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Everything posted by Mike_Wazowski

  1. Say Mark: There is only one thing worse than a woman who doesn't like sex much, and that is a woman who is really really into it. My thinking on that is she will soon get bored with you and she herself, like you now, will be looking for more action from other partners. Dude, be lucky that you have a wife who gives you sex like twice a week. I get it like once every few months if i'm lucky. Oh...you said your wife is a little overweight...Why don't you guys join a gym or get into some sports together. Also, you said you watch Porno a lot.....Do you watch that with your wife? Why not try that? In fact, i've tried it recently with my wife...she actually likes it.....But not the real nasty stuff...more the sensual love making ones..... Anyways...I am in almost the same situation as you are..so I know what its like to not be getting much sex. I'm seeing a woman now...cheating...and even though I enjoy the sex, I know I am wrong, and I only wish I have the power to end it...maybe one day I can.....Good luck to you!
  2. Why do men cheat? Well I am married and I am cheating on my wife, and here is why I think I cheat.... First of all....I have a good relationship with my wife. I love my kids. I feel most happy when I am at home with them. Also, my wife is japanese. In many japanese marriages, sex does not play as much of an important role as it does in Western marriages. (I'm canadian). Some japanese married couples I know go months between love making. My wife and I do not have sex much..maybe once every few months....To her it's normal, to me it's like being in prison. I have talked to her about it many times but she just replies that she doesn't need it. I don't think she is naive but I'm sure she doesn't have a clue that i need sex more than once every few months. Even though I have told her many times I NEED IT, she just like 'shrugs it off' like it's no big deal. I love her and I do nice things for her: buy her flowers, take her out to dinner, give her a massage almost nightly after her shower. Do A LOT of cleaning up around the house etc.....But whenever I try to be intimate....she just says "NO". Now, I know what some of you maybe thinking that she has someone on the side as well, but she has been this way since the first day I met her. It is not something new. I was planning on ending our relatonship about 7 years back, before we were married, but she became preganant so I didn't. I respected her wishes and we got married. I guess it is partially my fault for not knowing this about japanese woman before I got married but now that I have children who are still very young(6 and3) I will never divorce my wife. I am happy except for the sex / intimacy thing. *****So for me, the reason I cheat is because I want intimacy. I want a woman to hold and kiss me while we make love. To feel her touch and hear her voice in my ear. To look in her eyes while we pleasure each other, Not just once every three months but often. As simple as that for me.....the only problem being is that the woman I have recently been with...well.....I'm hurting, confused, and wondering if all the heart ache is worth it..... oh well......
  3. definitely cheating.....But I understand your desire for the younger guy. I'm sure he compliments you a lot, maybe buys you gifts, tells you that he cares about you, flatters you, etc etc etc...... I and many other guys i'm sure have used all of these 'Techniques' to get into a woman's pants.... The question is: Does the Younger man mean what he says/does for you? And the comment you have probably heard/read a 1000 times: How would you feel if a younger woman was trying to take your man? Good Luck!
  4. Take it from me..once a cheat always a cheat.....if he cheats before marriage, he'll cheat after marriage...maybe not at first, but when the excitement of marriage wears off, he'll be back to his old ways..... Here's the question you must ask yourself: Can you trust him when you are not physically together? I mean when you are at home and he is God knows where, can you trust him? Having a successful marriage is difficult enough these days. No need to bring all his extra baggage(girlfriends, lies etc...) along for the ride.
  5. Dude....No One gets so drunk that they don't remember having sex. And if you were as 'Drunk' as you say you were, I doubt you could have performed anyways..... Sex is a very memorable thing whether Sober or Totally Plastered.... I'm sure you had an idea as to what you were doing....And I'm sure somewhere deep down inside of you, you wanted to cheat, for whatever reason only you know. Alcohol just gives people the courage to do something that they are to shy to do when they are Sober! Good Luck Bro....I hope it works out for you!
  6. There once was a time..not so long ago(maybe your parents or grandparents generation) when being a virgin until marriage was a good/normal thing. I think it still is. However if you decide to give up your virginity, do it because you believe it is the right thing for you and do it with someone you love. Don't let friends or a boyfriend pressure you into doing something that you are unsure of! Good luck!
  7. Well..i'm the last one to give you advice since i am a lying, cheating on my wife loser...but.....if there is No TRUST in your relationship...then why continue? Also..when you look at this girl...and you think about the future, is she the one you want to bear your children and live the rest of your life with? i'm sure you can find better....Also, with regards to the 'Cuttting' thing.....Dude....if a girl drives you to the point where you need to 'Cut' yourself...then you really need to walk away from that relationship and find someone you can talk too! Good Luck!
  8. I feel your pain bro......here's my opinion... There is NO REASON for ANYONE'S girlfriend to be getting out of another man's car at 3 in the morning. If she didn't do anything, it is sure a damned fact that the guy tried to get some....either way, bad situation that she should have never placed herself in. Find another woman dude!
  9. Well...my first post here...i'm a Canadian guy 39 yrs old, living in Japan. I am married with two kids. Here's my problem. I met a woman at work, who is also married (still a newlywed, 30 yrs old, her husband is 24) and we developed a friendship. Of course she is Japanese. Anyways...one night we had an office party, everybody had a little too much to drink and her and I just happened to find oursleves alone, I kissed her and she responded. Things got a little out of hand and the kissing turned into having petting.....Anyways...we talked about it over the next few days and she said the reason it happened was that she had had an argument with her husband that week and she was mad at him. At that time however she did admit that she liked me. Well, we continued to meet as friends. Our relationship grew a little stronger. We met several more times after the party incident and kissed. Of course the kissing was all at my suggestion, maybe my persuading. We decided to meet more to continue where we had left off at the party, but when the time to meet came again, she totally changed her mind. Her excuse being that her and her husband made up. I was Hurt. So for the next week at work, I totally ignored her...On Friday she sent me an email asking to meet me...So we met, had a coffee...she suggested we go out for a few drinks and of course we ended up making love. Of course it only happened cause i persuaded or talked her into doing it. We were both a little drunk, but not drunk enough to use that as an excuse. Anyways, she now tells me that the Love making was just a one time thing and will never happen again. Before I go any further, I know I am a real a**hole for cheating on my wife...but there is something inside me, I don't know what it is, but it is like, I am missing out on life or maybe I just want people (women) to worship me...who knows really...... Anyways, emotionally speaking, I have always been weak when it comes to rejection...been like that since my teens.... At work now, we talk and stuff..In fact we had lunch together today. She appears to want to just be friends. I mentoned our love making and she avoided the topic like it was the Plague or something, and said it will never happen again. But she also said that same thing after the heavy petting at the party. I know she likes me....she mentioned that much while we were.....well....you know......And she still wants to meet me after work for coffee and as friends.... I am dying here...my heart hasn't felt this way since my GF dumped me when I was 19 yrs old. I know I am married and stuff, and I know I shouldn't even be thinking of another woman, but you know how it is.....don't you? What should I do? I am hurting majorly! Should I just forget about her and focus on my family? If I do that, how do I get her out of my head and my heart? Should I just chill out, be her friend and just let what happens happen? Does she want to be with me but she is stuggling cause she is married too? Damn..I am reading this post and I am thinking to myself, what a total loser I am for even getting invovled in a situation like this.... Either way....Please someone either A me...or B: End my misery! Mike!
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