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1 hour ago, Cheetarah said:

Well, that’s finally done with(vaccine side effects).  I definitely had flu like symptoms.  Low grade fever, aches and rough fatigue. Was in bed from Friday night to Saturday afternoon.  I’m definitely planning for the day and day after off for the second dose, thanks fudgie!  I’ll gladly go through it again.  

When I get mine I am definitely going to plan to close down maybe 3 days. Glad you are feeling better. Which vaccine did you get ? 

Here we have been told our local college is going to be the mass vaccination centre. 

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I'm going to ask my doctor if I can be moved up in line for the vaccine due to my multiple health issues.  I have one of the major risk factors, high blood pressure, plus I am actively and continually being treated and on medication for two other health issues. I have a feeling he'll say no but you get none of the things you ask for so why not at least ask?

Plus, my new job is allowing me to work remotely 4 days a week.  So I can stay in bed with my laptop if I have bad side effects.  I did already have Covid so maybe that would mean fewer or less severe side effects.

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29 minutes ago, boltnrun said:

I'm going to ask my doctor if I can be moved up in line for the vaccine due to my multiple health issues.  I have one of the major risk factors, high blood pressure, plus I am actively and continually being treated and on medication for two other health issues. I have a feeling he'll say no but you get none of the things you ask for so why not at least ask?

Plus, my new job is allowing me to work remotely 4 days a week.  So I can stay in bed with my laptop if I have bad side effects.  I did already have Covid so maybe that would mean fewer or less severe side effects.

I am going to ask as well as I have high blood pressure and diabetes. 

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4 hours ago, Seraphim said:

When I get mine I am definitely going to plan to close down maybe 3 days. Glad you are feeling better. Which vaccine did you get ? 

Here we have been told our local college is going to be the mass vaccination centre. 

I got Pfizer.  My mom got her second moderna yesterday- she didn’t have it bad the first time but she’s walking around like a drunk right now.  Very, very tired.  Lol.  

Bolt - I was told that COVID vaccine reactions are stronger in people with previous infections. I don’t know how true that is.  


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1 hour ago, Cheetarah said:

I got Pfizer.  My mom got her second moderna yesterday- she didn’t have it bad the first time but she’s walking around like a drunk right now.  Very, very tired.  Lol.  

Bolt - I was told that COVID vaccine reactions are stronger in people with previous infections. I don’t know how true that is.  


That's OK.  I will still get the vaccine.  I feel like the side effects are highly individual, much like the virus itself.

Relatively speaking, I didn't get THAT bad a case of Covid.  I was sick for a month and had a few relapses but I was not hospitalized, never needed oxygen and never had a fever, cough or breathing difficulties.

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7 hours ago, Cheetarah said:

Well, that’s finally done with(vaccine side effects).  I definitely had flu like symptoms.  Low grade fever, aches and rough fatigue. Was in bed from Friday night to Saturday afternoon.  I’m definitely planning for the day and day after off for the second dose, thanks fudgie!  I’ll gladly go through it again.  

I get my second dose on Wednesday. I’m eligible for it tomorrow, but postponed it a few days closer to the weekend - in case I get hammered with symptoms. Many of my coworkers get it tomorrow.

  • Thanks 1
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On 2/28/2021 at 6:39 PM, luminousone said:

I get my second dose on Wednesday. I’m eligible for it tomorrow, but postponed it a few days closer to the weekend - in case I get hammered with symptoms. Many of my coworkers get it tomorrow.

How’s it treating you Lum?  

I’ve been spending a lot of spare time helping people find vaccine appointments.  Mostly seniors.  No doctors are giving out vaccines right now.  A couple hospital systems are but they’re still focused on healthcare workers, so people are primarily relying on pharmacy chains.  Also, the individual counties have their own rules and pharmacies get their allocations from the federal supply, so they can choose to ignore the county guidelines and follow state(which expanded to high risk people).  But all the chains are different in what they’re electing to follow.  It’s a serious pain and such a barrier.  

I’m feeling a little crabby about an experience I had today.  I was working on an elderly couple for the last day.  They didn’t want to go more than 5 miles from their house.  Where I live right now you just don’t get to pick an ideal condition.  You have to take what you can get.  At any rate, I managed to find her husband an appointment but they ran out before I could get hers.  She told me to cancel it because they want to go together(again with our setup, it’s nearly impossible). The second time I’m canceling for them.  I said i was not going to help anymore.  That I gave them two options, they didn’t want either and I wasn’t going to spend more hours while they pick at the appointments like samples at Costco.  

She told me thanks for nothing and that people like me(under 65 with underlying health conditions) don’t deserve the vaccine and are stealing them from people like her.  

I am not going to feel guilty for being vaccinated.  I refuse.  But that’s a floating mindset and it drives me crazy.  Everyone DESERVES.  It’s a matter of being eligible and not being a picky, ungrateful pain in the ass.  

Just needed to vent.  

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8 minutes ago, Cheetarah said:

How’s it treating you Lum?  

I’ve been spending a lot of spare time helping people find vaccine appointments.  Mostly seniors.  No doctors are giving out vaccines right now.  A couple hospital systems are but they’re still focused on healthcare workers, so people are primarily relying on pharmacy chains.  Also, the individual counties have their own rules and pharmacies get their allocations from the federal supply, so they can choose to ignore the county guidelines and follow state(which expanded to high risk people).  But all the chains are different in what they’re electing to follow.  It’s a serious pain and such a barrier.  

I’m feeling a little crabby about an experience I had today.  I was working on an elderly couple for the last day.  They didn’t want to go more than 5 miles from their house.  Where I live right now you just don’t get to pick an ideal condition.  You have to take what you can get.  At any rate, I managed to find her husband an appointment but they ran out before I could get hers.  She told me to cancel it because they want to go together(again with our setup, it’s nearly impossible). The second time I’m canceling for them.  I said i was not going to help anymore.  That I gave them two options, they didn’t want either and I wasn’t going to spend more hours while they pick at the appointments like samples at Costco.  

She told me thanks for nothing and that people like me(under 65 with underlying health conditions) don’t deserve the vaccine and are stealing them from people like her.  

I am not going to feel guilty for being vaccinated.  I refuse.  But that’s a floating mindset and it drives me crazy.  Everyone DESERVES.  It’s a matter of being eligible and not being a picky, ungrateful pain in the ass.  

Just needed to vent.  


Here is what people told me on the Nextdoor app - they tried to sign up at their local pharmacy but it said there were no appointments available. So they signed up for a pharmacy 30 miles away, only to be scheduled at their (original) local pharmacy. Some system glitch I guess.

But it sounds like you couldn’t reason with them anyhow. 

Maybe their doctor’s office can help them.

As far as side effects for me - I had the Moderna, and for me the second dose packed a punch! Same experience for my coworkers. Several of us were out today.

But, to me, that just tells me it is working.

A friend of mine had her second Pfizer yesterday and she only has a sore arm. Not sure if that has to do with her, or the different vaccine.

That is so nice of you to try to help seniors get signed up!

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18 minutes ago, luminousone said:


Here is what people told me on the Nextdoor app - they tried to sign up at their local pharmacy but it said there were no appointments available. So they signed up for a pharmacy 30 miles away, only to be scheduled at their (original) local pharmacy. Some system glitch I guess.

But it sounds like you couldn’t reason with them anyhow. 

Maybe their doctor’s office can help them.

As far as side effects for me - I had the Moderna, and for me the second dose packed a punch! Same experience for my coworkers. Several of us were out today.

But, to me, that just tells me it is working.

A friend of mine had her second Pfizer yesterday and she only has a sore arm. Not sure if that has to do with her, or the different vaccine.

That is so nice of you to try to help seniors get signed up!

It’s been interesting hearing everyone’s experiences!  My mom had her second and just had one day of a lot of fatigue and sore arm.  My fiancée  had her second and I can hear her flopping around in bed right now making achy body sounds.  She’s also got a low grade fever.  

I don’t think it’s the vaccine I really think it’s an individual reaction.  I had Pfizer and I really felt flu like symptoms for about 18 hours, starting the day after.  I mean, I’d love to think my immune system is so awesome and that’s why I felt bad.  😂

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On 3/4/2021 at 8:05 PM, Cheetarah said:

It’s been interesting hearing everyone’s experiences!  My mom had her second and just had one day of a lot of fatigue and sore arm.  My fiancée  had her second and I can hear her flopping around in bed right now making achy body sounds.  She’s also got a low grade fever.  

I don’t think it’s the vaccine I really think it’s an individual reaction.  I had Pfizer and I really felt flu like symptoms for about 18 hours, starting the day after.  I mean, I’d love to think my immune system is so awesome and that’s why I felt bad.  😂

Yes, I wondered about that. And also I might have already had COVID a year ago but I didn’t qualify for the test then. If so, I would expect my body to react. Anyhow, I’m glad it seemed to work for me. And for you and your partner!

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The CDC(US) released some guidance on what fully vaccinated people can do.  Suggesting all fully vaccinated people can gather together indoor without masks, and interact with low risk(such as vaccinated grandparents with their grandkids).  

what do you all think about this?  I’m on the fence.  By mid April my entire family and partner’s family will be fully vaccinated (putting into account 2 weeks after last dose - everyone has had 1 shot so far, 2 are fully vaccinated).  

I feel weird even considering it.  

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8 hours ago, Cheetarah said:

The CDC(US) released some guidance on what fully vaccinated people can do.  Suggesting all fully vaccinated people can gather together indoor without masks, and interact with low risk(such as vaccinated grandparents with their grandkids).  

what do you all think about this?  I’m on the fence.  By mid April my entire family and partner’s family will be fully vaccinated (putting into account 2 weeks after last dose - everyone has had 1 shot so far, 2 are fully vaccinated).  

I feel weird even considering it.  

I would totally go see my mom after everyone is vaccinated. 

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glad this thread is still here. 

Don't have much to say but I am thoroughly bored out of my mind!!!  Argh!  Work is slow this week and the days droll by sitting in my dining room.   

Last week I was all motivated.  Walked a couple times a day.   Bought an exercise step and some resistance bands. I lost 3 lbs!  This week.. .  I just can't. 

The entire year I've built myself up over home improvements, painting bedrooms, organizing, baking, cooking, exercising and some weeks it just seems pointless.  

Half of the people I know are vaccinated and half are not.   People keep asking me when I am getting mine.  I have health issues, yet not listed.  I don't have to prove anything by just saying so, but I am a terrible liar and don't like the thought that I might be taking some seniors second dose.  I wish they would keep their stories straight about whether or not there is a shortage.  But no matter how it shakes out, being vaccinated today isn't going to change my world anytime soon.  No matter what, I am not going back to the office anytime soon and my friends are sort of scattered, or moved.   I can find them if I need them but until then. . I'll be patient.

I just picked up my bf from the airport.  He flew to NV to take his parents for their second shot and to keep an eye on them for a couple days.  There seems to be a pattern of younger people getting sick from it and not seniors.  Interesting.  His parents had zero side effects both times.

He went in for a kiss and I backed up.  I pointed out that his parents picked him up with masks on and he got to their house and showered first.  He seemed a little miffed that I didn't jump into his arms.

Ok  .gotta go get my drive through covid test here in minute.  I am having a routine endoscopy next week and they gave me no notice that I needed a covid test a week prior.  Why did they just tell me this today??

covid, covid, covid. . .so sick of it all.  AND so afraid that they opened everything so quickly where I am, we'll get another case whiplash.  I will breakdown and cry. . I swear.

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Had my second shot last Thursday.  I have to say the side effects surprised me.  I expected to just feel more extreme fatigue and muscle aches, instead all my joints hurt and I had a lot of GI troubles and vomiting.  Fever for one day. I wasn’t even tired(compared to the first one)...I think I only napped once.    The side effects didn’t really go away until last night(though they got milder each day). 

Of course, now my state is starting to see the start of a surge.  Which is great.  🤦🏻‍♀️




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13 hours ago, Cheetarah said:

Had my second shot last Thursday.  I have to say the side effects surprised me.  I expected to just feel more extreme fatigue and muscle aches, instead all my joints hurt and I had a lot of GI troubles and vomiting.  Fever for one day. I wasn’t even tired(compared to the first one)...I think I only napped once.    The side effects didn’t really go away until last night(though they got milder each day). 

Of course, now my state is starting to see the start of a surge.  Which is great.  🤦🏻‍♀️




I hope you are feeling better. My stepdad got his first shot of Pfizer three days ago and has felt perfectly fine went to work no problem but it’s different for everybody of course. Here you aren’t  getting your second shot till three months later in an effort to try and vaccinate more people. 

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On 3/25/2021 at 6:25 AM, Seraphim said:

I hope you are feeling better. My stepdad got his first shot of Pfizer three days ago and has felt perfectly fine went to work no problem but it’s different for everybody of course. Here you aren’t  getting your second shot till three months later in an effort to try and vaccinate more people. 

I heard about that.  I’ve also seen some real world studies about the efficacy of one dose only after several months, which looked promising.  

My cousin called me in a panic tonight.  His buff, smart ass cop self whispered in the phone “i screwed up.  I didn’t go for my second shot.  I got scared!  There were 2 officers down!”  Me: “what do you mean, down?”  “One had 103 degree fever and the other was off for 2 days!!” 😂😂

i pulled the phone away from my ear and just stared at it for a minute, then I cracked up.  I was like, sooo...you mean to tell me...your 71 year old aunt was able to do this?  Your mom and dad?  Me and my fiancée?  And I mean, clearly the guys are fine because they TOLD you about it while you guys were doing your paperwork, so...

He’s within the 42 day time frame but evidently kept this a secret from our family for a week because he was embarrassed for himself.  

  • Haha 1
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I am officially fully vaccinated.  

i “celebrated” by going to the doctor in person.  🤷‍♀️  My labs were better than a year ago.  She was amazed how well controlled my diabetes is.  I was glad for it.  We did not always eat well in this house due to shortages so I had to be really mindful about taking walks immediately after meals.  

Our state is stuck in moving to the bridge phase.  Though we met the vaccine requirements for it(70% of seniors with at least one dose), our hospitalizations keep going up, along with the cases  


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