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What do you want to say to your ex?

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I hate you for not putting even half the effort that I put into the relationship. I hate you for bringing your past relationship issues into our relationship when I worked so hard to keep mine out of the new relationship. I hate you for using me as a "transitional g/f." I hate you for telling me that "I would have been a beautiful bride." I hate you for using me and tossing me aside. ( By the way, even though your ex looked like a pig, but she was lucky to get away from you.) You put up such a good front, but it just takes time for me to see through you. I hate you for only seeing me when it was seemingly convenient for you. I hate how you made me feel that you could take or leave me. I hate you for making me feel that I was begging you to spend time with me. I hate you for bruising my ego and lowering my self-esteem. I hate you for causing me to question my worth. I hate it that your priorities are so screwed up. I don't respect you. I think you have a mediocre, moneyless job and have totally, dorky friends. You're a momma's boy and your family is white trashy disguised behind a thin, uppity veil. You have nothing to bring to the table and live a pathetic little life with your pathetic boys. Keep going to the lame bars & pick up the dirty little skanks you think are so great and kiss so aggressively. Here's a little heads up for you: No young, little hottie is going to want you. You are not a head turner and you have no money. You are not the man I thought you were. You are a coward. A little boy-never going to grow up. You will NEVER find anyone better than me. You overweight and will be bald soon. I don't want to know you anymore. You don't DESERVE to have such a cool person (me) in your life. Your friends are nerds and dorks and you are the king of the dorks. Your mother says inappropriate, white trashy things. Your father is a non-entity, kind of like you with your lack of substance or thought. You just borrow canned phrases and everyone else's views for your own. You watch the stupidest TV shows. Your sister is fat and meddling. (By the way, her b/f is a whimp.) And, I am seriously considering the possibility that you might be gay. Oh, by the way, your friends are starting to grow out of you. They are growing up and starting their own lives. Then what would you do?? This is not the fag-frat house anymore! I definitely dated down when I dated you. I never thought you were "the one." I want you to wonder if I was the one for the rest of your pathetic life. But... I will always miss your kisses. You kissed me perfectly. I am so angry that I haven't even had the thought to kiss someone else. I will miss your smell. I will miss your teeth. I will miss your eyes. I will miss your skin. I can't stop thinking about the times we made love. I can't even think of how it will be with someone else. I will miss your companionship. I can't stop longing for you even though I know its not right. I can not let myself feel anymore of this hurt. I just can't be friends with you. I just can't. I'm so scared. You may think this is a bump in the road, but it meant something significant to me. I hate you for not seeing that our relationship was worth fighting for. I hate you for not contacting me. I hate you for telling me that you loved me. And I hate you for not recognizing the gift I gave you. I hope I haunt you for the rest of your life.

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allright couldn't resist, thanks mintblossom for the inspiration.


I also want to add that I am glad your having a difficult time loosing your gut, it's probably all the lies you are holding in, no amount of exercise is going to get rid of that, lol, rolling on the floor.

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hahahah. Nice one Shiva. I would chime in but I don't think a guy should say anything that mean about his ex...I'm a "nice guy" anyway...and we don't do that (jokingly hinting at the nice guy threads that are blossoming all over the forum)


I guess I can say this:


You are a coward and a traitor.

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i loved you, i would have given my life for you. but you couldnt tell me the truth, i was good to you and you I.. at least until i found out u lied, until i found out you were dishonest. disloyal. and after that month of lies, betrayal, and leading me on i still love you. but even if you came back i would not accept you as i cannot trust you. i wish you the happiest life you can receive, i love you with all my heart and good luck.

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If I can go back in time and take back that day, I would. I think we would go on to fulfill both our dreams. Too bad we were both scared to tell each other the truth on what we really wanted. Now we aren't together and I'm left to pick up the pieces on what could have been. Please, let those that are trying to help you in because they are worried about you. Do not run away from your problems because it will only hurt the more you don't confront them. I love you more than anything in this world, but I'm also angry on how you are letting things turn out. I'm still here hoping you realize soon what you are throwing away, but you hurt me more than anyone has in the world. I don't know what else to say...

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wow...I wouldn't even know where to start. I have so much anger and resentment, yet so much sadness and utter disbelief at the things she has done. However, I do know that she had no control over specific actions because of her condition.


I guess if I could say something it would be thanks for the good times and I'll always love you. Deep down in each person, there's humanity in there somewhere, although we may doubt that when we see certain behaviors. It's a crazy world which we live in, but I believe that everyone and everything has a purpose. I just hope that we are happy in our lives, regardless of what happens.

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I hate it when you broke it off when I thought things were going so well. And when I asked you why, you came up with absolutely ridiculous reasons you couldn't qualify including saying I was selfish and then not being able to give a single example to support it. Finally, all you could say was you had commitment phobia. Than why the heck couldn't you have told me that in the beginning instead of pretending you wanted it to last forever? I don't understand you at all, you are so odd sometimes.I blame myself for not being able to pick up the blatant red flags. I guess I have learnt a good lesson from this experience. I've learnt to be less naive, better able to discern, and less quick to trust and more in touch with what I want out of life and what I want from a partner. Thanks for the lesson.

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Thank you for finally letting me go. I said I hope you find something else to make you happy...I just didn't realize it was going to be a month later, then engaged again 3 months later. Do you know exactly what you put me through? My family hated you, but I chose you. Over everything. They were right…you weren’t the one for me. I'm glad I came to my senses and let you go. I'm enjoying life now. More than ever. I have the friends that I had so long ago...you know...the ones that you said wouldn't be there when I needed them. They are there more than you have ever been. I thought we were going to be together forever. Guess not. I dis-liked strongly how cynical you were. You brought me down. You never stopped and supported what I was trying to do. You never fully appreciated the person I am. I finally realized the only one you really have to be true to is yourself. I did that. Thanks…

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i hate the fact that i trusted you to be a person of undeniable commitment, that thru thick and thin you would be there for me. i went out a bought a ring for you, the princess cut diamond on that platinum band the we looked at soooo many times. i hate myself for not having the balls to ask you right then and there. i really hate you for telling me after we broke up that had we been married you would have worked it out. so few problems, so much fun we had. i hate myself. it should have worked.

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Too bad I don't believe in god or I would say "God damn you!" You think you are changing, you think you are evolving, but the truth is that you are de-evolving. You are turning into a disgusting, despicable, uncaring, slutty dog, and you deserve whats coming to you. I don't even want you back, because you are not the person i fell in love with. You are disgusting.

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You're a pathetic waste of human life. I wanted to try to be friends again but you just keep adding to the fire of my hate for you. I wanted to not talk to you again but you told me that you wanted to continue being friends. I know this is because you're lost in life like you always are. You never know where you want to go or what you want to do. It's disgusting. You're are the most idiotic and hypocritical person I've ever met and I can't believe I dated you and put up for you for so long, only to have you make the stupidest decision of your life and ending our relationship, all for a job. You tell me that you don't trust other people, and you've been through ridiculous things, and now you tell me that you're going to sleep over a guy friend's house with not only him there, but two other guys? Are you mentally retarded? You've come close to getting raped once; you'd think you would learn. I'm going to laugh at you when something happens to you as all of it could have been completely avoided if you actually had brain cells left in your head. It really bothers me that not only people like you exist, but the fact that you're only 17 and that your parents allow you to do this just kills my respect for human beings in general. I can't stand the people that I have to live with. I can't wait until I meet someone intellectual that I can actually have a good relationship with. Not just me giving and you taking; one where both of us can both give and take.


That's it and I think I'm going to tell her this. I could care less about her life now.

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I gave my heart and soul to you, gave you advice, helped you when you needed it, drove you around, bought you anything you wanted, so really, where did I go wrong? The whole speech about "it's not you, it's me" didn't help, it only made it worse. Why couldn't you just be honest with me? After a month of not contacting you at all, I realize how much easier my life is without you. You drained me with all your complaining and problems. I thought I could help you overcome your past, but apparently not. I wish I could help you and knock some sense into you again, but I can't. I know one day you will overcome your problems, but I won't be there for you ever again. So please, move on like I have. I'm tired of you trying to get back in contact with me.

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You suck in bed

Your shallow

Your insecure

You always think negative

Your boring as hell

You always blast the heat

Your hypochondriacness was getting old

You have no courage

Your not as good of a mother as should be


I will miss your smile but not your teeth

I will miss getting head all the time

I will miss your eyes


Dam iv been thinking for a few minutes and cant think of anything else i would miss.

O yea last thing i will miss your real nice, beautiful, natural doobies

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