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  1. You really shouldn't have hooked up with other girls, this will just make her not to be with you more, shell think you obiously didnt love her that much if you could just go with other girls after 6 years. i really dont understand why shes done this. Its not dragging in the pain at all, all you can do is try and naturally if she keeps refusing something will just click in your head one day when it doesnt seem unreal anymore and thats when youll realise you do want to get over her. it must be so hard after 6 years, im so sorry xxxx
  2. sounds to me like you have a bug, maybe even flu. Just incase, if you live in england you can ring nhs direct on 0845 4647. please will somebody help me , i know its long but please i really need the help . xxxxxxxxx
  3. you know what it is, by the sounds of it this guy is taking you for a ride. You need to turn the tables. Because you are staying with him your letting him get away with it and so he thinks he can get away with it, turn the tables on him. Pack your bags and tell him your leaving with all your evidence. Tou could take him for a right ride. Start your life again , like you said, you have a beautiful 10 year old son your only young and do you want to be with this man for the rest of your life? A married man that takes strippers out for dinner? Think about it logically. He wont know what hit him if you just walk out. I garuntee his world will fall apart, he can have his random girls that he knows nothing about, casual sex whatever, that all comes and goes. But he'll never have his loving family anymore, a loving wife and a stable home and he'll realise hes thrown all that away for the sake of basically being unfaithful. At the minute he thinks he can have both, he needs to realise thats not how a relationship works. And hes obiously an arsehole to do this when he has a child aswell. I know this is problies hurting you like hell and i can't even emagine what your going though, but be strong, you could meet someone new, someone who isnt going to treat you like a doormat and walk all over you, and at the end of the day hes going to be the lonley one because once a cheater always a cheater and no girl is going to put up with that unless there stupid. Let me know what happens and remember be strong and never forgett that the only loser will be him , 'what goes around comes around' ashlei jay xxxxx
  4. all you have to remember is 'time is a healer' . x
  5. I love how somebody sees this from my point of view, your right, people message you telling you that its not a big deal, like yoy said, they dont know what it feels like. I asked my boyfriend, would it be right if there was a naked girl standing in front of him touching herself whilst her masterbated over her, because that is what it is like. I really want to forgive and forgett, everything will be great then it just pops into my head again , what he has done and then i feel angry with him and start to cry. I cant handle what he has done , pasrt to the fact he has lied to me and mostly that i want to be the only girl in his life.
  6. listen black widow, times may b hard and u may think there is no point to life, but believe me, i bet thr are plenty ppl that wud miss you. you have ur whole life ahead of you and i bet ur worthy of alot more than u think. listen if u need to talk add me email removed, i kno wha ur going thru iv attempted 2 kill myself before...
  7. wen i masterbate i only think about my boyfriend, thats what bugs me...........he claims he never fantasizes about other women and he never thinks about havin sex with the women in the porn or pictures.......
  8. So you think he'll never change? and what hes saying isnt true, how hell never do it again? he had his pc years b4 he met me and just didnt have the net for a while, i dont understand, i mean im young attractive and ill giv him ne thing he wants sexually....
  9. Me and my boyfriend have been together for a year, about 5 months ago i confronted him about his lads mags and asked if he materbated over them , and he said yes. This really hurt me as i am a very insacure person. He promised me he wouldnt ever buy the mags again. 2 months on i was looking at his mobile phone to find he had been trying to get pictures of topless women on his fone, i told him that i had issues and couldnt be with him due to the fact of how much it hurt me, he begged me to stay with him and said it was a mistake and didnt even want to materbate over it and just enjoyed 'looking at boobs'. I stayed with him and for weeks after i kept going on about what he did and how much it upset me, and he told me he would never hurt me like that again. I made a big deal of how much it hurt me, and he insisted he wasnt even bothered about it anymore. 3 weeks ago, he had the internet installed and i just new then that he would go on porn or acsess pictures of topless women. He insisted that he'd never hurt me like that and he also even swore down on his little brothers life. That day i went on his computer to find all his cookies had been deleated, he started getting really defensive. I went on google to find he had searched for 'free sex clips', 'jordan sex' , 'blonde sex' and 'hardcore fu*k'. I packed my bags and left, he begged for me back and said he had never taken me this seriously, i broke up with him for a week and he said he was ignorant and just kept telling himself it was natural , and that he took 4 granted how i felt about the matter. I can never trust him again , he seems so convincing this time but i just dont know. If he were to do it again , would he tell me? I dont understand , is porn just a sexual stimulant or do men actually think about having sex with the women in the porn? He claims is just to get him turned on. Am i not enough for him? it gets better, he claims he looks for porn with girls in that hav the same features as me to make him picture me, is it just me or does that sound dodgy? If he wanted to picture me surely he just would and not look at some girl having sex? Iv even tried sending him dirty pictures of me but he stiill consited of going on porn, im so confused and hurt. I think porn is a relationship killer, and shud only b 4 single ppl, if ur in a relationship u shud b sexually devoted to ur partner and not need 4 anything else.
  10. i think when you are in a relationship you should devote yourself 100% to your partner including sexually, why should my boyfriend watch porn if he has me?
  11. Me and my boyfriend have been together for a year, about 5 months ago i confronted him about his lads mags and asked if he materbated over them , and he said yes. This really hurt me as i am a very insacure person. He promised me he wouldnt ever buy the mags again. 2 months on i was looking at his mobile phone to find he had been trying to get pictures of topless women on his fone, i told him that i had issues and couldnt be with him due to the fact of how much it hurt me, he begged me to stay with him and said it was a mistake and didnt even want to materbate over it and just enjoyed 'looking at boobs'. I stayed with him and for weeks after i kept going on about what he did and how much it upset me, and he told me he would never hurt me like that again. I made a big deal of how much it hurt me, and he insisted he wasnt even bothered about it anymore. 3 weeks ago, he had the internet installed and i just new then that he would go on porn or acsess pictures of topless women. He insisted that he'd never hurt me like that and he also even swore down on his little brothers life. That day i went on his computer to find all his cookies had been deleated, he started getting really defensive. I went on google to find he had searched for 'free sex clips', 'jordan sex' , 'blonde sex' and 'hardcore fu*k'. I packed my bags and left, he begged for me back and said he had never taken me this seriously, i broke up with him for a week and he said he was ignorant and just kept telling himself it was natural , and that he took 4 granted how i felt about the matter. I can never trust him again , he seems so convincing this time but i just dont know. If he were to do it again , would he tell me? I dont understand , is porn just a sexual stimulant or do men actually think about having sex with the women in the porn? He claims is just to get him turned on. Am i not enough for him? it gets better, he claims he looks for porn with girls in that hav the same features as me to make him picture me, is it just me or does that sound dodgy? If he wanted to picture me surely he just would and not look at some girl having sex? Iv even tried sending him dirty pictures of me but he stiill consited of going on porn, im so confused and hurt, please help.....
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