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Everything posted by ricardo

  1. I would venture to give a qualified "yes" to whether or not cheaters eventually get caught. Last year I found out about my wife cheating 36 years ago. It is amazing what can eventualy float to the surface.
  2. So you're really disgusted that she "had it in her" to see what someone else was like. Three years and no marriage comitment and you're disgusted with her? Have you made alot of revelations to her about your past? I doubt it. Long term relationships with no marriage will produce these activities. She was honest, and she made a real statement. Think about it.
  3. Forget all the details, if she is not emotional satisfied it's over. Women have to be emotionaly satisfied or they will find it somwhere else. Trust me on that. You have a year of pain ahead of you for leaving her, but a whole lifetime to enjoy with the right person that you will find. Move on and don't look back. Your love is not enough!
  4. I suspect that this is a "pride" issue that you have. You were wise enough to leave him, now be smart enough to let it go and rise above this with your head high.
  5. I appreciate what you have said, and I have considered it for several days. I have decided that if everything continues to go well between us that I will not ask any questions. I will let it die. I feel like you do, that hearing facts will bring everything to "life" and that is different from just "knowing".Thank you.
  6. I recently found out about my wife and another man. I haven't confronted her as yet. I fear that the pain I already feel will be intensified tremendously if she talks. I fear that she will deny everything. I also fear my desire to know all the details of the affair. I cannot figure out why I so desparately want to know "all" the details. I know that hearing them will hurt alot, but at the same time something makes me want to hear it all. Does anyone else have this problem? If you did and you got your answers how did it turn out for you? After got it all on the table did it help or hurt to hear the details?
  7. I have found in my numerable years that, some of the most unlikly people do cheat. I have also seen some of the most likely people turn completely faithful with the right mate.
  8. yes, shyanne. It is true, and I would not rely on a cheater to confirm anything. They will deny forever. And in my opinion, there is no side to her story. If you cheated, that is the end of the story. No excuses, but apparently there are no penalties.
  9. Perhaps the worst thing about discovering my wifes infidelities is having to give up all the precious memories that I have about her. All the times we were dating and the early years of our marriage, when I worshipped her and thought I was the only man she had ever known. (She is the only woman I have ever had!) These were such grand memories that gave life to my marriage and caused me to love her even more. Now that I know about her cheating even before we were married and now after marriage, I can't even think about anniversaries or see old photos of her. The good years or so-called good years are filled with questions and pain now. Getting over a death would be far simpler than going through this forgivness process, especially since I haven't confronted her as yet. (and maybe never) Just hearing her admit to anything would make me hurt even worse than I am and that I am not ready for. I either have too much love or too little sense. Which?
  10. I wanted to be brief, so I didn't say everything I wanted. First, the affair was about 17 years ago. I have only the word of a reliable person. No "proof" I do need counseling, yes, very much. But, there are few people as sensitive about this subject as I am. I watched my mother tortued by infidelities and I swore I would never go through that. Sometimes the past comes calling and what it brings with it you can never tell.......
  11. I should have pointed out that she was pressured into that tearful confession, by facts that led in that direction. She realised I had heard something that gave her away. As far as details go, she says no way.
  12. My wife and I met at age 23. We were both virgins and fell in love almost immediately. She was the girl of my dreams. We have been married for thirty years and this Last March she tearfully confessed that just after we met she gave herself a few times to someone she met. She had no idea why she she did it and was very regretful about it. This crushed me, but not as much as what an aquaintance told me recently. She had an affair with an associate. A death enabled him to release this information. I am quite sure she has had more now that this has come to light. I was too trustful and free. NOw what do I do, she doesn't know that I know. The undercurrent of emotions are running very strong and I feel like exploding with both pain and anger.
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