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Everything posted by perfectliljewel

  1. ] hey whatever gets your anger out, but yes i agree it is some what funny. yes it is very hard to stop smoking when friends or people around you smoke. its even hard for me when darkblue says hes smoking. hehe. actully i would believe them seeing as how im having them at this very moment in time. just hang in there and dont smoke.... not even half a cig.
  2. can some one tell me some tips on how to avoid drinking/smoking?! my anxiety is really high and my step dad is being a butt! any sugestions for the drinking/smoking thing are MUCH appreciated!!! thanks!
  3. i am trying(failing) to quit smoking mostly becasue darkblue and my boyfriend said i had to... can you try something HEALTHY to replace it... i beat trees with a stick and unless your a tree hugger it doesnt matter, just dont be like my ex and make your hands bleed while doing that. you can go run, talk to us on the site or something like that when you get bored does this help any? the tree beating thing is only for use if you can get AWAY from people.... they might think you are insane if they see beating the crap out of a tree. so be careful where you are when/if you do this.
  4. i just recently seen a bottle of pills called one a day weight smart, turns out my mom is taking them, although im pretty sure is abusing them but she seems to be loosing weight
  5. DarkBlue has been giving you so great advice so i will just encourage hehe. GO JETTA GO GO JETTA GO. dont forget you CAN do it. think positive and have confidence trust me my sister was thinking the same thing you were when she got her job and i just told to stay possitive and that she can do ANYTHING and of course her being a woman she was worried about her looks but she is a BEAUTIFUL women and im positive you are as well so NO WORRIES! YOU CAN DO IT!!! good luck hun!! keep us posted please!
  6. i think she has moved away from you. when women or at least me and some of my friends tell me this when they kiss another guy they get an automatic connection... maybe this isnt the case with her i dont know but i think that when you are kissing a guy ESPECIALLY french you become emotionally attached. hope this helped in some way. good luck keep us posted. and are YALL still going out on dates, kissing, etc?
  7. ya unfortunately i was an idiot and didnt think about that until it was to late
  8. ok well countinued from my old post "depressed but weird". im currently at my mom and step dads house because my younger siblings wanted to see my "mom" so i said we could go.my step dad and i are already having some problems though and i dont really feel comfortable here...
  9. happy bday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
  10. hun(my word nothing meant by it) listen to DN and DarkBlue they know EXACTLY what they are saying trust me... and i agree with them... i am not in a position to give you advice becasue i have the same problem so dont worry but i can tell you the majorty of the people on this site will NOT answer your question. all i will tell you is..... if you ever need to talk DN and darkblue are some of the best on this site(others dont be offended i probably dont know you) just be carefull with what you do, how you do it, and where. trust me some people might report you for suicidal tendecies or insanity even better dont do it at all
  11. its normal. i dont fall asleep after my boyfriend gives me an oral but i am really tired; however i cant tell you exactly WHY it happens pretty sure its a chemical thing though
  12. JAMIE i need help its semi colons n ur good at that EAT FAST MAN
  13. wow everyone is going absolutly insane about hurricane Rita arent they? it is expected to be a cat 1 when it hits us here. there are expected tornados which is our main concern. joshs aunt and uncle have been doing laundry to get the laundry room clear so we can get in it if needed. my problem is we are going to have to get 6 people and 4 dogs in there and that room isnt very big! im sure we will be lying on top of each other with the smaller people on the bottom. if we can manage to survive that then i will have to get up and go to work and we will be flooded with animals! and now josh brought to my attention that my horse has no where to go. scary! well gotta go to work later! JAMIE GET ONLINE I NEED UR HELP WITH ENGLISH HOMEWORK
  14. my grandma hates me and everyone i know i think its because im not "feminine"
  15. jamie get ur butt on AIM!! i miss talkn to you except for when you and josh fight
  16. honestly it doest really matter to me i just want to get out of there
  17. uhhh i have cut twice in the past month or so which is if you ask me a hell of a lot better than it used to be...
  18. DN why do you keep bringing that up for the last time I WAS NOT ARGUEING!!!!!!!!!!!! do ya get it now?! and i have asked for help on many occasions.... but my problem is not that i dont know the material my problem is that i still fail everything if you like i can list a few grades i have gotten on tests and HW
  19. well im sorry i have a crappy attitude but not every one can be as positive as you are now if you will excuse me i have some bottles to empty bye
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