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Everything posted by mccarleighp

  1. im a girl and i wish i knew the aswer to that one
  2. the best way is to just say how u feel from the start that way nobody gets hurt
  3. u dont need a car to show this girl a good time
  4. it sounds really sweet hope everything goes to plan and i hope she will say yes
  5. taking her for a nice walk would be good
  6. try saying something like so what would u like to do now
  7. i think if u like her why dont u try talking to her see how she feels
  8. i was 15 i wish i had waited abit longer because the first time is never all that good for girls and so i wish it had been with someone that i had cared about and who cared about me and would have listened to what i had wanted and needed
  9. after sex u feel like u can talk about anything and if u find everything out early on then u will have nothing to look forward to
  10. no two people r the same u just need to find out whats right 4 u
  11. maybe but not very likely take a test just to be sefe
  12. its when a girl acts like she is having one when she is not
  13. i dont see why not but try to get to the doctors asap
  14. i dont think that that is a bad size even 4 a grown man
  15. try new things in the bedroom that should get things back on track
  16. just go with the flow try not to think about it to much
  17. someone told me if u put £1 into a pot everytime u have sex in the first year of being with someone and then take one out everytime u have sex after that then u will never be able to take out all the money
  18. i think that u should take him to the doctors just to see what they say its better to be safe then sorry
  19. i have not none it before but i think u would find it alot more harder then the people that have never done it and waited because they dont no what they r missing u do
  20. why dont u try talking to him about trying new things try looking on the net together see if that helps
  21. just go with the flow just try not to think about it to much and good luck
  22. u need to stop looking for someone find happiness within yourself then and only then will someone come along who can also be happy with u
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