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  1. my heart discrete someone's poetry inspired me to creat my own... destiny my heart discrete a fortress guarded attacked assaulted betrayed bombarded conquered dethroned impaired discarded as the laughter already started started inflicting more distress as your granted happiness through my horror and unrest is it real or just a test a test of my self being whether or not to be conceding if my heart will stop bleeding can i stop myself from fleeing fleeing from this hell you brought from the blade serrated and wrought the inner death of me you thought exactly what i thought i fought fought and failed as you departed out to lands unknown uncharted thy inner being left beaten and darted my heart discrete no longer....
  2. im about 6'2 slender/medium build. personally i like wemon that have a body that well "fills out her cloths". i'm not talking about cupsize or anything, i think it has to do alot with cloths they wear as well that kinda shows off themselves. i dont like skinny wemon i like medium build and this is kinda weird but ive noticed wemon that are a little short maybe around 5'1-5'5 have the build im talkin about. it's rather hard to explain... my last gf was 5'2.. kinda weird having a foot on a girl. but its cute ina way. i like confidence in a woman, shyness or boldness doesnt matter but i like a girl who is confident in what she does and the decision she makes. obviousely she has to have some intelligence but id rather have a woman who was wise versus super smart. and this is a must "ASSIRTIVENESS" i want a girl who will speak her mind without blowing her top. my last gf didnt say sh*t and ended up lieing to me to find out shes been with another guy for 3 weeks because she couldnt find it in her heart to tell me how she felt about where our relationship was going..
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