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He was a psycho!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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So I met him saturday...all the way from Michigan, we got along great the first two days...then he became a psycho! I was scared for my life yestrday! we were stranded out of town and he was flippin out and freaking out about doing anything sexual! yet on the phone he was like "I wanna do this and that" and refusing to tell me things and he said he was unable to express emotion! he was acting like a 5 year old and an animal..he was just creepy! I ended up breaking up with him today, which killed me but I HAD to. and he is now stranded here in CA till saturday because he couldn't move his plane ticket up!!!!!! this was a NIGHTMARE! I am done with men FOREVER!!!!! and please no "I told you so's" I know you guys were right this hurts so bad because I do love him but I know we canno't be together! this is such a disapointment to wait 6 months for this

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Awwww Yvette..I am SOOOO sorry. No "I told you so's " from me. I know how you feel. I really do........it's easy to believe things will work out in this "medium" (online)..........but the hard truth is..you just DON'T know people until you spend REAL time with them. I wish things turned out good for you...........hang in there girl. Don;t give up hope...

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Yvette, I'm sorry you had to go through this It must be really disappointing after all that waiting. I don't know if this'll help, but at least you didn't find out AFTER he moved there right? Now you know and you will soon be far away from him. And don't give up on guys! There are some great ones out there, they just don't stand out as much as the awful ones.

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Well arent you glad you met him before you agreed for him to move there?


So let me get this strait. You posted before that you are a virgin, yet you wanted to do sexual things with someone you just met from online.




Also, he didnt want to do anything sexual, so you pressured him and then were shocked he didnt like it?

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hey I am so sorry! No I told you so's either from me. Actually, I am really proud of you for having the courage to meet him first. you definitely gave it a shot, and I am so sorry that he didn't meet your expectations.... ((((HUGS))))


hang in there - you will be ok soon. he will be a faint memory soon enough.

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I wont give you any " I told you so's" either. I have kind of been there once where i met a guy and he was completely the opposite of how he had portrayed himself.


There are many psycho's out there, but yet there are a lot of good decent people out there as well. I am sorry you had such a negative experience , but if I were you I wouldn't give up on finding a special someone out there eventually.


I just recently about a month ago met this awesome nice guy. At that time I had basically quit looking and just decided that I would see what came to me in the future. I have played it cool and collected, and so far it is working out pretty good.


I am sure in the future you will find a nice guy, just don't give up, but don't rush it either. After all, I am 49 years old and it is just like I am starting everything new again in my life. You are still young and have so much time ahead of you. I hope the best for you.

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I also agree with Batya; please do not generalise this man's behaviour from this one bad experience. Not only is it bad towards men, it is also bad on yourself and will give you a harder time finding someone. I also met a man whom I had been talking to online and he was exactly the same in real life (save for the fact I could see him). I've been with him over a year now.


well, the pain is still raw for yvette I think... you know, you can say a lot of things out of anger immediately post breakup.

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I guess I don't see it as a break up when you meet for the first time in person and decide not to continue. I've had that happen dozens of times and never thought of it as a break up. I realize they were in touch for several months before and made plans, etc. but that's not the same - at least to me- as a romantic in-person relationship where you date steadily over a period of time and then end things. I realize that, however you call it, she is hurting but what I hope she takes from this experience is not to get expectations raised based on typing and talking only, not to make these kinds of long range plans based on only typing and talking and thereforeeee not to have anything like a "break up" after only a first date.

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Well arent you glad you met him before you agreed for him to move there?


So let me get this strait. You posted before that you are a virgin, yet you wanted to do sexual things with someone you just met from online.




Also, he didnt want to do anything sexual, so you pressured him and then were shocked he didnt like it?

Ok....just because you're a virgin doesn't mean you don't do ANYHTHING sexual!!! you came off judgmental by the way. it wasn't JUST "someone I met online" it was someone I have loved for 6 months. And please get your facts straight because I did NOT preassure him at all!!!! we were doing stuff, but he didn't want to do anything he said he couldn't wait to come here and do and I just questioned it...so that's why I was confused.

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What he said he wanted to do before you ever met in person has no relevance to what he would want to do once he met you in person. How would you like it if a man pressured you to perform sexually because you "promised" in some IM or on some phone call before you even met? I feel a bit sorry for him for being in a situation where he felt pressured or that it was wrong to change his mind, particularly on one of your first dates.

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Ok....just because you're a virgin doesn't mean you don't do ANYHTHING sexual!!! you came off judgmental by the way. it wasn't JUST "someone I met online" it was someone I have loved for 6 months. And please get your facts straight because I did NOT preassure him at all!!!! we were doing stuff, but he didn't want to do anything he said he couldn't wait to come here and do and I just questioned it...so that's why I was confused.


I kinda get what you are saying... many years back, I was dating one guy who was always telling me, "ooh... I want to do this and this and that...." I was a virgin, and he said he wasn't. we couldn't date due to reasons beyond our control for a while, but he kept saying all that stuff to me. but when we were both free and single, when I tried to put the moves on him (just kissing!) he just kind of flipped out.


it was at that moment that I figured out he was lying to me about all his experiences and such.... I think he was just trying to be cool. he kissed like a man who was very unsure of himself.


anyways, I think if you feel something is wrong, then it might be. A lot of people can "talk" about all sorts of things, but only in reality will you know what they are really like.

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What he said he wanted to do before you ever met in person has no relevance to what he would want to do once he met you in person. How would you like it if a man pressured you to perform sexually because you "promised" in some IM or on some phone call before you even met? I feel a bit sorry for him for being in a situation where he felt pressured or that it was wrong to change his mind, particularly on one of your first dates.


If you promised, well then, haven't you promised? I could never see making a promise like this one, unless it were too someone I was invovled with one a long term basis. But if you make a promise, I don't think one should think it unusual that the person to which the promise was made expects you to do what was promised. While the whole thing seems weird, I think a promise has relevance, even if we have not met.

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What he said he wanted to do before you ever met in person has no relevance to what he would want to do once he met you in person. How would you like it if a man pressured you to perform sexually because you "promised" in some IM or on some phone call before you even met? I feel a bit sorry for him for being in a situation where he felt pressured or that it was wrong to change his mind, particularly on one of your first dates.

what do you not understand about me NOT PREASSURING HIM!?

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Ahh, well your reaction tells me a lot about why this seemed to work out for you when it was limited to on line contact but may not have in person. Thanks for sharing, I wish you the best of luck in finding someone compatible for you.

why are you so judgementall??? I don't care about your opinion so please stay out of my business and get alife it's not good to take out your issues on other people.

thanx people who have given advice! I appreciate it

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  • 2 weeks later...
why are you so judgementall??? I don't care about your opinion so please stay out of my business and get alife it's not good to take out your issues on other people.

thanx people who have given advice! I appreciate it


why are you mad at that poster? I dont get it either.


What do you mean he flipped out? Why? Was it as simple as you asking him "lets do this" and then he started running around with a knife saying "no, no, no!!!" and jumping off the walll? please be mroe specific, what happened. The way you tell your story makes me feel the same way that poster you dislike does. Doesn't make sense.


And you ever thought that maybe he just wasnt into you face to face?

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