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What do you want to say to your ex?

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Mike - you can talk about your new sobriety until you're blue in the face, but the email you sent me yesterday was so obviously not sent by a person who's TRULY getting sober. Indeed, it was so psycho, I'm thinking you were actually drunk when you wrote it. If you're moving to Newquay with Jamie, my guess is that your parents finally had enough and kicked you out.


Maybe it's true that the blood test for work showed that you have had a drink once in the past 62 days - but you know you were on a bender from March 12 to your flight on the 14th, and then again when you got back to Aberdeen on the 27th. You got lucky on some blood test, but you know the truth. What you don't know is that for all the accusations of messing up your life, I actually didn't do any of the things I fantasized. You've done a fine job messing your own life up. It's no wonder nobody loved you enough to confront you about your alcoholism until I came along. For the rest of your life, you will have to live with the fact that I was the only person who cared enough. And if I hadn't dumped you, you'd still be a drunk.


I wouldn't get so cocky about having a month sober; your sobriety thread, as evidenced by your email, is extremely thin.

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i didn't tell you everything...the whole story and nothing but the story but only because it was my personal baggage and i didn't want to involve you.


i really was hoping you had a happy holiday BUT THEN january 5th came and that's when things became complicated. i'd be lying if i said you hadn't made quite an impression on me and i had feelings. so i told andy. at the same time i had aleady read some juicy material by your wife here and there on those rant and vent type places about you so i didn't really know what to think. SHE SCARED THE LIVING HELL OUT OF ME. OH and i had already found out her full name and that she is from the state i live in....you know, things you didn't tell me (but that's ok). i was cautious about you and her regardless and knew her friends and family were from the same state. ...but january you told me you two broke up...i never believed you. -- and STAYED CAUTIONS


SO THEN it was ANDY who found the "Still Crushed" thread..he MADE ME READ IT and was trying to convince me you were a horrible person. BUT I SAID NO, NO, NO...he made me read things...all kinds of things...(vent, group hug) he said you and your wife were crazy and the only intension on your part was some kind of sick revenge planned by the both of you. but i said NO


To fuel the situation more, you got all those transcription services and tracking devices...so i started to think andy was right....so then i began to purposefully provide you with some really good "material" via internet and phone...to see what you would do...but i STILL WAS HOPING YOU WERE NOT A SPITEFUL MAN...yes, i was torn and went back and forth...friends said i should continue to pretend to be stupid and unassuming regardless (and i really, really hated that...that is, having anyone think i'm a fool). i * * * *ing hated it.


Andy suggested that i JOIN IN ON THE THREAD (under an alias). HE MADE ME SAY THINGS...HE SAID doing so WAS FOR MY OWN GOOD as i would eventually see your true intentions. so i made the decision NOT to confide in you anything of great significance about me ...only because i HAD TO KNOW WHAT KIND OF PERSON YOU ARE. i didn't want to believe any-thing bad about you EVER. all the while i was trying to plan my new life, start my new job.....


i REALLY was wanting to believe you weren't capable of such things. but i guess your tracking system, calculated spiteful and decieving messages from hell...deragatory remarks convinced me otherwise. i think it was when how sweet you were to me all the while talking about me, my family to your wife--. and don't think i don't know how you and she stooped to the lowest of the lows by mocking my dear friend shaine who died in kayaking accident -- * * * *ing sickos. (go to your favorite coffe shop and see what i mean).


SO...please,,, go ahead and send that CD with all of its lovely tid bits of info...everyone has been made aware...everyone is keeping an eye on their mail boxes. go ahead "show em" "show them it all"... oh and show them how heartless you really are. i am prepared for the "WE TOLD YOU SO" of my life.



regardless, andy will be my best friend forever...



i know you'll never see this but...i just wanted to get this off of my chest. that's what this place if for right?

ps...if you're wife comes anywhere near me...well, she just better not come anywhere near me...

she better not be found hiding in my bushes or be hanging out on my street otherwise i will have my dogs bite off her big nose and tear off her big ears -- i highly recommend you ask her to stop provoking, insinuating threats, and stay away from me all together.

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I guess you figured out that your emails get forwarded to your dad, but that there's nothing I can do to block your number or texts. How long will you keep harassing me? At some point, I just might decide to phone your various employers and spill the beans on you. Unfortunately, then you'd never stop. If you're so happy and "moving so far on and upwards" then ffs, stop trying to phone me and stop sending your twisted little text messages, you psycho drunk!

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The more fights he picks with me, the more I miss you. Being your girlfriend for eight years was such a blessing. I loved you sooo much. He will never be the boyfriend that you were. In a perfect world, you would come back and tell me that you miss me and rescue me from this sad life I'm now living.

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I hope you * * * *ing suffer. I'm moving on, I know I can do better, but you've hurt me more than anything. i seriously would do anything to make sure your life is nothing but miserable from now on. I hate you. I hate you for lying to me, betraying me. I hate you for making me believe you were the one. I hate you because I still love you.


P.S. That latest modelling shoot? You looking * * * *ing ridiculous. No matter how well the guy frames the pictures, you are never going to be as gorgeous as you think you are.

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Mature guy that you are, you ignore me all day. When your boss throws you a chance to come to an important client meeting that I am running you make up some lame excuse about having to let the cable guy in so you can't make it and panic. Mr. Holier than thou "I know we can be professional" runs like a child. You are a * * * *ing baby. Thought you could cope so well and I'd be a mess. I am on the inside, but on the outside you are looking like a complete * * * * * * *. Way to go.

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I thought you are intelligent...


I thought you're afraid to make mistakes...


I thought you are so kind and whole hearted person...


I am not angry with you, but I know what you really are...


But you can go on keeping your "nice girl" image to everyone we commonly know... I won't say a word...


I know one day, you'll be hurt and fall like its the end of the world... And I really hope it happens for you to realize what pain is... and learn from there and become the real kind and whole hearted person you are impersonating most of the time....


Its not a curse...its just that I want you to learn and know what "real love" is...


Thanks for breaking it up...and not wanting me back coz you could have cheated on me... or I could have cheated on you...


We are better off with somebody else...


Thanks for everything I've learned that not all nice looking girl are erally nice inside...


Thanks for the good things we shared, anyway...

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Stop calling me, stop harassing me!! I ended it with you because you are nothing but an obsessive, controlling, jealous idiot. Why I stayed with you for two years is beyond me. You are not worthy of my love, you never will be. I hope your heart hurts as bad as you hurt mine. You really didn't think I would find the courage or strength to leave you huh?? Good luck trying to find someone who loved you like I did.

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Why is it you feel the need to tell me you MISS ME? Then act like you dont want anything but sex. You dont miss me persay. You miss how good I was in bed. (APPARENTLY)


Secondly, I hope you will always think of me while with another person. Thirdly I will always be the best girl in your life you let go.

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