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Ladies; do girls really go for thin guys?

Kevin T

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I have a problem with having to change who I am for anyone else; that includes so-called "beautiful" women. I'm not much of a people-pleaser, which means that if there happens to be a hot girl out there who doesn't like me (as I sure there will be some), then it is her loss. I'm okay with her taste. I can't let that bother me. Chances are, even if she looks great on the outside, she'll look like garbage on the inside, so it'd be a poor match anyway.


Thing is, you don't know that. If a girl that you think is beautiful doesn't like you AND would explain that that is due to your skinny bodytype (I doubt that a girl will reject you solely on that), that still is only a matter of preference and doesn't make her 'garbage' on the inside.


You come accross as quite negative, I think that is something to worry about more than about your bodytype. But I am repeating myself here.



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I don't think your looks or physique has anything to do with it. If you don't like something about you, then obviously, you need to change for YOURSELF.


I just wanted to pipe in because my boyfriend is also 6' and 140lbs. He isn't anorexic or anything ... eats well ... just can't seem to put on or keep on the weight at this age! I wouldn't want him to "eat a lot" because even "skinny" people can have high cholestrol and be unhealthy (I know of a couple of people with this problem).


No matter the numbers, I find him HIGHLY attractive. We've been together for almost a year, and the attraction has never failed. A lot of my attraction to him is his personality and the way that he cares for me; however, he's still one of the hottest guys I've ever met. (No one has ever turned me on as he can!) Some of my friends say that he's "too skinny", but, hey, it's my opinion that counts!! By the way, i'm 26 and he's 27.


Work on your personality, and work on your confidence. The rest will just follow ...


Hope this helps!


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I would have to agree with Kevin on some things. I have gone through the same emotions he is. I know he asked for an honest opinion but "I dont like scronny guys." is hardly an opinion. If your going to be out-right insulting, atleast back it up with some reason.


We all have types, but like most(i think?) i will throw my "type" out the window if someone that attracts me doesnt quite fit it. If you're a girl who takes one look at a guy, and bases an opinion on him before youve even met him, shame on you. Wether their skinny or 'roided muscle mans, they still have a personality that could attract you.


Like some are saying, including me, work on your confidence, and personality. Your hieght and weight shouldnt be a factor.

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For being brutally honest, I may say I'm BRUTALLY attracted to really skinny guys.


Since I was a teenager.


I've always wanted one of those.


I'm sick of chubbiness.


So yeah some of use, REALLY like skinny guys.


I sense that the real reason why you're not getting anywhere with women is because you're not quite comfortable with the way you are.

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I would have to agree with Kevin on some things. I have gone through the same emotions he is. I know he asked for an honest opinion but "I dont like scronny guys." is hardly an opinion. If your going to be out-right insulting, atleast back it up with some reason.


Couldn't agree more. That kind of reply is like nails on the chalkboard to my ears...

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OK, Kevin. I am older than you, early 30's. I have always been tall and rail thin, so to speak. When I was 18, I was 6' 4" 150lbs. Now I am 190lbs. Still skinny, but I feel good. Let me tell you as being in your shoes longer than you have.


Some women will not be attracted to you, period. They want a large, dominant guy that could beat them to death. More power to them. There's nothing you can do about it. Maybe they have issues witht their father, or who knows.


As you get older, and all those cool guys in high school get older too, their proportionate bods you refer to, start getting fat. All the girls that married those guys now have balding, pot bellied, ex-hunks. Us, well, we have finally grown into ourselves in our mid- late 20's and look like we are 10 years younger than we really are. We are fit, lean, and the ladies in those ages really like that.


It's all a part of life, so just make the best of it. Continue to work out, but don't pack on too much fat as you get older. You will be running circles around these guys in a few years.

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Thats true...I like skinny guys and its a bonus that they look really good later, so if I marry one I'll never have to worry about not being sexually attracted to him as time goes by. Lots of girls my age like guys with tons of testosterone but those guys bald quickly. Not only that, but a thin waist is extremely attractive...

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Hardrock makes a nice point.


I skimmed through the previous posts, but didn't see any discussion on how you dress...first, I don't believe "clothes make the man" but wearing clothes that fit well and you can feel confident in are key, especially when you have a body type that doesn't necessarily fit into that "average" range the stores target.


I can relate because I'm 6'2" 160lbs (24), good proportions but frankly, most clothes off the shelf simply aren't designed that way. Maybe experiment a bit - I was unaware of some of these things until I watched a few " * * * * * eye for the straight guys" and "what not to wear" shows on TV. Sounds flaky, but they make some good points when it comes to dress.


In our situation, look for "tailored fit" or "slim fit" shirts. They aren't easy to find - you may have to try ordering off the net. These shirts have less fabric around the torso and arm area. They won't make you feel like you're wearing a parachute and they give the appearance of a larger upper body and smaller waist rather than that pear shape you get with regular shirts.


Second, find "boot cut" style jeans. Make sure they aren't baggy but also not tight. You want the cuff to extend slightly below the lowest part of your ankle so that it doesnt bunch up when you're wearing shoes. If you're wearing dress pants/khakis, make sure the waist is correct first, then the length second. You can get a tailor/drycleaners to shorten pants for very cheap.


I constantly find that the best "fit" in a sweater around my torso is usually accompanied by sleeves that are too short. Same problem with some shirts. I simply roll the sleeves up to slightly below the elbow - this fixes the problem of too short sleeves, but also makes the arm appear shorter in a good way.


Just a few little things I try to do. I've never been much of a clothes person, but I believe wearing clothes that fit just builds on that subtle confidence women can sense.

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I appreciate the replies. As I already mentioned a bit before, it's pointless to blame all my woes on weight or appearance. It won't get me anywhere because I'm not going to be able to change who I am, nor do I really want to. I am happy with myself, but I need to get to the point where I no longer base my self-worth on external validation. I shouldn't be looking to others to make me feel good solely (although it will happen, from time to time).


But rather, I need to accept that there will be some who will like me, and some who will not. The ones who do, great. If I am attracted to them (iffy, but you never know), then maybe there is potential for something to happen there. If they do not like me, then that's okay too. It's their loss and I'm sure they will find someone else who CAN make them happy too. I bear no ill-will toward those who do not like me, unless of course, they were to be rude and hostile with me. THEN I would not think so highly of such females.


And I already know; attitude is huge. I need to focus on my social skills to get anywhere with women. It's so obvious I needn't even write anymore. Even ugly nerds get girls (they do!), but it's only because they put themselves out there and TRY. If I don't even bother trying, I shouldn't expect much. It's just hard finding my motivation to do so.


Am I negative and too pessimistic? Maybe I am, I don't know...

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