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Everything posted by jul-els

  1. The fact that she’s too far away to begin with is irrelevant to the big red flags everywhere. Block, delete, and choose better going forward.
  2. Don’t be the owner of someone else acting like an asshat. It’s not about you. Forgive (or not, whatever feels best to you) and forget. Laugh and move on.
  3. I know it hurts now, but he did you a favor. You deserve better than a one sided relationship and once you’ve moved on from this, you’ll be free to find someone better suited to you.
  4. Stop placing value in what others think about you. It’s none of your business. Acknowledge the beauty within yourself and embrace it. No one on the face of the earth has as much ability to know yourself as you do. Make peace with this simple truth and rejoice in it.
  5. I can understand where you’re coming from. My half brother and half sister have had no relationship with myself or their mother for decades. When my mother fell ill for a year before she passed away, I was her sole caretaker. My brother and sister wanted to have nothing to do with it. There’s no need for me to go back and rehash the way they acted (more accurately didn’t act), but suffice to say their behavior was thoughtless, apathetic and abysmal. After my mother passed, I decided I would divorce myself from them. No loss, because there was nothing to miss in the first place. Sometimes family can be worse than strangers. It’s unfortunate, but sometimes that’s just the way it is. And when it is that way, the best thing one can do is to accept it and completely move on, imo.
  6. 1. Stop talking to J. 2. Tell D it was a one time thing, it won’t happen again and keep your relationship professional. 3. Decide whether or not you want to remain married and take the appropriate steps to make that happen.
  7. Yes, it’s abuse, and yes, you should leave him before he starts physically hurting you, which he’s very close to doing now and it won’t be long before he does. It’s definitely not worth putting yourself in harms way any further. Leave now and don’t look back.
  8. If you’re asking if what you want is somehow aberrant or outrageous, no it doesn’t sound that way to me at all. But all people desire certain things from a romantic relationship. The trick is finding it. In this regard it makes you no different from most anyone else. It’s very common. You shouldn’t feel uncertain or weird about wanting what you want. As to whether the man you mentioned is compatible enough with you to meet those wants, that’s a part of the story that you haven’t provided enough information about for me to be able to answer.
  9. It’s wild to you because it is wild. You don’t communicate well with each other at all. Based on what you’ve said about him, it sounds like he’s just after sex and is saying whatever he thinks you want to hear to reach that end. It’s irrational, and you are a willing participant in it. If you enjoy the dynamic, continue, but it’s not a healthy connection and isn’t going to ultimately result in anything beneficial for you. If you know it’s not what you want, extricate yourself from it.
  10. Sorry, I was speaking hypothetically. I wasn’t very clear. Yes, move on from this one, it’s done. Next time you’re interested in someone, ask her out, don’t confess your feelings. That’s putting the horse in front of the cart. I don’t date inside of my workplace because I don’t want to mix my personal life with my work. It makes things easier imo, but to each their own.
  11. If you cross the path of the wrong person in the middle of the night it won’t be spooky. It will be scary and will turn out badly. You won’t enjoy it and you could get seriously hurt and possibly not live to tell about it. If you’re looking for spooky entertainment, that isn’t the way to go about it. Sorry if I sound like your mom, but you need to think about what you’re doing and whether or not it’s a good idea. This is what your mother is concerned about.
  12. If you have this much interest in her, then the onus is on you to initiate an exchange with her. If she seems receptive with a response, then you ask her out. If she responds favorably, great, you have a date. If not, then you’ll know she’s not interested and can end your obsession with someone who represents one drop in what is literally an ocean of women on the face of the earth.
  13. Leaving the house in the middle of the night is disrespectful to your parents because they are housing you and would have no idea of your whereabouts. Your mother isn’t being over protective about this, she loves you and is concerned with your safety. Walking the street at 1:30 am is not a generally safe thing to do, as predators and criminals prefer to come out under cover of darkness and could be anywhere. As far as your 33rd birthday goes, it was inconsiderate of you to leave without letting your parents know you were going. That’s why she thought it was “weird”.
  14. This is obviously something you’re not comfortable with or find acceptable. It sounds like it will likely be an uphill battle getting him to change, but at the end of the day, why would you want to be with someone that you want to change? You deserve better.
  15. This is 100% about you and 0% about him. If you genuinely found it by accident, that’s fine, all that matters is how you react to it. The healthy and secure reaction is to know he lived his life before he met you and there is nothing wrong with that. Or you can let your own personal insecurities that have nothing to do with him eat away at you. If you choose the latter, nothing good will come of it and it will simply bother you at best. At worst it will cause you to say or do something you have no place saying or doing. The notebook means literally nothing in the context of your relationship with him. Your reaction to it is the only thing that holds any significance. I recommend not trying to find problems where none exist.
  16. If you’re not feeling it, you’re not obligated and are free to respectfully decline. Do what’s best for you.
  17. Yes, red flags. You are at a crossroads. You can heed the red flags now and walk away completely or you can stay and learn the hard way from the pain that will ensue should you decide to pursue it. The lesson has been presented to you, now it is your choice to decide whether you want it to be easy or difficult and painful. As someone who has been in your shoes and stood in the exact position in which you find yourself at this moment, I sincerely recommend and hope you don’t choose the hard way.
  18. Humans have been committing atrocities against each other since time immemorial. There’s an ugly and brutal side to us that is a part of our species. It’s never going to disappear, at least not in our lifetimes. All you can do is count your blessings that you can recognize this ugliness for what it is and try your best to promote love, kindness, compassion and positivity whenever and wherever you can. And based on what I know about you from reading your posts, I would surmise that you’re the kind of person who does exactly that. 🙂 edit: I would also recommend turning off the news if that’s something you’re amenable to. I did it a couple of years ago and it was one of the best things I ever did for my mental health. I don’t miss it a bit and I’m glad that toxicity is gone from my life.
  19. It sounds like there’s some fundamental incompatibility between the two of you, and you’ve built up a lot of expectations in your mind that aren’t reasonable. I would recommend you tell her you would like to remain her friend, but it’s not going to go beyond that, if you know that’s something you’re comfortable with. Otherwise, you should just move on.
  20. Whether or not you’re ready to put yourself out there to date is something only you can know for yourself. If don’t want to/not ready right now, then you’re not. If and when you are, there will always be plenty of single, available women for you to choose from. I wouldn’t be concerned about this particular one.
  21. With his actions, he has permanently removed trust from the relationship, thereby ending it. There’s nothing left for you to stay for. Unless you’re ok with his behavior, which you’re not, you have to permanently remove yourself from his life.
  22. There’s no way to get inside someone else’s head and know what they’re thinking. You’re wondering why now, because you’re still feeling some attachment to her. Just stay the course you’re on, and in time it won’t matter anymore. Just continue moving on.
  23. You want more from him than he can offer, which makes you incompatible with him in the long term. Best to move on.
  24. It sounds like you have a need to go in your own direction. There’s nothing wrong with that. People grow apart sometimes. It’s never easy to see things come to an end, but if you know in your heart it’s what’s right, then it’s the fair thing to do.
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