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  1. Yet we keep making the same mistakes with labelling over and over again. No one really learns anything from the mistakes of the past. I can't believe this its not about labels omg its about generalizations which can be true. They can be effective and useful. They are not always bad !
  2. Maybe it is sad maybe thats just life but life as it stands has done nothing but prove me right. I can't believe you won't accept that there is corporate culture that exists that is aloof and condescending. Its just there ! plain as the eye can see.
  3. No. I like my generalizations because they are for the most part true. Its more of a cultural demeanor that looks down its nose at people and volunteers at homeless shelters (not to say anyone here looks down their nose at people). I don't like people who volunteer for such things and then go talking about it. You'd be surprised of the things I've done to help people and I'll leave it at that. Corporation creates the homeless.. corporation volunteers for charity. I hate corporations but I won't judge you for working for one I'll judge you by how you treat and talk to people. When ur a nameless face in amongst the group I will judge you as I judge the group. I will generalize. Sorry thats pretty much how your lot likes to treat those who are not a "cultural fit".
  4. Become a tradesman they make much more than most of the stuck up corporate snobs. And its great to see them laughing as they can take their own days off as they please while the coporates are stuck in their little cube with no free will of their own. You get to work outside, be dirty, and swear. Skip the coporate crap. Many more opportunities for self employment too. Corporations = snobbs and elitest working environemnts if ur different or don't brown nose they don't want you. Everyone knows it I don't see the cause for debate. Charecteristically I've seen the type of people that work for them are the type of people that will readily look down on his fellow man.
  5. I can't do that. Theres something seriously wrong with me.
  6. She started messaging me on msn and asking how i was ect she has not internet she was talking to me through the uni library. I guess I was wrong she does want to know me.
  7. Money would make me very very happy particularily money I did not have to earn because generally to become rich requires a lot of personal sacrifice.
  8. I saw her at a bar, one of my mates told me she was there. Funny thing is I knew she was there before I was even told. I knew before we left that she would be in that bar it is just one of those things. I don't think it went very well she had her arms folded in my presense she complained about her night, how she is poor and has no job. I admire her for many reasons but I think I have reached the stage where all I can say is maybe in a different life. I think it is because of my own personal failings and laziness that she does not want me. I have never been this way about a girl before and I do not want to ever again. This is completely terrible. I need to take some of my own advice on this one and simply GET OVER IT. But goddamnit. GOD DAMNIT.
  9. IMO seven partners is not enough ! you should keep sleeping with men until you find the right one. Afterall, you're not going to be young forever, and 18 is a beautiful age.
  10. Give me a break.... you need to pass a look hurdle, its that bloody simple. After that its all about your charecter. Personality.. meh, what does that even mean. If ur good looking and you aren't an idiot or rude or stupid and can show ur a worker you get the girl. THAT SIMPLE. Common sense please. If u think ur looks r holding you back you need to lower your standards until they don't "GUYS ATTRACT GIRLS WITH LOOKS. GUYS GET RELATIONSHIPS WITH PERSONALITY" and you cannot have a sexual relationship without attraction. gg
  11. Girls will repeatedly pick up and want to date men who have a history of using women in the exact way it is looked down on in this forum. That is, using them till he gets bored of sex. its obviously not because they like to date men who are bad people it is because those men are attractive men to begin with. I've seen this many times and never once wondered why, I know it is simply because of attraction. I don't think decency comes into it much.
  12. Stop worrying about what women want. You should be concerned about yourself. Then let the women decide if they like you.
  13. yeah I agree... just that it seems most good looking men have really nice personalities too, that is, if you ask a woman
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