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  1. I don't want to sound like I'm in denial or anything, but surely she offered up the exact day of Friday for a reason, right? It's not like she said "I'll think about it" or "I'll get back to you" or anything super vague like that.
  2. I don't know so much about flirting, in the sense of anything obvious. We'd talk at work, get along, make jokes, etc.
  3. I just don't get it. We were so close at work and even some of our co-workers thought that we'd look good together as a couple. Asking her out seemed like such a sure thing.
  4. Me and this one girl have spent the past year and a half working as assistant managers at the same job. I always had feelings for her, but I never made a move since I didn't want to get involved with a co-worker like that. But last week was her last day before moving onto a new job and I decided to make my move. I asked her out on her last day and she didn't seem very responsive or excited. She basically told me that we can't do anything until Friday since she'd be busy for the next couple of days. (I asked her out on a Tuesday) I couldn't help but be slightly irked by that since she knows that my only real free days are my days off on Wednesday and Thursday. Friday-Tuesdays are my days when I work and I work closing shifts, meaning that I work as late as 11:30, along with having to be on call and ready to come in early if needed. She didn't offer much in the way of alternatives, but I mentioned us already having each other's numbers and that I can text her and iron out some details for later. She just kind of nodded and smiled about that, but didn't say much. I've recently texted her, but it's just a lot of excuses about being busy with family and not coming up with any free dates for her. This is disappointing since I thought for sure that she liked me back. We always got along and were at least good friends at work. She seemed comfortable around me, but I don't know what's going on now. What do you make of this?
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