every time. Winter aside from the cold & dry weather, people being sick makes it really wish for spring & summer to come quickly!

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Guest Avilove

Yeah...I am trying to get back into a routine. Just went through a breakup...before I met him I worked out by kickboxing 5 times a week....a year of not working has left me with a pitiful-but improving-attitude. Back on the wagon for me....

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Ok son since it is 1/1/11 I stepped on the scale to see the official damage done by my lax eating and less than perfect exercise over the past few months of the holiday void.




I am thoroughly disgusted, but not surprised. So today I am back on track and ready to lose the 10lbs and be in better shape by the next summer than I was last summer. I am back to tracking everything I eat on link removed


Today was unseasonably warm so I took a hour walk with my son.

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Is your son feeling better Bella? I was going to tell you the other day but got sidetracked, when my boy was little and couldn't take meds for his fever, the doctor had me give him tylenol but in suppository form. He didn't like it much, but it was a good alternative to him throwing everything up.

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Since I am wanting to get back to the 140lb range, I am on 1400 calories a day. So far so good. I've been eating more lean protein and veggies- much less sugar and other empty carbs.


Today I walked to a track at a high school near my house- and alternated between brisk walking and jogging for an hour with wrist weights on. It was foggy and rainy today but I decided to exercise outdoors instead of the gym to get some fresh air. Well....some people were not expecting others to walk at the track today- they probably thought that the rain would deter anyone from walking outdoors.....maybe that's why when I got to the track there were 2 teenagers having sex on the bleachers. ummmm.....all I saw was a guy's ass in the air, thankfully, but it didn't stop me from going about my workout. I went right ahead and walked right by- they seemed annoyed and scrambled to get dressed. Oh well. lol I was not about to stop my workout for them. Go screw somehwere else. lol The sight of the guy's ass didn't phase me- you've seen one you've seen them all. In hindsight it would have been funny if I took out my cell and pretended to take pics. Damn- wish I thought of that!


Then- when walking home from the track I smelled the sweet smell of weed and ended up walking right through someone's marijuana cloud. Some guy was smoking while walking his dog.


I guess a lot of interesting things happen on foggy days. Either way- I got my hour of cardio in. whoopeeee

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Ugh. Still sick. Drowning in sinus problems.


I'm not sure exactly what I will be doing for exercise later tonight- I will be sure to do something but I can't breathe so I'm sure it won't be fun.


My eating has been super clean for the past 4 days. I already feel the addiction to carbs and sugar going away. I am not having food cravings, which is a relief. It's amazing how addictive sweets can be once you get used to have them. The more sweets I have, the more insatiable my appetite is for them. Right now my Kashi Go Lean Honey Almond Flax Bar and a sugar free pudding cup are the only dessert-like items I am allowing myself. 1 Kashi bar around 10am and the pudding cup later at night when I get hungry for a night time snack.

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All I got in for a workout was my "8 minute solution" DVD and stretching. Better than nothing I guess.


I still can't breathe and my head feels like exploding


OTC sinus medications are not putting a dent in it. I see my chiropractor tomorrow so I hope my adjustment helps clear me out. I am really trying to avoid antibiotics. I don't have the time to get to the general doc for a visit this week even if I wanted to take antibiotics.

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