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Would you date yourself?


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Lol, now that's a good question!

I think I'd probly go out with myself for a lil while...but once I'd start opening up and actually being myself, I'd run away as fast as I could! ( lol, I know I have some problems...and I just wouldn't wanna go out with someone who had these problems! )

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If you were a member of the opposite sex... would you date yourself?


someone asked me this question and i found it really interesting... forced me to see myself objectively.


I said I probably wouldn't actually... because I feel like I don't have my things together, so to speak...I think guys probably find me too difficult...


edit: Actually I would date myself at first. Because I am good-looking, smart, seem confident and friendly, down-to-earth, maybe a bit mysterious....lol. I guess those are the good attributes... but then when I'd find out about my issues, i'd likely jet as well....



Lily 04 I have to tell you I totally respect your honesty on this post. Most people will jump the gun and say HELL YEAH I'd date me. But the truth is...we all have hidden issues that no one brings to the table in the beginning of a courtship. I will mimic your answer and say Yes at first i'm happy, confident, good looking, smart, sensual, but after a year or two..i'd give me the boot. You are the reason I can be this honest. My temper and insecurity would turn me off!

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No i wouldn't want to date myself, i am to people like what insect repellent is to bugs. If i could i would break up with myself and leave so to speak. Heck even my imaginary friends don't want to be friends with me and left me long time ago,let alone real friends if i ever had one. But please don't consider it as a problem, i am better off alone. This is basically due to that what life has to offer does not correlate with what i envision of how it should be, and this caused me to be unsatisfied, and disappointed in people and life in general which made me boycot life and social events as a whole. It really doesn't do anything for me anymore.

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I hope this doesn't sound arrogant but I think I would, mainly because I'm honest, energetic, and smart. But I might intimidate myself at times and that would not be relaxing, it'd be a little intense, but I think it'd be a fine experience with lots of green pastures.

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If you were a member of the opposite sex... would you date yourself?


someone asked me this question and i found it really interesting... forced me to see myself objectively.


I said I probably wouldn't actually... because I feel like I don't have my things together, so to speak...I think guys probably find me too difficult...


edit: Actually I would date myself at first. Because I am good-looking, smart, seem confident and friendly, down-to-earth, maybe a bit mysterious....lol. I guess those are the good attributes... but then when I'd find out about my issues, i'd likely jet as well....


The thing is, we know that we all have bad sides to us; we all have faults, whether we show them or not; it's up to us on whether we want to just face that, and understand no one is perfect! Or we can live in denial all of our lives, thinking we're the only one who's faulted, and our mate should be 'perfect' all the time. That's insane.


In that light, yes, I'd date myself without hesitation. I feel I'm at least decently intelligent, have a sensitive personality (if you know me good, you'll see this side come out... play guitar and sing a little, can be very romantic, and more.


But, I also have some problems, like my anger that I am working on right now; it's nothing serious to where I am throwing things around. I just feel I let my anger get to me, like if someone cuts me off in traffic, or whatever. I feel I overreact for my taste, so I'm seeking to better myself.


As long as someone sees you've admitted to your fault(s) and that you're sincerely attempting to fix the problem(s), then, if they have understanding and patience (both of which are apart of what love is), they'll most likely stick around.


So... yes, I'd date myself! Even knowing my faults inside and out! Since I know I'm sincerely looking in to changing myself for the better.

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Interesting question!!


A year ago, I would have said absolutely not. I definitely did NOT love myself at the time. Since then I've really done a lot of work on myself, feel a lot better, and think I have a lot more to offer and am just in a better place in my life.


Soooooo....while I think I might be a handful at times (I totally know this), I think the good would outweigh the bad. As long as I was willing to call myself on my own crap (??), then I'd say yes...let's give it a shot.

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Fun question...Date myself? Yes...I love myself and I am happy (again). However, if I broke up with me I would have to definitely NC because LC has been too difficult to maintain with me. I am always talking to myself, texting me, voice mailing myself analyzing I and missing me too much.. :scatter: lol

I wonder what Superdave71 would do?

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If me and myself dated, nothing would EVER get done.

We would ask eachother "so what do you want to do?" constantly.


On the flip side, I would spend a lot of time with myself and be very committed. Me and myself would probably get married in vegas and be in couples counselling a day later.


But I'm pretty superficial, so I guess if I dated myself, I might get told to hit the gym, and I don't like to hear that.



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Fun question...Date myself? Yes...I love myself and I am happy (again). However, if I broke up with me I would have to definitely NC because LC has been too difficult to maintain with me. I am always talking to myself, texting me, voice mailing myself analyzing I and missing me too much.. lol

I wonder what Superdave71 would do?




PRICELESS... I love this answer!

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If i dated myself then there would occour some problems, I would want a better body and mostly of all I wouldn't be fit with a girl who cooks so bad, and who furthermore listens to westlife and bsb. On the other hand It would be 2 great people in bed, so it would be plus, but I think we would have some problems regarding our parents in law due to the fact I always try to make an impression on them, and I don't like it so much when my gf does that on my family... lol difficult

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i'm not 100% sure. i have to say it's a weird question but a very good one! i would probably date myself after all i am not too too bad in the looks department not great but not too bad, and i do try to be a great gf, but speaking honestly you could have the looks but if you are a headcase (like me) then probably would be out of there as soon as it got weird. i'm not sure because i suppose i'm not that bad, as i do have my up[s adn downs, but who doesn't? hard question! so, maybe for a while.

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