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Everything posted by jimbucktwo1776

  1. How could anyone think war isn't worth the lives of the people taken in it. They must not be an American- I know it was over 200 years ago, but I think the Revolutionary War was worth it. I love FREEDOM. Not all wars are worth the cost of the lives they take. But some wars are. Clearly the purpose of the war dictates whether the cost is worth it. To overcome oppression/slavery-and the like, Giving life to make others free is worth it. Anyone who thinks otherwise should visit any one of the communist-socialist-authoritarian nations around. See how they like the status quo. And by they, I mean those not in power. Never forget that the freedom you enjoy as Americans was paid for at the cost of many lives. Now you tell me, was it worth it? Jimbucktwo1776 That's that.
  2. punctuation makes for a very easy read. Please learn to use it and repost your post---I can't follow your thought(s). Jimbucktwo That's that.
  3. I was about one third of the way through your post and couldn't read anymore. The answer is get professional help. GET PROFESSIONAL HELP. There are issues here from your childhood that you NEED to deal with-this is so clear having only read the first couple paragraphs. Taking advice other than this on something this detailed would be a mistake. Your perception is off- you can not make the judgements on what you should do-and what your options are-without the assistance of someone who has the experience to help you. Your perception being off is not your fault, it happens. What I mean by your perception is the way you view your life, you situation. Perception gets screwed up when things happen in your life, it colors the glass you look through...and looking through glass that is discolored, you can't adjust your life-to make it right-because everything you see appears different than it really is. You need unbiased-objective-professional help. This is not bad, and can help you very much. Good luck. Jimbucktwo1776 That's that.
  4. Tell her not to make u stop.....why stop if it feels good, tell her she needs to relax and let go-----if you are doing something that's hurting her, you should stop, otherwise, why stop? just be gentle with her, maybe tease her more-do a little, then mix it up-use you imagination, i'm not going to get graphic. That's that.
  5. It's okay. Wait for that someone. I thought I did, I was wrong, and now I regret. But now I move on.....Life is to Important to cry over the past. That's that.
  6. that last reply sounds like tough love of sorts...... BUT THEY ARE RIGHT......... never ask. let me repeat- NEVER ASK If you want to kiss her, go for it at the right moment, where the two of you will have the privacy. If she doesn't want you to kiss her, she'll pull away...and it isn't that big of a deal. You have more to lose by being a chicken than not taking the risk...you'll be able to say "at least I tried." And you won't regret not going for it. that's that.
  7. Why did you take the vows? That's that. And about her internet chat crap....perhaps you need to stimulate eachother....get her back into you, and you back into her---no pun intended.
  8. Pray Pray Pray. Go to a local church and seek out help. They will have resources to help you in your time of need. At least they will be able to direct you to those resources. Hoping for you. That's that.
  9. HEY- when you go through the trouble to ask out a gal, and you get rejected, one thing should go through your mind--- The fact that you were brave enough to actually ask her out, and you should be proud of yourself. So what if you are rejected-hey we all have opportunity knock at some point and we don't answer the door...she's just not answering. It's all in how you look at it. You're not being rejected-she's just not grabbing an opportunity. And who knows, maybe she'll think about it and change her mind---so unless she is really harsh, you can always ask her out again. Anyone remember Steve Urquel? (sp) How many times did he ask out Laura? Yes it's tv, but it shows an important message. I asked a girl out the other day-rejected...and I felt great because I was brave enough to ask her. That's that. Just be proud.
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