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What are your new routines?

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Are disposable gloves readily available now? My understanding is that, with or without gloves, the idea is to make sure your hands are clean (frequent hand sanitizer when not at home, soap and water at home) and don't touch your face (with or without a mask on).


I went to the market today -mostly empty. Here's what I do - I limit what I touch - I use various barriers -pieces of paper, wipes those produce bags that come off the roll. I also use barriers to open the door to the freezer section. If I touch I sanitize my hands. I am very very aware of not touching my face at all or hair. To the extent humanly possible I do not use what I bought for a couple of days. If i have to and let's say it's packaged - I open the package with a barrier then take out the contents then wash my hands. It's time consuming and kind of stressful but that's what I do. None of us has been exposed in any real way in weeks now but i act as if we have been. We're all at home with infrequent, solitary trips outside.

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I can't get sanitizer (at least, I haven't been able to. I ordered some today but I won't receive it until the end of the month). I ordered aloe vera gel but again, it won't be here until the middle of next week. So I have no way to sanitize my hands while at the store. I use the wipes the store provides and I am using gloves (thankfully my order arrived today! I have 50 pair now and will order more). I have this elaborate routine I follow to try to minimize contact. Oh, and I have a small spray bottle of isopropyl alcohol that I spray on my hands as soon as I get back into the car.


Of course, now they're saying you can get exposed by someone simply talking or breathing within 6 feet of you. A couple of people said "excuse me" when they walked in front of me at the store this morning, and a nice man offered to help me lift a 40 pound bag of salt pallets at Lowe's (I politely said "no thank you"). Plus the checker spoke to me this morning.


I mean, when I think about all of it I feel like I'm going to lose it. Sometimes I feel OK and other times I feel panicky and anxious and like I just can't take the stress.


Add to the fact that I have to go back to work onsite next week for 4 weeks of in-person training. It's a building with a couple hundred people in it all at once. They've taken measures to try to keep us safe but we all know we're taking a big chance just by showing up. One part of the training is supposed to be me riding in a vehicle with another employee for 8 hours. I'm going to refuse to do that part.


I feel for all of us because the entire world is going through this exact same thing. I worry about the small business owners who are going bankrupt. I feel for the people who haven't been working and have no income. My only comfort is that my kids are grown and out of the house, so if I do get sick it'll be just me. I can make peace with dying if I do get sick...but I could never deal with infecting one of my precious kids.

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I didn't buy any sanitizer - I had some from before because I buy it regularly. I believe I have enough to last for quite awhile since typically I only use a little for my morning walk and some for the infrequent shopping trips. I'm hoping it and my wipes will last.

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I use gloves when shopping as well. To be very honest, I go to the shops early enough so there are less people and there is less queueing. Then when I'm back home I take a shower and wash those gloves thoroughly. The clothes I wear when going to the shops are different from what I wear inside the house. I also disinfect (with appropriate substances) my mobile after having been outside. Seems excessive, but it's a precaution I take.


Still no sanitizers to be found here either, but it's okay. Thank goodness there's plenty of soap and water left. I haven't thought of wet wipes. Might check next time if there are some left...

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I don't have a routine yet, as getting sick through me off. Finally recouping, so I'm making myself a new schedule going forward. Time for school work, time for cleaning, time for finances, time for cooking, time for etc ..


I got my pick up grocery order. Ordered a few weeks ago. I know it's not an option for all, but it was great. Didn't have to be near anyone, just pop the trunk.


And Wiseman, I hear you. There are places I won't be giving my business to here on out. I hope something good can come from all this terrible scary stuff. Changes in the world.

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That reminds me I have to do my taxes! I'm glad we have extra time because I'm still waiting on something that should have been here already.


My side work, which can be a big boon especially in spring,is totally non existent right now and will take a big hit going forward. My personal small business is halted to about an eighth of my usual work. I'm lucky tovhave savings, and my partner too,but I'm def reevaluating how I'll keep my income up meanwhile. I do not want to eat into school or emergency funds.

And I know I'm a luckier one.

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That reminds me I have to do my taxes! I'm glad we have extra time because I'm still waiting on something that should have been here already.


My side work, which can be a big boon especially in spring,is totally non existent right now and will take a big hit going forward. My personal small business is halted to about an eighth of my usual work. I'm lucky tovhave savings, and my partner too,but I'm def reevaluating how I'll keep my income up meanwhile. I do not want to eat into school or emergency funds.

And I know I'm a luckier one.


Wishing you all the best!!

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That reminds me I have to do my taxes! I'm glad we have extra time because I'm still waiting on something that should have been here already.


My side work, which can be a big boon especially in spring,is totally non existent right now and will take a big hit going forward. My personal small business is halted to about an eighth of my usual work. I'm lucky tovhave savings, and my partner too,but I'm def reevaluating how I'll keep my income up meanwhile. I do not want to eat into school or emergency funds.

And I know I'm a luckier one.


Feeling you on all these fronts!


All of my work is non-existent right now. Scary stuff. Over the past ten years I've built a tiny little sustainable business—side gig turned gig gig—to off-set the unpredictability of the creative work I do. The hit to the creative work is manageable—par for the course in my life—but the other business requires some overhead. Can service that for a bit through savings, and might have to wander into the retirement account for support, but: gulp!


Have always felt I've planned well for rainy days, but this is a bit of a monsoon.

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My friend is still working (as am I, just home for the rest of this week) and still dropping her one year old child off at daycare. She's posting pics of the child right next to another child, where they are sharing books and toys.


I know she probably doesn't have any options, but man, I would be so terrified to leave my child at daycare! I felt that way right after the Columbine shooting, when I had to drop my kids off at school right after seeing that news report.


Terrible, frightening times these are.

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Today I cooked a huge meal all from scratch. I wanted something comforting, and wanted to share with my boyfriend the kind of meal my grandmother used to make.

I was remembering being young and her cooking up these gorgeous meals with what seemed like very little. Remembering the things she taught me, and that feeling of being with her in the kitchen.

I was proud of that meal, it turned out great! And he was praising it to high heaven, which of course felt very good.


I've found myself remember a lot of things from when I was younger, the skills I got taught about making do with what you've got and that self sufficiency in little things. We weren't well off by any means, but I didn't feel want. You adapt to it.


Just going back to that more now, after some time of getting a little too used to super convienience all the time.

It's something I'm grateful for today.

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It's strange seeing all the photos around the world of people in cities biking and walking around, no gloves, no face masks only a foot or so apart. 👩👩👧👧👨👨👧👨👨👦👨👩👧👧👨👩👦👦Then why do healthcare personnel who are in direct contact with COVID patients protect themselves? Because they have years of training about sterile technique, infection control, hand hygiene and isolation protocol. Are people in denial?😮

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Today I cooked a huge meal all from scratch. I wanted something comforting, and wanted to share with my boyfriend the kind of meal my grandmother used to make.

I was remembering being young and her cooking up these gorgeous meals with what seemed like very little. Remembering the things she taught me, and that feeling of being with her in the kitchen.

I was proud of that meal, it turned out great! And he was praising it to high heaven, which of course felt very good.


I've found myself remember a lot of things from when I was younger, the skills I got taught about making do with what you've got and that self sufficiency in little things. We weren't well off by any means, but I didn't feel want. You adapt to it.


Just going back to that more now, after some time of getting a little too used to super convienience all the time.

It's something I'm grateful for today.


Yes I hear you but I also echo Jibralta -what did you make? My great grandmother made her own noodles from scratch (my son tells me he was in the "noodles club" at school with his friends -they are anti-spaghetti lol). - I don't cook much at all and because shopping is so stressful I'm doing nothing elaborate right now but I've been baking more japanese sweet potatoes(they're lighter colored/starchier/yellow flesh), I bought some oatmeal as a lunch alternative, and sometimes I do "mish mash" which is left over mac and cheese with spaghetti um sorry noodles.

My mother used to make homemade mac and cheese -with velveeta lol - and my dad made homemade french fries. She also made spaghetti and meatballs from scratch (no jar sauce).


I'm so glad you cooked -I have a friend doing that now to decrease her stress - love her photos (hmmmm I bet it's take out and she's just being sanctimommy ;-)

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I've also been cooking a lot, more than usual, which has been nice.


Some favorites over the past week or so? A bolognese sauce, which took 4 hours, but fed us for for a few days and got the stamp of approval from a discerning (or is it picky?) 8 year old. Roasted some cauliflower and broccoli two nights ago with some thinly sliced kumquats from the tree outside—roasting them brings out the sweetness, cuts down the tang. Whisked some garlic, tahini, yogurt, and lemon juice together for a little improvised sauce—long my go-to. Girlfriend took the reigns yesterday with a chicken curry in the slow cooker: cumin, turmeric, coconut milk, lime juice. I augmented it with some sautéed kale and rainbow chard. Yum.


But the crowning achievement, if I may boast, has been a dish I'm calling "Chinese leftovers, made from scratch." Have done it three times in the past two weeks. Basically I cook down (in one pan) a lot of string beans with soy and garlic, while (in another) I let some ground beef simmer with onions, soy, ginger, sesame oil, a dash of brown sugar and sriracha. Then mix 'em up and serve over rice. Super easy, highly recommended.

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I've also been cooking a lot, more than usual, which has been nice.


Some favorites over the past week or so? A bolognese sauce, which took 4 hours, but fed us for for a few days and got the stamp of approval from a discerning (or is it picky?) 8 year old. Roasted some cauliflower and broccoli two nights ago with some thinly sliced kumquats from the tree outside—roasting them brings out the sweetness, cuts down the tang. Whisked some garlic, tahini, yogurt, and lemon juice together for a little improvised sauce—long my go-to. Girlfriend took the reigns yesterday with a chicken curry in the slow cooker: cumin, turmeric, coconut milk, lime juice. I augmented it with some sautéed kale and rainbow chard. Yum.


But the crowning achievement, if I may boast, has been a dish I'm calling "Chinese leftovers, made from scratch." Have done it three times in the past two weeks. Basically I cook down (in one pan) a lot of string beans with soy and garlic, while (in another) I let some ground beef simmer with onions, soy, ginger, sesame oil, a dash of brown sugar and sriracha. Then mix 'em up and serve over rice. Super easy, highly recommended.


Yum! I never have those blocks of time to prepare food. Today I barely was able to get 15 minutes to make my tuna-avocado-egg salad because of my child (husband is in a meeting in the other room)

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Good news? My training for the remainder of the month is to be virtual.


Bad news? I still have to attend 4 days of in-person training this week, in a building with about 100 other people in it.


Good news? The safety rep told me they do have masks available.


Bad news? The company was supposed to supply me with my own laptop but someone forgot to get me one, so I have to go to possibly another building to pick it up.


Good news? The hand sanitizer and gloves I ordered will be delivered this week.


Bad news? The masks I ordered for my own personal use won't be here until at least the beginning of the last week of April.


It's been super windy after a warm couple of weeks, so pollen is flying around like crazy. On my best days I don't feel well, but I do not have a cough and no respiratory issues. But people give me a hard look when I dab my nose with Kleenex constantly, which I have always done. I want to shout "I'm not sick! I always have a runny nose!!"

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