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Escorts and other forms of "prostitution"


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Y'know, when I'm in the mood, I do enjoy watching all the formerly-dubbed "court TV" along with Cops and such, but one thing really irks me... WHY do they waste perfectly good time and energy busting guys who want a quick lay from a prostitute?


I may get a lot of flames and disgusted responses from the folks on here, but this has been tugging at my mind for some time...


WHY is getting an escort/prostitute/boy or girl toy such a bad thing in this society? Why are people wasting their time condeming it? I'm wondering how many people actually sit down and think about things like this...


Y'see, anyone whose expertise lies in social sciences might label me an "isolationist" when it comes to gender relationships. I don't believe in "romantic" love, abhor seeing couples smooching eachother to death in public, and don't waste my time with asinine, monotonous activities like "dating" and usually "parties".


So, what's so wrong with a victimless crime like "prostitution"? If it's forced "rape", I can understand criminalizing that... but why is it such a bad thing if one gets an escort? I mean, hey, I commend people with honesty, and prostitutes/strippers/escorts and the like are at least honest. They are less expensive, too, if ya stop to think about it... you can wine and dine a "real" woman, take her to the movies, take her to the fair, and you MIGHT end up with sex... if you're lucky, rich, or handsome, and the woman of your desires doesn't already have a boyfriend. At least you know what you're in for with a prostitute/escort beforehand, and I put high value on honesty, man. Sure, you might increase your risk of an STD, but what's so wrong with condoms? Maybe it might break, granted, but then again, the world might end in 2012 when the Mayan calendar supposedly stops, am I right?


I'm seriously thinking of getting an escort once I move outta my house. Hell, I might even take her bowling or go-kart racing beforehand for actually being honest.




this is my 666th post... how sinister...

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i think the issue is more with the conditions of the prostitutes themselves. illegal prostitutes tend to have bleak, disease-ridden lives, exploited by pimps and customers alike. although i guess perhaps legalization and regulation could help. i also don't really understand how a man could go to a prostitute. it just seems so cold and unappealing to have sex with someone who doesn't want to have sex with you.

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i think the issue is more with the conditions of the prostitutes themselves. illegal prostitutes tend to have bleak, disease-ridden lives, exploited by pimps and customers alike. although i guess perhaps legalization and regulation could help. i also don't really understand how a man could go to a prostitute. it just seems so cold and unappealing to have sex with someone who doesn't want to have sex with you.


F'in A... why don't we legalize marijuana while we're at it? Really, I do agree with you, tho. However, I would more prefer doing my homework and finding a nice escort... street prostitutes are really ugly and icky anyways. Yknow, if I'm gonna be immoral or unethical, might as well go the full-nine instead of cheapskating it...


And like I said, at least you know what's up before-hand with them... real women can make you pay for all the dates, and once they decide that they don't like you "in that way" hey, they just got free dinner and a free ticket to see a movie!!!

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The idea is that the victim of prostitution is the prostitute. Very few willingly choose prostitution as a career- I don't know any girls who want to be a * * * * * when the grow up. Rather, the idea is that prostitutes are forced to do what they do from economic necessity, and it is not really a choice.


So, the idea is that the men who hire prostitutes cause great harm to the prostitute by treating her as a sex object and not as a person. We do know that prostitutes are at great risk for disease, murder, abuse, etc. etc.


Being a man myself, I understand the need for sex once in a while... I am ambivalent about this issue because I understand this rather primal urge for sex from men, but I also understand the issue of degradation that prostitutes face.


The few men I know who see prostitutes generally don't enjoy it... it's kind of a degrading experience for the man as well and you end up with kind of an empty, hopeless feeling afterwards. My suggestion to anyone who is thinking about seeing a prostitute is to watch some porn, masturbate, and as you're calming down afterwards, spend some time thinking about how to meet women and making plans to go out more.

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And like I said, at least you know what's up before-hand with them... real women can make you pay for all the dates, and once they decide that they don't like you "in that way" hey, they just got free dinner and a free ticket to see a movie!!!


Well, if you think the only point of a relationship is sex, then yes, but that's a pretty immature attitude... I mean there's love, and romance, and all that great stuff, or at least that's what they used to say...

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When I responded to skiier's post, I agreed with this same basic concept, it isn't the act of saints. If it WERE legalized and women who are good and willing to love and heal the lonely didn't have to deal with the middle-man (pimp), it would be a much better world to live in. However, that's never gonna happen. Porn is even more empty... I'm addicted to it, despite how repulsive and illusionary it is. Masturbation just doesn't work anymore. I do it, and after the nut is busted, I feel exactly the same, just more tired.


Women hate me anyways. I'm too independent, free-spirited, and free-thinking for them. Why not get an escort which is an at least less-slovenly lay than a hooker, with none of the kittyfooting or bullcrap involved with "real" dating?

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Well, if you think the only point of a relationship is sex, then yes, but that's a pretty immature attitude... I mean there's love, and romance, and all that great stuff, or at least that's what they used to say...


I'm not saying "sex alone"... I'm saying any sort of romantic relationship. She can make me take her out 8 times and get 8 free activities (that come outta MY wallet) then, outta the blue, she decides she doesn't "like me in that way". Anyone whose lonely and desperate enough will let that cycle continue until they can't even pay their own bills. It's absolutely freaking ridiculous and archaic.

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I totally agree it should be legalized, as does anyone that objectively analyzes the facts rather then letting emotion sway them.


I also think that you're right that it shouldn't be viewed as such a "bad" thing in society. I think it's fair to say that men who use prostitutes are often desperate and probably lacking in social skills, they're not on the same level as murderers or rapists and shouldn't be cast as criminals.


I remember reading an article about some hospital patients in a European country whom were disfigured. They were given prostitutes for companionship since, let's be honest, they would never otherwise get laid. In cases like that prostitutes can have an almost humanitarian role in society.


I don't think I would look down on any guy that told me he'd visited a prostitute. I probably would if he had an obvious addiction but once in a while, I wouldn't care.

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If it WERE legalized and women who are good and willing to love and heal the lonely didn't have to deal with the middle-man (pimp), it would be a much better world to live in. However, that's never gonna happen.


In Europe, that's often the way things run. In fact, prostitutes get special health services paid for by the government, and in the flats that they rent, there are devices hooked up to dispatch police if a customer is getting out of hand. I agree with this set-up. And if you do, you should take a trip to Amsterdam when your coffer is full.


[quotePorn is even more empty... I'm addicted to it, despite how repulsive and illusionary it is. Masturbation just doesn't work anymore. I do it, and after the nut is busted, I feel exactly the same, just more tired.


You lost me here. How will sex with an escort leave you less empty than porn? What sort of illusion will be lost? The 2D vs. 3D illusion? If you want to engage in something more 3D, I guess that is what you mean? And how will sex with an escort make you feel "different" afterwards, whereas masturbation leaves you feeling "the same"?


I'm too independent, free-spirited, and free-thinking for them.


Funny, that's what I have indicated I both am and who I'm looking for on my dating profiles when I've attempted online dating. I'm not sure if some of your other attitudes would turn me on, but these three are pretty awesome, and would definitely warrant a prompt from me.


Maybe you should start fishing in other rivers first for a gal before you decide you don't want a blushing gigglepuss playing with your eyes over dinner, asking you about your interests, and going home to fantasize about her first kiss with you -- but would rather just cut to the chase of slapping on a condom, pounding out your frustration, and handing over a few bills.

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In Europe, that's often the way things run. In fact, prostitutes get special health services paid for by the government, and in the flats that they rent, there are devices hooked up to dispatch police is a customer is getting out of hand. I agree with this set-up. And if you do, you should take a trip to Amsterdam when your coffer is full.


I'm saying Thailand instead, 'cause then I'd get more chances to go swimming.


"Porn is even more empty... I'm addicted to it, despite how repulsive and illusionary it is. Masturbation just doesn't work anymore. I do it, and after the nut is busted, I feel exactly the same, just more tired."


You lost me here. How will sex with an escort leave you less empty than porn? What sort of illusion will be lost? The 2D vs. 3D illusion? If you want to engage in something more 3D, I guess that is what you mean? And how will sex with an escort make you feel "different" afterwards, whereas masturbation leaves you feeling "the same"?


Well, hey, at least it establishes SOME kind of human connection rather than staring vicariously at a screen trying to use my hand to replace it's human counterpart.


Funny, that's what I have indicated I both am and who I'm looking for on my dating profiles when I've attempted online dating. I'm not sure if some of your other attitudes would turn me on, but these three are pretty awesome, and would definitely warrant a prompt from me.


Maybe you should start fishing in other rivers first for a gal before you decide you don't want a blushing gigglepuss playing with your eyes over dinner, asking you about your interests, and going home to fantasize about her first kiss with you -- but would rather just cut to the chase of slapping on a condom, pounding out your frustration, and handing over a few bills.


I rather WOULD cut to the chase, because women could care less about me... American women, especially, because my thoughts and beliefs are waaaaay too out there for them to even comprehend. I'm tired of fishing and having my emotions and dignity flattened when allovasudden, I'm not "good enough" for her. Unless you're fortunate, handsome, tall, and/or rich, that ol' saying is true "All the good ones are taken, the rest are full of crap."

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I agree!


Both prostitution and marijuana should be legalized in America.


It's too bad that won't happen until the religious fundamentalists get a life and stop forcing their values onto others.




However, Bill Hicks said "I think marijuana should be MANDATORY" I'm sure he saw just how beautiful life would be if folks just opened their minds once in a while.

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You are far too young to be paying for sex.


What you will find given the taboo associated with prositution and the fact that it is undesirable work will be a lot of women who do not have their heads screwed on properly.


Prostitution is good and fine because it allows for old men to have sex with young women for a price. Both parties win women get lots of money and the older men get sex.


When you're young, you should not be wasting time or money on prostitutes. Prostitutes are for old men who are not married (or are)who have already made all of their cash for whom the expenditure is not a big deal.


You should be out trying to find a woman to have sex with for free. If you can't and you need to go, go but don't make a habbit out of it because easy sex will stop you from searching for a relationship. I don't think sex with a prositute would be at all cold, like any other business they seek to retain their customers and to make money. They will probably understand that sex is a sensitive issue for men as well, and the chances are you will be more scared of her than she will be of you.

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my co-worker and i had a talk about this last week and why get busted for doing what humans like to do, but get paid for it. Porn stars get paid to have sex..so why is it legal for them and not for prostitutes? I'd say legalize it like it's legal in Nevada, it'll help the economy out, plus everyone will get what they want...sex and money

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I find it very curious that prostitution is not legal in the United States. What I have gathered is that in the United States a lot of things that are unacceptable in other countries, like Australia, and in parts of Europe are acceptable, because of the high priority placed on freedom.


Low minimum wages, lack of government healthcare, very expensive education and rampant wage inequality for example.


When an attractive young woman is faced the prospect of a $5.85 an hour job, why can she not make the choice to earn $200 an hour or much more by giving her customers what it is they want ? Isn't that her freedom of choice ?


Although I am in two minds about it. In a country where wages can be so low and prices so high, if prostitution were to be legalised and accepted how many young girls would be driven to work in prostitution ? I am not convinced it is an entirely natural thing. I am hesitant but I would like to see prostitution legalised because: at the end of the day it is her personal choice, a young man will have to survive on the low wage and cannot become a prostitute (in reality).


Secondly it would help those women in the industry to be better protected, and those entering it for the first time too.


If prostitution were legalised and accepted in the United States I would be curious to see how quickly and how majorly it would spread. I suspect it may spread very quickly and become a major point of attraction.

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You should be out trying to find a woman to have sex with for free. If you can't and you need to go, go but don't make a habbit out of it because easy sex will stop you from searching for a relationship.


PSH, I don't even believe in romantic love. I mean, I also know a lot of people who had relationships work out for them and all, and that's all well and good... but relationship for me, no.


I find it very curious that prostitution is not legal in the United States. What I have gathered is that in the United States a lot of things that are unacceptable in other countries, like Australia, and in parts of Europe are acceptable, because of the high priority placed on freedom.


Low minimum wages, lack of government healthcare, very expensive education and rampant wage inequality for example.


When an attractive young woman is faced the prospect of a $5.85 an hour job, why can she not make the choice to earn $200 an hour or much more by giving her customers what it is they want ? Isn't that her freedom of choice ?


Meh, I don't much like America anyways. I mean, it has all the right ingredients for a great place to live, but the people who run this country are closed-minded, ignorant, narcissistic, and corrupt. IDK about other states, but here, minimum wage went up to 8 dollars an hour (which is what I earn) and everything's majorly expensive. I'm thinking about moving out of this p.o.s country because I don't fit in anywhere and have to deal with this lonliness and lovelessness on a daily basis. Soon, I'll be looking into moving to Japan (NOT Tokyo, tho) or Singapore, or maybe Thailand... in essense, somewhere eastern. Hell, if anything, at least there are prettier, more petite, different cultured women over there, and then, there might be the SLIGHTEST chance that I'll get interested in dating; but not here... 'cause American women really do get under my skin.

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Y'know, when I'm in the mood, I do enjoy watching all the formerly-dubbed "court TV" along with Cops and such, but one thing really irks me... WHY do they waste perfectly good time and energy busting guys who want a quick lay from a prostitute?


Because it's funny and it makes for "good" reality TV.


Seriously, I watch those shows all the time too. One thing I noticed though, is that there are usually other crimes connected with prostitution. Next time you watch Cops, note how many of the prostitutes appear to be strung out on crack (which probably was the motivation to begin selling themselves to begin with) So I can understand why the police continue to pay attention to prostitution, since it can often be related with other crimes (drugs, but worst of all murder- many serial killers have historically targeted prostitutes.)


Prostitutes are easy targets for rape, murder, and other violent crimes- there is often a connection to the drug trade, so I can see why law enforcement would aim to get them off the streets. Sometimes they crack down on the prostitutes themselves, other times they crack down on the people who solicit them.

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Prostitutes are easy targets for rape, murder, and other violent crimes- there is often a connection to the drug trade, so I can see why law enforcement would aim to get them off the streets. Sometimes they crack down on the prostitutes themselves, other times they crack down on the people who solicit them.


In which case, if it were legalized it would mean that the prostitution industry could be cleaned up. Mandatory drug testing for women that want to work as prostitutes along with support programs to get them off drugs. One of the reasons there are so many violent crimes against prostitutes is that prostitutes can't report abuse against them for fear of getting arrested themselves for being a prostitute. Legalization would protect prostitutes safety as well.

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