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  1. Well, if you are still holding on hope that you will get back together, Call her at the very least you will know if there is something there or if it is time to stop thinking about getting back together with her. But be prepared to hurt again if you don't get the answer you want
  2. Well now I feel like I would give anything to marry her but that might be a reaction to my breakin heart. I am not sure after 6 years maybe I didn't unless I would have asked her. It is very confusing I loved her with all my heart but if I never asked her then maybe it wasn't enough. Either way I think I will look at this breakup as the end and give her, her space and if she wants to try and work on our realationship again put the ball in her court. I just hoope it is not two long as I really feel she is the one
  3. Ya when a women says she no longer loves you, I think that you have just grown apart. When you break up with someone after time you don't love them the same way you did when you where together. It is almost the same thing even though you are together, she or he might be drifting away from you and along with it the love.
  4. Ya I think she thought I was never going to marry her and she started to express that. And about two months ago she kinda hinted that things might not be working that well. I guess I should have seen the warning signs. And I think that she might have use I just need some time apart as a way to get out of the relationship with out having to tell me it is over for good. If someone is pushing away from you they probably need to go out and see what else is out there and if they really do love you? I guess I better deal with the fact she is not coming back and thats, that. No fauls hope. When do you know you are truly over someone and when will the pain stop?
  5. Hi all, I am 28 year old guy, that just got out of a 6 year relationship. Her reason for leaving was, she said the spark was gone. I asked her to try and work through it and maybe we could get some help to try and get it back but she didn't want to try. She says she still loved me but could be with me anymore, this crushed me. And she did it right before christmas to make it even worse. I have read everything saying that I should not call her or anything to get over her. But what do you do when you don't want to get over her? I am finding that I am trying to hook up with other girls right away to take my mind off the pain, is this ok if it helps me through the pain or will it only make it worse? I don't want to hurt anyone in order to make myself feel better. I am very confused and sad about the life we were going to have gone just like that. Is it ok to have hope that we might get back together or is that just draggin on the pain? When do you know the hope is gone, and you are over that person? Also how long do you feel this hurt? Thanks for all your help getting my feelings out really help James
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