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Everything posted by Kwothe28

  1. Yes, because its his secret account so he could write to you or any other interested party without family knowing about it. After you ratted him out he deleted the evidence. If you believe you are his only one from his "double life" you are just naive. And if he is trying to make you jealous then he succeeded in that because you are seething and even needed to report that to his wife. If you exclude all other parties, do you even see how damaging that is for you? You are getting mad and jealous over a man who does this Do you even see that he doesnt care about you at all? And that you are just his sex buddy when wife or other women dont give him? In another example Can you read between lines? And that it means he does get it somewhere else and that you wasnt even needed for that. I really fail to see why you are stuck up on that guy. And why are you still playing the role of jealous mistress.
  2. Because in most cases they already know. But are complaying with it from some reason, whether its family, money or something else. I know an example ‚where husband opened a store credit where wife and mistress both buy clothes and accessories. Wife knew about it but just didnt care as long as he is buying stuff. Anyway, where you hoping that after you ratted him out she will left him? You all are in perpetual circle with that guy for years. Why did you think ratting him out will bring anything else but what she told you? Only reason she seem to care is because he involved the son too. I am sorry, but I dont think he cares that much about you, he just found a new toy to play and doesnt care if you are upset or not. Get away from there and reflect why did you spend years with married man who never wanted to commit to anything with you.
  3. Rich people in general are rich because they are savy with money. Meaning that they look at money as something very important to them and are not that keen to spend it. So if he respects his money why would he spend it on you every time you go out? Also, who pays the bills? Like rent(if you have one), electricity and stuff like that? Maybe he is annoyed because he pays for everything and wants you to pick up the tab every now and then? That would be very understandable. Also, why is it important that he pays absolutely all restaurant bills? Dont get me wrong, I am from the ones that like to pick up the tab. On dates, unless the other side absolutely insists, its a gentlmeny thing to do. However, when you live together and "share the bread" its very important that both sides contribute, if not equally then as much as possible in that way. So if he pays for all of it including bills and you just buy groceries and cook, he might be feeling unappreciated. Even if you do cook for him. I mean, for all I know, maybe you pay for more. Just that, if he started to complain when you moved in together maybe the problem is that you just dont contribute enough from money side of things.
  4. I will second what Batya said. OP, If a guy wants to see you, doesnt matter if he is working 24 hours a day or that he is far away, he will find the time and day to arrange a date and see you. "I am very busy" without anything concrete is nothing. Its basically just an excuse for him not to commit. So if he is that keen, he will have no problem arranging that. So, be very beware there. Words are nothing without action that would follow those words. Does he express his interest in any other way? Meaning like texting you first or even calling?
  5. Well, she still wants to date you so thats a plus. Do you flirt? How she reacts? Does she flirt? Did you try try maybe hugging her with one arm while you walk, or light touch on upper arm area to see how she reacts? Or just hugging in general when you say bye? Or even took some opportunity to hold her hand a bit like "Oh thats a nice ring you have there" move if she wears one? You need to "check the teritory" and see if she is comfortable with physical touches before the kiss.
  6. You say "OK, when you are 16 go live with him but until then you are under my care and you should listen". You have a rebelious teenager who emotionally blackmails you. You need to get that under control. After she is 16(I assume that is the age when they can decide in your country) she can go wherever she wants. We try our best with kids and I am sure you did. But after certain time, they can decide on their own where they want to go. Be there for her always, but if she decides she wants to live with her dad, there is nothing you can do unless he is really harmful to her.
  7. Then why she wasnt matching to your ex if she was so great? Dont get me wrong, I do think that you believe she is a great girl and that you would try to work it out. Just dont think that, rebound or not, you would be jumping out at first opportunity to make out with your ex if you felt something with that girl. 6 months is not a lot but enough to see some stuff. If she was lacking before, dont think additional time would fix that. With or without ex in the picture. Again, you are just reflecting. And thinking how you maybe made a mistake now when nothing else is on the horizon. We all did that. But the problem is, those stuff rarely turn out good.
  8. Some do. However, in your case, its probably more the case of interest not being that high in the first place. What she says to you and what she does are two different things. And you always should watch what she does and not what she says. In your case you are confused because she said to you that you are the mix of Brad Pitt and Leonardo DiCaprio. But when it comes to actually seeing you, she chose to ignore you and go out for 3 days and none of those days had you involved into it. I am sorry, I know its confusing to you. But you final insticts about he not being interested are correct one. So leave her alone and move on from that.
  9. Well yes if you can say to yourself its just his college group and that you have nothing to worry about. However what you have been dealing with here is morbid jealousy that affects not only your mental but also your physical health(with sleep issues and feeling nauseus). Your thoughts are preoccupied with him might being unfaithful and doing something with those girls and you cant function properly. Just because he hangs around few girls with whom he might just be discussing college stuff (I assume since they are paired they are doing some assignment together so they will be doing mostly that) and nothing else. That is indeed extreme issue that you cant resolve on your own. So you will need a good therapist to asses that issue and work with you in overcoming it.
  10. Why not both? Its a meme joke, but, in all seriousness, when they say "they need space" that means they need space from you. So, there is no point in waiting for them as it trully is over.
  11. What makes you think you would feel something toward second girl now? Rebound or not, 6 months is the period where that initial spark where something new and exciting passes. And when real feelings start to develop. If you werent feeling it after that time, chances are you are not feeling it. Even if you did got over your ex and can move on, that is not the girl for you. You are just bored. Meaning that it didnt worked out with your past love and you are not getting any exciting matches on Tinder. So now you are thinking that maybe you should give that second girl another chance. Which is understandable feeling to have but still not something that you should do. Because again, she didnt work out. If anything else, it isnt fair for her. And you will just lose time. Time that you could spend on yourself or even meeting somebody new and better.
  12. And you are OK with that? I would be more bothered as your literal family is included in sex fantasy lol Is it normal? Well, yes, most guys at that age have that fantasy. If he doesnt expect to materialize, OK, but having him bring up that much is kinda concerning, And again, sister?!
  13. I think there was some research where they did the porn viewing habits of men. Anyway, conclusion was that, while viewing habits of straight men are largely in that category, over 1/5 of them does indeed watch gay porn. Not my cup of tea but yes, there are some who do enjoy it. However, conclusion of the research was that, while they do identify as "straight", "getting off" to bunch of naked men does indicate that they are attracted or even would not stop them to hook up with other men. So, if his categories are like that, you should be worried. Especially if he doesnt perform in the sack but in the meantime gets off to strange porn fetishes. All those porn is very specific. Like "I cant get off to anything else" specific. So it does seem that he developed really strange fantasies. Who you (unless you become very large woman as one of categories lol), probably cant match in any way. So, that warrants a very serious discussion with him. Because watching porn is one thing. But he does seem to developed sort of addiction to very strange things. That lead him to not being able to perform with you do to it.
  14. Go to doctor as it can be a bacterial infection. Doesnt matter if your other boyfriends didnt complain, it could be something you developed recently. Still a weird flex to be so rude about it. Is he a critical person in general? Meaning is he being critical about other stuff about you? Because that would be a red flag.
  15. I dunno, from being flirty and touchy, he might want something. However as you are both pretty young and he is like that, I dont really think its something serious. So, you should at least beware there. You are still "coming out of the shell" and discover that the boys now find you pretty. So its normal to feel attracted to somebody who gives you that much attention. But again, beware there.
  16. Oof, girls here are gona kill you. Anyway, if we are talking in generalisations: You lived in the craziest state in the USA(those "Florida man" stories are wild lol) and led a party wildstyle with drugs and alcohol. What did you expect to meet but girls prone to that style? Also, as Florida has very large Latino population, pretty sure you could find some nice Catholic girl there also lol
  17. So in other words "perpetual man-child" who is spoiled by his parents and wants to play video games all day and smoke weed with friends? Yeah, good thing you got away from that, make no mistake about it, you are on much bigger level then him.
  18. Its not really that much of a mystery why it happened from your story about that night. He got drunk, you didnt "put up" so he went to the next convinient thing, the girl who he knew it would as she has a thing for him. Ask yourself if he really is a "good guy", especially because he would never told you about it if you havent found out yourself. And straight up lied to you when you confronted him about it until you presented evidence.
  19. Well, yes and no. She did pull your strings a bit so you have the right to be upset. However, lots of times when we feel connection, the other side doesnt. Hence her "taking things slow" comments. She maybe wanted you there at the time, maybe she didnt had anything else so it did fit her to have at least somebody, but she didnt "feel it". Its a legitimate issue. Still she should have told you that instead of keeping you there. Also, I am like 99,9% sure she met somebody at that bachelorette party. To whom she did feel "connection". Hence why Monday morning she broke things up with you. As French would say "C'est La Vie", it happens. Dont chase things up and think she is conflicted. She knows very well what she is doing. So, write it off as few good dates that didnt get anywhere and move on.
  20. That is because lots of "experts" relly on people who didnt get over their ex to read the article. So saying something like "Just be the best version of yourself and your ex will be chasing you" sounds very good to people who want to hear that and gets clicks. Also, for some reason some exes "hate seeing you happy" as people would say. So when they see you looking good, or having fun, or even with some other girl/boy it triggers that impulse in them how they maybe missed something about you. So in some cases it does work. However, what has been broken rarely gets in good place again. That is why the ultimate goal of healing after break up is to accept the break up and move on. And to say to yourself how that person wasnt right, or even in some cases especially good for you. But that there is somebody out there who is.
  21. Eastern Europe/Serbia. I had a Grandma that had a bunch of those sayings. Some of them like that one about the lamb stayed in my head as they are quite universal and can be applied to situations like this.
  22. I think he kinda played "emotional rug pull" on you. With "love bombing" and then being cold in person when he saw it doesnt have that much effect. He told you what he thinks you want to hear and then backed off when it had no effect. As others have said you shouldnt drink. You not even remembering what you said is concerning. There is "tipsy" and then there is when you dont even remember what you did and said. If you are like that when you drink, then you shouldnt drink. That is one problem. Second is that you dont know what you want. At least to that guy(dunno if you are like that in general) you seem quite cold. You turned him off when he wanted something more(I am not saying you werent right in that case, at least when it comes to meeting his kid you were 100% on point) and called him an idiot and yet expected him to be all over you and hold you like "a little drop of water on palm of his hand". We have a saying here "Lovely lamb gets milk from 2 mothers". Meaning that warm and lovely person gets much more then somebody who is being cold and closed. At least in this case and from what you wrote you were the second one. And still expected the treatment of the first one. If you want somebody like that first you will have to at least try to change and be more emotionally opened person. And then to find a guy who would be like that to you. Like this you have a disparity there. Where you come of as reserved but still expect them to hug you or comfort you.
  23. Godzilla had a stroke trying to read that lol Anyway, from what I understood, he is a narcissist who is crazy jealous at some of his friend that became your friend and to some guy at the store out of nowhere? And from the previous thread I see you both battle with addiction. As another meme would said "completely normal phenomenon". Narcissists believe they are special and have inflated ego trip. To him everyone who you even look at and that is not him is an insult to his ego. They also have no empathy. So him demonstrating an arrogant behavior why you cry because of him is normal. It gives him another ego boost as you cry over him and due to lack of empathy he doesnt care about your feelings. You could cry all day if you want, he would still blame you(as he is unable to take guilt because that would mean he is wrong and thats a no-no, another narcissistic treat) and laugh. I am afraid there is nothing you can do there. With addiction and that, all you can do is move away from that kind of person.
  24. Because he had another woman in meantime. Now after that one is over he remembered you. When they fizzle out and then come back its usually that. If you cant see each other, or he just wont, dont waste your time there.
  25. I dunno if its about PE(it might be), but what I do know from the messages is that, I am sorry to say, you sound very clingy which may be very off putting. If you ask her to hang out and she doesnt respond (from whatever reason), you just make other plans. Makes you less clingy and makes them see you are not just their "coat hangar" to be available at any time and that they need to respect your time. That is the rule for any girl, or even just friends. OK, you did make other plans, but you also shot 2 messages after she didnt respond to ask her again and after she responded and mentioned nothing about wanting to hang out with you, you asked again. That is the definition of "clingy", dont do that. She is not without sin, if she made another plans she could have just told you. Instead she chose to ignore you and even hide from you that she went out. That is not how somebody in relationship should act. She doesnt respect your time, straight up ignores you and hides from you. I think this relationship has run its course, at least from her side. And that she is already out.
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