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Everything posted by GuitarHero

  1. Men can't control it. Any old stimulus, visual or physical can excite a man. I know that if I was kissing a girl and I wasn't "excited" I would be concerned. All my friends know when I am "excited" (usually cause of play fighting and wrestling with my friends who are girls) cause I make this face exactly: 0_0 They all laugh and say "Awww... did we set you off again, Keitaro?" I believe most girls find it flattering that they can physically excite a man.
  2. Best friends often have the best relationships, but you have to watch out. since she has known you for so long, she might see you as an older brother and trust you completely, so if you try anything you might break that trust. tough situation. I'm there right now too.
  3. Some people will probably sense that there is something "a little off" about your body, but they will get over that as soon as they see what kind of a person you are. If you don't want the corrections, then don't get them.
  4. I'm attracted to women that usually weigh 130 pounds or less, depending on height. 125 pounds at 5'5'' is good for me
  5. I'm 18 and I hang out with a group of about 5 guys and 4 girls. We have known each other since the start of junior high. I'm a year older than them and we are all into japanese animation (I am japanese, most of them are american) and tend to interject a lot of japanese phrases into normal conversation. All the girls call me "onii-chan" which is japanese for "big brother" (not uncommon when a girl is trying to sound cute) and all my guy friends call me "Keitaro-sempai" (Keitaro is my actual first name, "sempai" means elder classmate and is a term of respect). I hang out with the guys probably more than with the girls, but we all get together as much as possible. The girl who undressed in front of me only lives two doors down the street from me so we are always at each others houses. I guess you could say she's my best friend. My feelings toward her are...mixed. I would never want to do something to make her feel uncomfortable or chase her away.
  6. All my friends, especially my friends who are girls, see me as their big brother! I naturally am a nurturer/caretaker so I can't help but be concerned about the people I care about and always worry about their well being. This is normally not a problem as I love all my friends, but recently, something happened. I was hanging out with one of my friends who is a girl in her room, and she was telling me that there weren't any sweet caring guys left and she really wanted someone to just take care of her. Then she started changing her clothes right in front of me! She didn't do it in a sexy or teasing way, just the way someone normally changes clothes. It hit me that she didn't see me as a real guy. Emasculating much? I like that my friend trusted me enough that she would be so vulnerable in front of me.(she was completely naked, but had her back turned to me most of the time) How can I get people to see me as a real guy and not just their protective older brother?
  7. Eventually the up moments will last longer and the down moments will be shorter until one day it will all be just up. Even then you can slip down a little, but you will know you are healing.
  8. Stop talking to her, pure and simple. It hurts like hell, but she needs to become a non-factor in your life if you are to have hope of a healthy relationship with someone who loves you as much as you love them.
  9. She is definitely interested. Playful hitting is always a good sign. The next time you see her ask her if she would like to go on a date and make sure you use the word "date". She's just waiting for you to make a move. The lack of a physical goodbye may be because she wants you to make a move and is disappointed when you don't. Just blurt out the invitation for a date if you have to. if you think about it you will chicken out. Good Luck!
  10. I sent her one last email message telling her it was a mistake to contact her, and asking her to not send any more messages as I would delete them without reading them. I also told her that if she could just use someone like that then I was sorry we even met because I was disgusted by her.(Hurtful, I know, but I've got a lot of hurt and I won't let it build up inside of me.)
  11. My gf dumped me four months ago and it had been NC since. I was pining away for her, and then I began thinking of how bad she hurt me. Why would I want to be with someone who hurt me so much? So, I made a huge mistake and sent her an angry eMail telling her how she had hurt me and I was through chasing her. This is her exact response: "why dont you just get over yourself. dont you get it? i lied! i only dated you because you had a ******* car. thats life get over it. yeh maybe im shallow but i have fun without cooing over a relatonship that ment nothing to me." If she had told me in the beginning that she only wanted to have fun, that would have been fine and I would not have expected a real relationship. She's also obviously lying to herself because she went out with me before I even had a car or began talking about getting one. About it meaning nothing to her, that seems unlikely as we went through A LOT of emotional stuff together. She was also my first everything so this hurts especially. I definitely don't want her again, but There's this sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. I know the only way to get fully over her is to date someone else, but that is going to be really hard since I'm not going into college till next year and cash is tight right now. Any suggestions?
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