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Ladies; do girls really go for thin guys?

Kevin T

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When you're in a relationship and you love and care for that person, they can become attractive to you. Your feelings for that person cause you to develop a special view of that person, and see him/her in a way that no one else does... or can.


My ex-fiancee used to often tell me how supposedly "good looking" I was. I believed her at the time, but thinking back on it now, I no longer believe what she said. She was most likely saying it just to make me feel better or just as flattery. Either that or she was just saying it because love had clouded her eyes and she no longer saw me for how I looked, but for my kind heart, great sense of humour and intelligence.


And it's not that I'm ugly per se, I know I'm not. But even among celebrities, sure there is variation: Some women like George Clooney, some like Brad Pitt, some like Antonio Banderas, some like Tom Cruise and some Bruce Willis. Those guys are all different, but each is handsome in his own way. They all have similar traits, despite their differences. For instance, how many of them are obese? How many are emaciated-looking? How many have no teeth? How many have a gross deformity? How many have (or have had) acne or other hideous scars? See my point?


Beauty is definitely relative, but it's not AS relative as some of you think.

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My ex-fiancee used to often tell me how supposedly "good looking" I was. I believed her at the time, but thinking back on it now, I no longer believe what she said. She was most likely saying it just to make me feel better or just as flattery. Either that or she was just saying it because love had clouded her eyes and she no longer saw me for how I looked, but for my kind heart, great sense of humour and intelligence.


You were engaged? That's so cool. You seem a bit young, but that's cool. I'm sorry it didn't work out.


My opinion is that we are all beautiful because humans are just beautiful creatures. We all have features which can be seen as ugly, but basically we are just hot and sexy beings! I'm sure your fiance saw what an attractive, sexy guy you are. (And you are, btw).

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Sam Kinison was obese, and he married a woman that looked like this: link removed, and she danced in Vegas.


Konishiki didn't do so bad either. See: link removed


It's really not about your looks, so long as yur looks are nothing one would describe as very abnormal. Even then, it's really not about your looks. It's about how you make a woman feel.

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And it's not that I'm ugly per se, I know I'm not. But even among celebrities, sure there is variation: Some women like George Clooney, some like Brad Pitt, some like Antonio Banderas, some like Tom Cruise and some Bruce Willis. Those guys are all different, but each is handsome in his own way. They all have similar traits, despite their differences. For instance, how many of them are obese? How many are emaciated-looking? How many have no teeth? How many have a gross deformity? How many have (or have had) acne or other hideous scars? See my point?


Beauty is definitely relative, but it's not AS relative as some of you think.


Seal has burn scars all over his face and he is married to a supermodel. Howard Stern is typically "unattractive", and his gf is a beautiful model.


Attraction is relative, period.

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Personally I like guys who are 'bigger' then me, but thats just because I feel self conscious about myself.


Funny you should say that. I was talking to a female friend of mine the other day and she has that same opinion of herself. She absolutely refuses to date a guy who weighs less than or near to her...

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I like keeping fit, doing lots of sports, being active... thereforeeee i love athletic muscular lean guys!


If i want a guy to be athletic, then I figure should be as well.(this isn't the only reason, but because its important to me, its important that my boyfriend/ husband share this quality)


however a good friend of mine complained that her boyfriend started going to the gym and getting 'too muscly' she likes the thin smooth look. Another friend of mine even likes guys on the cuddly side.


a woman I know is 5'10 and about 170 pounds and has been happily married to her little 5'5 , 135 pound Japanese husband for 12 years.


Everyone has preferences but they are all different

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I think that thin guys are hot. Unless they hunch/have bad posture. ALthough, one reason women might not like thinner guys is because a lot of women like to feel delicate and if they are around the same size or even a little bit bigger as the guy, its harder that way. Women like to feel protected. What kind of women throw themselves at you? How are they unattractive? Does their attractiveness have to do with size? I don't really throw myself at any guy because I hate risking rejection...I just let them come to me. But I'm about the same weight as you are except that I'm 5'6"...I have dated a lot of guys who are the same weight as I am, but not all guys are attracted to girls who are my size. Just kind of scared me b/c I tend to be attracted to thin guys but you say all the girls attracted to thin guys are unattractive, it seemed.

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Kevin T, I've jumped into this thread late and can't read the 9 pages ATM, but to let you know... I'm 5'10" 170 lbs (not fat) and I haven't had a girlfriend in my entire life. I'm kind, have a good sense of humour, play sports, guitar, write...


There's nothing wrong with your weight. Like me, you probably suffer from a lack of confidence.

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Besides, it can't be my personality that is the problem (unlike what most of you nay-sayers say); I have a great sense of humour.


It's not whether or not you have a sense of humor only man. If you've got one, that's an advantage, but it's not much good if you don't show it/sell it/advertise it. EVERYONE has got some sort of personality. It's just that some of us can't sell it/"advertise" it very well. It's not your personality that's wrong, and I'm glad you see that. It's your ATTITUDE.



If you're not confident you'll be too nervous and your mind will probably be too busy thinking "omg she doesn't find me attractive cause I'm too skinny" (and they can almost hear these kinds of thoughts) instead of being yourself and sayin those jokes you could instead be coming up with out loud.

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It's not whether or not you have a sense of humor only man. If you've got one, that's an advantage, but it's not much good if you don't show it/sell it/advertise it. EVERYONE has got some sort of personality. It's just that some of us can't sell it/"advertise" it very well. It's not your personality that's wrong, and I'm glad you see that. It's your ATTITUDE.



If you're not confident you'll be too nervous and your mind will probably be too busy thinking "omg she doesn't find me attractive cause I'm too skinny" (and they can almost hear these kinds of thoughts) instead of being yourself and sayin those jokes you could instead be coming up with out loud.


Oh, I use it. But only if given the chance. I don't randomly approach strange women and hit on them. I think it would only end up in a very ugly manner. I can advertise beautifully, but not if I see no point. If I'm only going to fail anyway, then why try? (See, I'm lazy. And lazy people are usually smart. And the smart thing to do is to not attempt something you know you will not succeed at.)


I don't sit there and think anything. I just go by reactions, body language and eye contact. And when none of that is favourable, which it seldom is, I can infer no interest on the said female's part. Confidence has nothing to do with it. At times, I'm overconfident. But I'm also not stupid; I'm not about to make a fool of myself by doing something I know will fail. (Some will say "self-fulfilling prophecy", but I say, "looks." You can assume it's belief first, then attitude which repels women. But I'm more inclined to believe it is looks first which repel them, then comes the bad attitude.) Remember, just because you say it, doesn't mean I will listen.


I'm also not in the mood to be funny just to impress a woman. Not my style. I'll do it because it's appropriate (or INappropriate, more likely lol), but not to get some chick to like me. That's too showy and fake for me.

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Seems to me like thinking you're gonna fail before you even try IS thinking something man. My advise is just go ahead man. Do go up to a random woman and introduce yourself and be your charming self. Just for the heck of it. Go up to a random hot woman and do that just for fun. She will be flattered and that way you'll have your chance to win her over. But just do it, do not think about the purpose of doing it. Be like the chicken with its head cut off but it just keeps running. Try whenever you're in the mood, of course. I know what it is to be in a lousy mood, myself, and I know it's not the most appropiate of times to do something like this.


But whenever the day is beautiful and your anger has subsided just do it for fun. Heck, why not? It'll only add to the atmosphere of a great day. Here in America (and in many other parts of the world), it doesn't happen very often that ANYONE goes up to a random stranger all nice and stuff and just talk. That will only give your actions more meaning to your target, but you won't be thinking about that, cause you don't care, right? Do it, and don't see yourself confined to asking her out. Well if you absolutely must, cause you just liked her reaction so much, then do ask her out. But even if it's not THAT great a reaction, it'll probably be good no matter who the girl is or what she looks like unless she's a total B****, or maybe just... in a bad mood... in which case she's plainly not worth anyone's time or it's just her loss. Don't call it showy, you're just in a hella good mood (I'm not sayin right now you are cause I know you probably aren't, but someday you will be and you'll look back and probably laugh man).


I know, like you said, just because I said it doesn't mean you'll listen to it, and I know I wasted my time typing all this up like a fool. But hopefully someone else in a similar situation will try that someday. I know I will. I've been itching to try it, lol. I'm just gonna do it one of this days. Plus it isn't like what I'm writing is a set of rules/instructions. All I'm sayin is we all should try this at one point just to see what happens.

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I am structurally very big. I get the feeling girls don't like large men, I get the feeling I am too big for many girls. I think a youthful appearance is important, small people look younger. I'm 23 but I look a lot older. The other day I was accused of being 30.


I prefer larger guys. Personal preference. I don't think you can say that girls prefer thin guys to big guys. I need something to hold on to when I'm sleeping.

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