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With all these dating threads...is anyone really "staying home?"


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It just boggles my mind..


The last few posts I have read are about people hooking up, people meeting new people...do people think that "stay at home" doesn't apply to them as long as they are not going to the mall?


This is the perfect time to find out how to be comfortable in your own skin, to learn how to entertain yourself, etc. Its a major life skill.


Anyway--- i guess i don't mean to rant, but its an observation. I guess there are always people who believe nothing applies to them, and their insecurity compels them to find a new relationship no matter how bad the timing may be...

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Some people think "stay home" applies to "A" home. They interpret it to mean any home, not necessarily their own. So first date hookups at the dude's house counts as staying home. Or going to your casual sex partner's home counts as staying home.


And this is part of why this pandemic is continuing. People don't want to be alone so they'll risk their own life and the lives of others just to avoid being alone.

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Not every place has these orders as yet. Keep in mind people are posting from various countries, states,provinces and jurisdictions. Each place makes it's own laws no matter how prudent or foolish. In fact threads are just being closed because of political rants. Not every thread needs to be turned into a corona virus debate.


Stick to the topic at hand about whatever dating dilemma is posted or ignore the thread/post. That way you won't get upset. People are tuning out PSAs at this point because everyone is inundated with it anyway. So your concern is just being tuned out. Right or wrong, that's how it is. So protect yourself from stress.

The last few posts I have read are about people hooking up, people meeting new people...do people think that "stay at home" doesn't apply to them

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I thought the same thing. A few days ago, it seemed like the dating posts had slowed and I thought, well that makes sense. But it seems you're right, people are still dating, albeit at home.


Maybe wiseman is right, their areas are not included. I heard on the radio, yesterday, half the world's population is quarantined. So half isn't.


I have been no where but home and the grocery store for a month. Now we're being told to wear masks (not medical, as to cause more shortage) while out.


I can't explain what others are doing, especially in other areas but it does seem like a lot of people either don't believe the risk is real, they're not getting the info, and or their govt officials are not imposing restrictions, all of which, at this point baffle me.

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My state is locked down but there are other states in the US (particularly mid west and such) that don't have such restrictions. The public there isn't being educated and people definitely don't think it's a big deal. In some states, restaurants are open and yeah, people can go out so they do.


There are a LOT of people who don't take this seriously. As someone in a locked down/hard hit/serious state, well, it's not something I see often locally but yeah, it is going on elsewhere.


I myself am single and I live alone. I'm close with my family but I can't see my family. I can't think of dating during a time like this.

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My state is locked down but there are other states in the US (particularly mid west and such) that don't have such restrictions. The public there isn't being educated and people definitely don't think it's a big deal. In some states, restaurants are open and yeah, people can go out so they do.


There are a LOT of people who don't take this seriously. As someone in a locked down/hard hit/serious state, well, it's not something I see often locally but yeah, it is going on elsewhere.


I myself am single and I live alone. I'm close with my family but I can't see my family. I can't think of dating during a time like this.

They will be hard hit soon enough.

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Yep, people think it's "other's" problem, point fingers at countries, cities, etc. but there is a balance. I don't want to be shot for forgetting to wear a mask, but the exponential nature of this beast is not as easy as The US or this/that area is stupid.

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So if it were me at this time and I was trying to meet someone I would do what I did back then with one change. I used to sometimes meet for walks - outside, at a museum, etc. I would do the same now, stand far apart or sit on a park bench far apart or walk 6 feet apart or more (which is what our stay at home order requires) and chat - would it be awkward - I guess -but less awkward for me than face time and at least we would be in person. No I would not touch the person at all. Perhaps we could each bring our own water bottle etc - could be fun! There are cultures -not mine- where people meet and sit far apart/don't touch. I could see that as a possible alternative. I would not meet anyone who had a cold though - maybe not even "allergies" depending. Because of the stranger aspect. Then I would supplement with face time.

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They will be hard hit soon enough.


They will be, it's just going to take a little more time. And you know, due to less population density, they won't have the numbers and losses like NYC but it's still going to be bad in their own communities. Smaller places have fewer/smaller hospitals afterall.


I just can't imagine dating outside the home at this time, or at all really. My dad keeps referencing "when you have a boyfriend again" but I was already leaning towards "no thanks" before this. This whole crisis has pushed me over the edge and made me more insular. To be honest, I'm not sure how I'm going to be able to go completely back to normal when this is over.

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They will be, it's just going to take a little more time. And you know, due to less population density, they won't have the numbers and losses like NYC but it's still going to be bad in their own communities. Smaller places have fewer/smaller hospitals afterall.


I just can't imagine dating outside the home at this time, or at all really. My dad keeps referencing "when you have a boyfriend again" but I was already leaning towards "no thanks" before this. This whole crisis has pushed me over the edge and made me more insular. To be honest, I'm not sure how I'm going to be able to go completely back to normal when this is over.

Hugs love❤️

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I totally get that people might be in a different state...but when they specifically mention "we are under quarantine, so we didn't go out, i went to his place instead,' my head wants to explode. I'll make sure i fit myself with a mask over the top of my head to keep my brain in lol. Even before we were under a stay at home order, all i could think of was my relatives who are 90+ years old, family members who are infants and those with lymphoma, etc. I stopped visiting them the second that there was an inkling that something could be coming our way and i was still essential. But people don't all think like that. You are righ

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Whether or not anyone "wants" to abide by the stay at home order (or suggestion, or recommendation, expressed by top medical professionals in many countries), it is totally irresponsible to disregard that recommendation and potentially put others at risk.


"I'm lonely" or "I'm horny" or "I don't like to be 'alone'" is no excuse to risk the health of others.


Yeah, that's my opinion and I get that others disagree. If it was just that one person putting themselves at risk, I would say none of my business. But lordy, elderly people and young people are dying and medical workers are being pushed to the edge because people don't want to stay home alone. Aren't we obligated to think about others besides ourselves?


And as far as I know, viruses don't stop at borders. The virus doesn't know its approaching a non-quarantine or non-stay at home order area and it won't decide to stop because that area's leadership thinks it's not their problem. And the virus doesn't care if we're lonely or horny or hate to be alone.


And I know, that was a rant. But it's driving me nuts that there are people who just don't care about anything but satisfying their desires.

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Like I said Darwinism will prevail.


Unfortunately, that would include taking innocents with them. That's what I have a problem with. Someone doesn't care about their own life, that's their business. But these people who insist on going out when it's not necessary are putting others at risk.

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Unfortunately, that would include taking innocents with them. That's what I have a problem with. Someone doesn't care about their own life, that's their business. But these people who insist on going out when it's not necessary are putting others at risk.


I feel the same.

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Yep, people are scared no matter where they are from and whatever the guidelines are there. Joining a forum to talk about whatever issues they are having is a fine way to look for support. Whether they are socially isolated yet or not.


All of a sudden the average person has to deal with infectious disease and epidemiology concepts and jargon just to stay safe and wrap their heads around this.

We are facing a very complex situation at the moment where we need to be prudent. All in all, I wholeheartedly agree with Wiseman.
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Yep, people are scared no matter where they are from and whatever the guidelines are there. Joining a forum to talk about whatever issues they are having is a fine way to look for support. Whether they are socially isolated yet or not.


All of a sudden the average person has to deal with infectious disease and epidemiology concepts and jargon just to stay safe and wrap their heads around this.


Oh sure...i think they should come for support. But there are more posts about "this guy i met up with in person last night" vs "this guy i met online last night." hopefully they will see the light on this. One can hope.

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There's a difference between a recommendation and an order.


A recommendation is unenforceable. An order IS enforceable.


I see cops stopping when they see a group of people gathered together. I presume they are asking them what the hell they are doing. However, my area is under an order, not a recommendation.


Again, I think these people who are posting about going to a guy or a woman's home think they are complying because after all, they are at a home, not a restaurant or bar or bowling alley. But we have no idea where that person has been. We don't know if that person is doing the same thing with multiple people, if that person has been practicing social distancing while food shopping or if they're washing their hands regularly. Some dude you "matched" with on Bumble or Tinder or whatever app these people are using is a stranger. I don't care how many texts have been exchanged, this person is a stranger. And it's very ill-advised to be coming in physical contact with strangers. Same with someone's "FWB". Are you absolutely sure that person has been careful? And going to a guy's home on a first date? Bad idea all around, pandemic or not.


My job requires me to come in close proximity to a few dozen people, all working inside a building. I take care to not come within 6 feet of anyone and I try my best to disinfect my work area with wipes, I wash my hands and use hand sanitizer. However, I wouldn't take a chance trying to date or to spend time in person with a friend or family member due to my job.


If someone absolutely cannot stand to be date-less or sex-less for a few weeks then they have a different sort of problem IMO.

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Yes everyone in more affected areas are scratching their heads about posts talking about vacations, concert tickets etc, then again there seems to be a lot of bored trolls these days.🧙♂️


Interestingly scientists are still studying the various behavior of this virus and it's communicability. One thing is for sure. Shore up your immune system. That means reducing stress such as worrying about whether people are in a stay at home area or not when they post. Pick your battles, we all have to these days.

Oh sure...i think they should come for support. But there are more posts about "this guy i met up with in person last night" vs "this guy i met online last night." hopefully they will see the light on this. One can hope.
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Yes everyone in more affected areas are scratching their heads about posts talking about vacations, concert tickets etc, then again there seems to be a lot of bored trolls these days.🧙♂️


Interestingly scientists are still studying the various behavior of this virus and it's communicability. One thing is for sure. Shore up your immune system. That means reducing stress such as worrying about whether people are in a stay at home area or not when they post. Pick your battles, we all have to these days.


LOL I am not "stressed" or "worrying" about these posters. It's annoying when people ignore science and recommendations from medical professionals. But it certainly is not affecting my immune system.

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yes i was last out on 12 March, no liquor stock, for some reason people started stocking toilet papers and sanitizers, alternative am using water and soap.

binging on netflix, prime, disney and sometimes porn.

No dating, working on cleaning house by myself

Reading some crime novels that i got long time back but never finished

30 min exercise mornings or evenings

uploading my photography and few paintings on instagram

visitin enotalone to keep me grounded

Reading up on relationship, cycle of abuse, codependency

researchin on taking up few online courses

explore new recipes in youtube and try them if possible with limited supplies

bath daily

wash hands regularly

eat fresh cooked food

keep hydrated

keep writing my journal

sometimes do some sketching, random stuff

go start my car every alternate days to keep it going

wfh during weekdays good to catch up with office colleagues

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My family and I are most definitely staying home and have been for weeks now.


But yes, the mentality of so many who thinks it doesn't apply to them or they don't care or it's not their problem, is scary.


It's not so much about contracting Covid, it's about them spreading it to vulnerable people or becoming sick enough themselves that they need to go to hospital and using up hospital resources.


You know who I fear for the most? Those that are going to ER with heart attacks, insulin shock, asthma attacks, etc....all that could require life saving measures and because of the ones who don't feel the need to stay home and spread this virus more and more, the hospitals will get so overwhelmed with Covid patients that these other patients won't be able to get help. It's a real threat and it's coming soon if the numbers keep rising.


I am deeply saddened and disappointed over how selfish and self centered people are being during this crisis. The attitude of "it won't effect me much, so who cares"....really is a type of evil that this world doesn't need right now. :(

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its more to do with being self aware and afraid of the consequences.

I dont think some are really aware or care about the dangers of todays scenario.

I hope things change soon cause the numbers are rising crazy.

take care all hope we all get through this

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