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Everything posted by BlueCoconut

  1. Hello everyone, Well, the story this time is like this: I've met this girl about a month ago, I'm strongly physically attracted to her and I would really like to get to know her one on one. I'm friends with her roomate. Now although we have seen each other more than once, we were never exactly alone. I don't see her often, last time I saw her was ten days ago. When will I see her next time, I don't know. At this moment we are more acquainted than friends or anything else. Now I personally would really to get to know her, one on one. My friend (her rooomate) gave me their home number, and since they live together, it's her number too. So what can I do now? I haven't exactly let The girl, I'm interested in, know in that I'm so very interested in her. Now could any one give me good advice on how to handle this? I'm not sure I should call and ask to talk to her, and ask her out. But then I don't know when will I see her next time. For all I know it could be in 3 weeks!
  2. Well I met that girl almost a couple of weeks ago. We talked on the phone a few times, she proposed to go see a movie last Sunday. From the moment I met her she's told me she's always busy all the time. Okay... I'm very busy too...... But last Sunday, I had the kind of plan you can't really cancel. So nothing happened. But before that I called her Friday and proposed to get together for lunch or dinner or sthg at sometime, someday of the week. She tells me, she's busy. Now all that is starting to tick me, always busy except Sunday? Of course I could be patient and wait till Sunday and maybe see her, supposing I don't make plans by then. My question in all this is : If you care enough and really want to get to know someone, don't you find ways to make time on your schedule for them? The only time I saw her, was when I met her. I don't really like phone conversations, I prefer seeing the person I'm talking to. I feel like she's messing with me and wasting my time, that being something I really wouldn't like. I might just give her a call and give her my personal opinion... All Advice appreciated.
  3. Well... why just one Why not ask both out, hehe. And then after a first date, you are going to have to choose who you want to stick with. Of course, chances are, if both go well... you'll end up with two girlfriends, which could end up blowing in your face, lol sounds fun! Now for a less damaging approach, I'd say go with girl 2 , since you're most attracted to her. But if you can manage to do it without hurting you chances with girl 1 it'd be better.
  4. I think I'm going into a depression. Right now I feel weak, drained out of my energy. Not tired or sick (yet), just lacking that lively energy that usually get me to do what i have to do. Things haven't exactly been going great, for the last three weeks things keep on getting bad, the only good lately was me being more among people, making a few more friends. But at this moment, I feel weak, not my usual strong self. It could just be a moment's thing, but I don't see things fixing themselves up anytime really soon. pff.... I need a charge of good positive energy, any idea?
  5. grr!!!!! No!! No! No ! No!! aaaaaaaaaah!! #-o whassup?? You want to die? Are ya crazy!!! That is NOT a good idea. Seriously. Aside of probably pissing off GOD who gave you this life so that you'd do something of it, Suicide is selfish and just wrong. First of all you'd be depriving your friends and family of your company. Now sooner or later they will find out, and they will be hurt. As of nothing worth living for.... did u say "right now" ? Well, some you could seriously use some patience dear, now is only right now. The terrible thing about suicide is that, you can't exactly go backwards once you do it. And they are plenty of things worth living for, if it doesn't seem like it right now, look again. Think of those things you like feeling, doing, and imagine never enjoy those pleasures again. Now I'm not gifted with superpowers but, imagine all the things that could be awaiting you further. You don't know, neither do I. Patience my dear. A few years ago, I was a bit as you are. Now I'm having the fun of my life. Right now I'm pretty glad I stayed alive. I wouldn't have met the people I've met, seen the things I have seen, discovered this totally funky world. If I can't manage to convince you myself, maybe you could open a bible and check GOD's word himself and you might understand what i mean better. ~ Nothing is worth living more than life itself.
  6. Hello Everyone! So I'm friends with that now23 year old friend of mine. I do have a slight fear that'd she'd want to be more than friends, case in which I would as I usually do, run as far away as I can. ANyways today's her bday and I don't know what I could get her. Anyways any gift ideas?
  7. Hi. There's a really stupid thing I do. A lot. Too often. makes me hate myself. Maybe you can help me out.... I tend to freeze at the wrong moment.Allright, about a few hours ago I was watching a movie at the movie festival.I find a spot and sit down, then I notice this totally hot babe is sitting next to me, by herself. The movie starts, I'm thinking: "Maan, I'd like to know more of her", in my mind I plan that as soon as the movie finishes I'll offer her to maybe grab a coffee and get to know each other, maybe chat about the movie. I'm loaded with confidence.The movie ends, now i'm thinking I should talk to her before she leaves. I don't. I just stand there. Oops , there, she's gone. I go after her. I see her again. I'm thinking go talk to her, I get past her. I stop. Now that's the part where I'm supposed to catch my chance before it's too late. I don't. And then, oops, she's gone. Another wasted oportunity. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!! It's not like I don't know how to start a conversation or anything. Maybe it's just the lack of eye contact. Maybe I shoulda talked to her as soon as I saw her. Maybe I should I have gotten really really close to her. Maybe not that. hmmm darn... Other messed up thing I do. I meet a girl. she clearly shows signs she's interested in me. I run away. Not litteraly but I basically find some excuse to get the heck out of there. hmmm... Other messed up thing I do. I meet the girl, we chat, we have loads of fun. I think she's totally hot. I never make a move. We become friends. Oh yes, just friends.
  8. she's married. Should she ever want to be more than a friend with you, since she's married, I think she will initiate it.
  9. Hello Everyone, I've been meeting quite a number ladies since I got in college. They tend to be in the ages of 21-25. When I meet, we usualy get along really well and i think they usually like me quite a bit. I look like i'm 21 or 22, but I'm 18. I worry a bit that when they realize I'm so much younger than them, our relationships will change drastically and well...
  10. Get busy, concentrate on other things. Keep your mind busy thinking of other things. Check out this website... should help u: link removed
  11. Hey Everyone, There's this girl I had my first crush on, never really totally acted on it. Then I gave up and decided to stay friends with. We each went to study college in different states. But strangely enough I learned more through the emails we exchanged while being away then during the five years during which we were classmates. I feel I got closer to her while being farther away from each other. Right now it's summer we're both home, she's leaving in two days for vacation. I tried to see her today but I got there 30mns late and she had already left. I talked to her later on the phone and apologized. I care a lot about that girl but I don't know how much she does about me. or even if she does at all... I want to see her because if I don't get to see her soon, I might not get the chance for another 4-5 months. She told me she'd be packing all day tomorrow, which to me seems like a little too much. hmm... It makes me wonder if she's mad at me, or it doesn't really matters to her... The thing is that lately, I have given too much value to many friendships and those people haven't responded properly. I just don't want to find myself anymore caring much more about someone than they do about me. I'd be glad to receive any advice...
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