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Everything posted by perfectliljewel

  1. how do u kno im not trying..... that would be my problem im doing everything i know to do... i know what they are saying but when it comes to homework and tests im screwed and i dont understand why
  2. and it will suck a$$ while i try to get it especially when people keep telling me i cant
  3. nope where i work you can take classes to become a vet nurse..... if that dont work out ill become an equestrian and train peoples horses and teach people to ride
  4. yall are acting like i wouldnt be able to get a job.... I CAN STILL GET A JOB! i can be a vet nurse like i am now and i would get paid REALLY well
  5. i study notes i take in class and homework and reread stuff we read in class they cost money and thats something i dont have
  6. but it sucks.... ya know if school was more fun i wouldnt be so depressed about it
  7. hope i was joking... i can get a job im going to have one soon actully... DN ya i know that but when you study ALL day EVERY day it gets kind of old and boring and puts you in a really crappy mood
  8. well life sucks becasue im grounded and cant get on AIM, Yahoo, or MSN and life is boring for the same reason and because im buried under homework and im back at square one becasue i cut last night.....
  9. life sucks!!!!!!!! and life sucks and im kind of back at square one...
  10. ya right thats what they said in 4th grade and it still sucks and im still not going to be a vet
  11. its not at all i hate it theres no point in me going jay... ive given up on being a vet
  12. how do u know i dont work my butt off at home studying?! you dont... exactly and i do thank you very much and i did "argue" with her shes an idiot and said i did when she asked me why i didnt have my homework and i said because i never got an email back from you so i could do it and she said well i emailed you and i said sorry my email must be messed up because i didnt get it and she said i was argueing but back to the point.... i do study and i do ALL of my work i just fail everything i made a 57 on a history test a 67 on science and a 58 on division and 68 on multiplication
  13. not that anyone reads this or anything but ok ive decided that im never going to school again seeing as how im going to fail anyway so its pointless to go... right?
  14. me and my mom and josh might be leaving friday to go to mississippi to find out if my relatives survived hurricane Kristina... i dont know if i want to go though... i kind of do because i want to see them and i dont want my mom to half to go alone but i kind of dont because im scared of what i will see. i dont know what to do. what do you think?
  15. this is still doesnt help that joshs aunt is gunna kill me
  16. i dont know i wasnt there friday so i didnt know what the homework was because the electiricity went out and i couldnt download the assighnment sheets and i got yelled at for "arguing" about that when actully i was explaining why i didnt have my homework so i now have 5 0s which means im failing the class which means when joshs aunt finds out im dead meat and then i got pissed off and INSTEAD of cutting or almost killing some one i popped a rubber band and i got yelled at for making a scene and inturupting class so did i really do ANYTHING wrong because i really dont get what i did
  17. i hate my teacher n my teacher hates me on top on that i have her two times a day! we will end up killing eachother or even better i will kill myself if she dont get off my back
  18. just so the entire world knows SCHOOL SUCKS BALLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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