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Everything posted by Taomagicdragon

  1. I understand completely. I was neglected and physically tortured for eleven years by my family. I, too, have no love for them. However, I tend to have a level of compassion for any living thing, other than that, however, I have no semblance of care for them. Just last night I was told how much of a f--- up I am.
  2. Alright, this girl and I have been friends for a while, I'm 17 and she's 16. Now, in July, she found out that I like her, and she liked me too, but, niether of us acted on it, and our mutual friend sorta made any romantic relationship unable to happen because her and I were reminded of past times when datign a friend ended up wrecking the friendship. Fast forward to now. We both have a slight tnesion not to overstep any boundries, however, at some points, we seem as though we're throwing caution to the wind, only to be reeled back with the reality that both of us are too shy and afraid to let our friendship come under any risk. We both love eachother, but niether of us are sure nor willing to get it into a relationship, despite that we both want to, but are choosing not to. ANother friend of mine says we secretly are in love with eacother, and is obvious to others, but we'll deny it whilst thinking about eachother. Her past relationship was with her prev. best guy-friend. She dumped him and the friendship suffered and was ruined. SHe doesn't want to lose me like that. I;d be willing to take a risk if she was, but even I am not 100% sure ... though I'd still try if she wanted to. Now, I'd never do anything to hurt her, I;d never cheat, lie, or any other malicious - intented thing. So, what should I do, I know we both have some form of feelings for eachother, unless I'm wrong, either way, I'm at a loss. IN short, help! lol
  3. Hi all, well the this involves me and my friend, Lynette. Throughtout the past year we have gotten to know eachother quite well, and , since September, we've been on the phone with eachother for over an hour at a time. The thing is, she knows I like her and she feels the same... even a psyche test we both took confirmed it. But, she doesn't want to lose me as a friend. The couple of times I've brought it up (once actually) she begn to compare me with her relationship with he ex and how it went all downhill after they broke-up. I'd never want to back her into a corner at all. And she has told me that she loves me, moreso than platonically, so I'm baffled. Not to mention that the last time we spoke , she tolde me that she loves me too before hanging up. So, any advice?????
  4. take a moment every now and again and list the good in your life, you'll fine that you have good things and good qualities. After doing this a few times, you'll be able to rebound quicker just by thinking of that list (which i'm sure would be long). Hope i helped
  5. to dumpit, if a guy likes you, most of the time he'll be alot quiter around you smiling at you constantly. OR the exact opposite may happen and he'll try to be aloof while he sorts his feelings out. Every guy is different and there are many different ways we act. Me, I personally blush and smile and stare nicely. Apparently i'm a sweet guy (that is what i've been called) so i become more sweet and shy towards the girl i like. I also daydream about her sometimes and feel at rest when i'm near her, but if she catches me looking at her she asks why and i go all redfaced and nervous... that's how i act.
  6. first off CALM DOWN. Second off CALM HER DOWN. Third, get her tested for pregnancy. Then, the most important thing, be there for her through out this ordeal. Hope I helped
  7. in my opinion you need to stop thinking in such an "all or nothing" type of fashion. She may never love you like you do for her but that doesn't mean she hates you. She feels afraid of your precense because you want something that she does not. IF you do care for her then get over her.
  8. well, if it's meant to be, then it will happen... Don't make this situaution intyo an all or nothing kind of deal. No ultimatums wil help you or her. Make sure your feelings are well stated and let her make the next move. Remember, it's better to have a close friend than losing one because you can't get to the next level.
  9. exactly, just tell her how you feel. You can't go wrong following your heart. Don't sound desperate but earnest.
  10. Well in my opinion i think that you should tell her jermaine. You owe it to yourself to find out for sure. IF you do ask... she may not go out with you... if you don't ask... she'll never go out with you. As they say it's better to regret something you did than something you didn't do.
  11. oik, thanks for the input... i agree that i should stop beating myself up and stop being an immature baby I'll keep hoping though even if it is to no avail. thanks much!
  12. i suppose i'm not meant for love... too nice and too good of a person for people i've been told... i'm a good friend but i'll never find love *is slightly downtrodden*
  13. it's never too hard to live, do you honestly believe that you hjave nothing to live for? If so, the nyou posted on the wrong forum... Take a second and settle your mind, think about the good, there is always some good in everyone's lives and you need to fiund yours. You hit a rough spot, everyone does, you can pull through this.
  14. yeah, i thought so... thanks for the input, any other thoughts are appreciated as well. I'm guessing that nothing'll ever happen and that's fine but.. i don't know *is confused*
  15. Hello, I'll have to agree, many guys out there in this day and age are practically trained with all the media and peer pressure to be crude rude and lewd nimwits who think with the wrong head. Also, women have a hand in it becuase, while teens, they want "The Bad Boy" and, for many, chivalry and kindness is shown as weakness. Both breed behaviors that are deplorable. However, there are just as many (if not more) guys who are kind and loving and are in it for more than just getting into a gurl's pants. That's what I have to say.
  16. Hello, first post and this is what's on my mind. I'm 16 yrs old, high school junior and I have no experience in love whatsoever and am naive about any terms related to stuff like that. Any way there is this girl named Chantel who is pretty, intelligent, artisitc, and just lovely to be around. She calls me the "catholic school boy" due to how innocent I am and how kind and sweet I am. WE've been there for eachother like good friends should be and one time I told her that I liked her... her response was "*no response*" and that sorta deflated my self-esteem (have very little due to my upbringing and am terribly shy) She's called me sweet and cute often as well as talked with me about *maybe* going out to see a movie sometime... It's things like that that make me think that she may like me.. but her telling me of ppl she has a crush on and her obvious looks at other guys tends to say otherwise... so, any advice?
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