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Everything posted by doorik

  1. can't help it..... genetic.... tell him to wear sunglasses.....
  2. This one's easy, Lots of oral As often as possible will keep a guy coming (pun intented) back to you
  3. Stay strong man, I know it pains you to see her treated so badly and then has the audacity to complain to a compassionate and considerate fella like yourself. My point is you have to set limitations on what is acceptable. Let her know that u also have your own life that u must attend to and simply cannot drop everything just because she "needs to talk to you". As long as you do everything for her all the time she won't truly know what she's missing until you're gone. I think u have to tell her how you feel, although I kinda know what she'll prolly say in return. You have let yourself become emotionally vulnerable and it will prolly get u hurt in return. Remember, your life should not revolve around her bro. Chill with some guy friends, or better yet some other ladies either date or platonic to get her jealous juices goin. Keep me posted on the happenings, Doorik
  4. women say these types of things so they don't sound shallow or superficial. Never believe what a woman says. Always watch for what they do because 9 times outta ten they will contradict their words with their actions. For example, a lady friend of yours may say "women want men who respects them, are sincere, and makes them laugh" PLEASE.... It's not a matter of being yourself, be what they want. and for all the ladies who will disagree, if you have ever worn a pushup/padded bra, your words are useless because you were not being yourselves, you were being what guys wanted. Jus keepin it real, Doorik
  5. The guy is usung you as a sex toy and you can't even see it...
  6. We need a little more info on this b4 a proper reply can be made. You see, you see him as Marriage material ("30 years from now...."), so here's something to ponder. Does he see you as a long term partner? Has he been married? Does he already have kids? These questions must be addressed so u know where u stand. Let's say he's been married and already has kids. He may not be looking for that type of relationship any longer. For example, he will tell his peers that he's dating a 25 year old and the reaction will not be "so you have a lot in common", more than likly it will be "you sly devil, how'd you score a 25 year old?" Please fill us in on the pertinent background ifo so we can provide better opinions/advice on the matter
  7. yes he's a jerk women are atrracted to those emotionally distant, cold, intriguing, mysterious types that are challenging. So I say DTMFA (Dump That Mother F**ker Already) or you can continue to be with him and contiue to gte hurt and continue to complain about it. jus keepin it real Doorik
  8. you also have to consider if you do, he'll more than likely do the same. Very few men are willing to wait in the wings until the girl is "ready". Well, except for the emotional tampon type guys.
  9. Only spineless guys make it their job to make sacrifices for a women. These men are ussualy the ones women use as emotional tampons who never get anywhere with women and complain about being a "nice" guy.
  10. a lot of women do not understand that the best way to get over someone is to NOT hang around them. The more time spent with an ex, the harder the recovery time towards new prospects. Spend some time apart before you try the friends thing Just keepin it real Doorik
  11. I hope this does not discourage you but 9/10 times when a 20 year old guy goes out with a 15 year old girl its because 1) it's easier for the guy to get the girl in bed 2) girl is willing to put up with a lot more SH*t because "he's more experienced" or "he's sooo mature" Juss keepin it real, Doorik
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