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Everything posted by doorik

  1. I dunno, I went to your website and you are quite attractive. Maybe you enjoy hypnotizing these "cool to hangout with" guys, have them take you out on pseudo dates before you actually let them in on the fact that there was no romantic intent on your part. Me: (shrugging my shoulders) chicks....
  2. I can imagine what these fellas tell their friends about the encounter and your interaction at a future "hang out "session Him: I met this cute girl named DragonGirl724 Friend: That's cool - you get her number? Him: The surprising thing is she asked for mine!! Friend: Wow, nice...(with a forlorn look in his face) that never happens to me Him KNOW, we are going out this weekend Friend: nice, let me know how it goes Him: Cool During the "Hang out" Session (movies, dinner, coffee, or any other "date like" activity)... Him: I have to say, I've never had a cute girl like you aske me out before.. You: what do you mean? Him: Well, you know, a girl has never ask me out for a date before You: Erm (shifting unconfortably in your seat), this, um, isn't a date Him: (looking down at his shoes to hide his embarrassment) oh. You: I asked for your nember because I thought you would be someone fun to hang out with. Him: Oh, I see Later on in a discussion with his friend.... Friend: How did it go Him: Don't ask Friend: what do you mean Him: she thinks of me as a bud, someone "cool to hangout with". The date I thought we were on was actually a "pseudo date". Friend: then why the heck did she ask for your number? Him: (shrugs) chicks... Friend: for real....chicks..
  3. I always read and hear that girls go for the bad boys because "they're dangerous", "unpredictable", "exciting" etc.. I don't think that's it - It's actually because the're safe. With guys like that, you always know it's going to end.
  4. wow this topic is lasting longer than a duracell batterie
  5. What are you talking about? The most attractive qualily in men is the ability to make the ladies laugh. I heard the comedian Carrottop was second in voting for People magazine's sexiest man alive.
  6. I still waiting for the "you will meet someone", the "you need to get over your shyness speech", the "just approach them" (no matter how may times you get rejected, you must keep going back for more!!!) etc., etc.... from the ladies
  7. Well If I were him I may be tempted to go out with some lady friends (preferably ones that were/are atracted to me) while you were out snowboarding - Even if you don't trust them, you can trust your BF right? Now would you be comfortable with that situation?
  8. Girl names I like: Jaqualine, Jaysa, and Melinda.
  9. The Girl you write about is def dumb - unfortunately the scenerio you decribed occurs often.
  10. doorik

    BBW girl

    I dunno Scout, a lot of women say this but few mean it. If said fella did the above he becomes predictable and not exciting to the lady. There's no nervous anticipation if the dood calls exactly when he says he will. Maybe if he gives a broader timeframe like "I'll give you call early next week so we can hook up" That way he can call either Mon. or Tues., calls when he says he will, and still provide that nervous anticipation that you ladies love AND hate.
  11. Thanks for the words of encouragement - They are much appreciated. I guess you can see where my point of stems from. You have to understand how guys like ck and I form our opinions Scout. Our experiences pretty much formulate our responses and not just misconceptions or assumptions about you ladies. They are cumulative and push us into becoming jaded no matter how much I want to believe that I won't turn out like that. As a side note, I actually have a top five list of worst rejections (Kinda like the movie High Fidelity).
  12. I would be her friend as long as she doesn't use my shoulder like a tissue. If she was to complain insessantly (sp?) about how bad she is treated by her bf and attempts to use me as her emotional tampon to be tossed in the trash when usage is complete, then hell no. Otherwise yes (she may have cute friends
  13. Well then let's start with me. CK I know you'll love this one - It's the story of my all time worst rejection. I was at The Madison (a local bar here in Toronto) during my second year at U of T. Early on in the evening I spotted a cute girl with a couple of friends at a nearby table. So I sat there contemplating my move. I thought to myself "alright, time to do this". I then ordered one more rye and ging and set off to talk to her. When I was within a few feet of her she said, and I quote "Sorry, you're half a foot too short and a body size too small, so don't even bother" (I stand 5'8 and weigh 170). The textbook example of salting wounds would be the hysterical laughter coming from her two friends. What was I feeling at the time? Absolute dejection. The rest of the evening I sat at my table and drank....It was at least a month later when I asked out another girl. As a bonus, here's a rejection of one from one of my friends by a young lady. "You gotta be this tall (hand indicating a good foot taller than her), to ride this ride". The way she said it indicates it's a line she uses often.
  14. I know, I know - But I'm quite fond of this one in particular because it's quite illustrative of our (guys) point of view isn't it?
  15. See ck, I didn't even have to start this tread. Maybe I'll just cut and paste from the other one. Let's start with.... I've known ladies that tried asking a guy out once, were rejected and promptly decided they would never do it again. Yet us men must lick our wounds and go in for another round simply because we're men. Many guys will eagerly step into a ring against an opponent twice their size before they'll consider asking a girl they're attracted to out for dinner. A girl can put a guy in a world of hurt and no matter how fast or skilled he is, he'll never avoid it. Flesh and bones heal, blood is cheap and pain is free, but the heart is a different matter. There's nothing poetic or sappy about it; when a guy asks out a girl, especially one he is emotionally attracted to, he is peeling away his armour and forfeiting any sort of defence. When the blade sinks, it sinks deep. I've witnessed guys the size of houses who were unafraid of rabid dogs take three hours to work up the nerve to talk to a girl, only to be humiliated right there while they're totally defenceless. It's almost comical watching guys that big wilt under the merciless tongue of a girl a third their size. But the looks on their faces, the ones you usually see morbidly frozen on road kill, aren't.
  16. OMG, I think we finally agree on something Scout!!!!!!! :shocked!:
  17. I know what you're saying dood, I don't recall you or I stateing here that we get rejected by every single female we've ever asked out. Yet it somehow became the general concensus.
  18. I'm sorry Scout but I don't think this is the case. If you all are good judges of character we wouldn't hear stories from the ladies a about how bad their significant others are, how us guys are lyers, cheaters, dogs, just want sex, etc., etc...
  19. It isn't all about just the initial turn down, It's the aftermath too. Kinda like the radiation after a nuclear bomb explodes. All I ask is that you listen and I mean really listen to a group of ladies when they talk about the previous night out when all the "only ugly guys approach men" or how they are completely making fun of a guys attempt to secure her phone number complete with impressions. I know you've seen it/heard it before, maybe even by your own close knit group of friends, and I know that ALL the guys here have see it/heard it before.
  20. 1) I never said I was striking out more often than not. I was talking about the nose in the air, abbrasive, what made you think you had a shot, I'm way to good for you rejections. As I said in a revious post. I ask out ladies quite often. Some say yes some say no, some are nice about it when they say no, some are down right mean. 2) I like women, it's those nose in the air types that push me up rung by rung up the ladder towards those jaded thirty-somethings.
  21. Here's where ck makes a points that I challenge you to refute scout. Next time you are with your single lady friends listen to what they say when they reject a guy. I mean really listen to them. Then come on these boards and tell me it aint so. Moreover, while your comments are much appreciated neither you or Muneca have wrote anything that specifically address my previous comments indicating that I may be right (specifically that shy stuff). I mean both you and Muneca are in your thirties, are more experienced than I, yet have nothing that refutes what I say. Just the classic "confidense gets the ladies" and "Don't be shy" Cliches (ck, i know that vein near your temple throbbed when you read that ). Telling isn't it?
  22. Medal? Nah the reward comes in the rare instances where: 1) I find a girl attractive 2) I ask her out - She did the pursuing because she looked my way right scout? 3) She says yes 4) We go out and we have a good time 5) We see each other again because I find her mentally stimulating as well as the physical stuff But off course these criteria are RARELY met
  23. Not according to Muneca. Earlier in this discussion she states that these "jaded thirty-something guys" go from meaningless to meaningless relationships with younger females - or something to that effect. Doesn't sound lonely to me does it?
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