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On 1/25/2021 at 3:38 AM, Seraphim said:

Today a year ago the first case of COVID19 was confirmed in Canada and now we have had over 750,000 cases in a year . And over 19,000 deaths. 😓

I read an article about research on COVID antibodies found in blood that had been previously donated in December (2019) in 9 different states. So, now they know the virus was present in the US a few months earlier than originally thought.

Fascinating find.

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57 minutes ago, luminousone said:

I read an article about research on COVID antibodies found in blood that had been previously donated in December (2019) in 9 different states. So, now they know the virus was present in the US a few months earlier than originally thought.

Fascinating find.

I am sure here as well. 

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9 minutes ago, SherrySher said:

Sorry if I missed this, what is the green zone? Is that a good thing?


We are at the best coding right now in the province. We still have vast restrictions but we are no longer under a state of emergency and stay at home order at least in our public health department/area. 

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So my brother's friend, who has been scoffing at the pandemic since the beginning (insists it's "just the flu", derides mask wearing, etc.) now has Covid and is angry!  How dare her neighbor expose her and get her sick!  Well, if she hadn't been parading around maskless and visiting people without practicing safety protocols she might not have been infected.

I find it amusing when people who have been denying the pandemic get infected and are so aghast that the virus would have the actual nerve to infect them! And how they don't care about it until it affects them, then suddenly it's a big deal!

Same with my family members; the virus was a hoax until they got it, then suddenly the Facebook posts about the "scamdemic" and the shouts to "open it up!!!" stopped once they got sick.

I hope they don't get too sick and I'm not happy they got it, but holy cow!  It's hard to have sympathy for those people.

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5 minutes ago, boltnrun said:

So my brother's friend, who has been scoffing at the pandemic since the beginning (insists it's "just the flu", derides mask wearing, etc.) now has Covid and is angry!  How dare her neighbor expose her and get her sick!  Well, if she hadn't been parading around maskless and visiting people without practicing safety protocols she might not have been infected.

I find it amusing when people who have been denying the pandemic get infected and are so aghast that the virus would have the actual nerve to infect them! And how they don't care about it until it affects them, then suddenly it's a big deal!

Same with my family members; the virus was a hoax until they got it, then suddenly the Facebook posts about the "scamdemic" and the shouts to "open it up!!!" stopped once they got sick.

I hope they don't get too sick and I'm not happy they got it, but holy cow!  It's hard to have sympathy for those people.

My sympathy for those kind of people has run out. I am just DONE. 

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5 hours ago, Wiseman2 said:

CDC made a statement that 2 masks offer significantly more protection.


Millions of people refuse to wear even one mask.  I doubt they're going to agree to wear two!  They pay no attention to the CDC unless it's to make fun of it or accuse them of being part of the "scamdemic".

Even though I already had it and have antibodies I will get the vaccine as soon as they'll let me, and I continue to practice safety protocols.


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Since I've received both doses of one of the vaccines, I personally won't be wearing a second mask. I like the ones I have (washable/reusable) and they fit my face very well. However, if I weren't vaccinated, I would definitely wear two. I am still doing social distancing and I am not going anywhere/doing anything. I will be meeting up with a friend next week who also has received both doses of the vaccine and time has passed since her last one. I am still figuring out what we will do.

It's definitely my sadist side talking but seeing adult anti-maskers/COVID-deniers get sick from the very disease that they deny so much makes me chuckle internally. I'm not afraid to admit that. Yeah, maybe it means I'm kind of a cruddy person in that respect but hey, it is what it is. The only sympathy I have are for their children and their loved ones who aren't idiots. But for them personally, I don't feel anything. Darwin Award winners, that's what they are. 


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  • 2 weeks later...

Got my first COVID vax today!  My state expanded eligibility, effective today, for people with high risk illnesses.  It was brutal securing an appointment, and I had to drive 2 hours but so worth it.  

Got the Pfizer, have a headache.  Mild fatigue starting to set in.  That’s it so far.   

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29 minutes ago, Cheetarah said:

Got my first COVID vax today!  My state expanded eligibility, effective today, for people with high risk illnesses.  It was brutal securing an appointment, and I had to drive 2 hours but so worth it.  

Got the Pfizer, have a headache.  Mild fatigue starting to set in.  That’s it so far.   

YAY. I am so psyched for you!

I, too, had the Pfizer shots. I had a short headache and some very mild fatigue for a couple days. No other issues, just like you. You may feel sicker with the 2nd shot (I did not, but many of my coworkers did!) so be sure to plan for a day off or so after the day you get your second! 

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1 hour ago, Fudgie said:

YAY. I am so psyched for you!

I, too, had the Pfizer shots. I had a short headache and some very mild fatigue for a couple days. No other issues, just like you. You may feel sicker with the 2nd shot (I did not, but many of my coworkers did!) so be sure to plan for a day off or so after the day you get your second! 

Starting March 15 here in Ontario they are opening the online registration for vaccines for people 80 and older. I might be able to get mine at the end of summer. 

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57 minutes ago, Seraphim said:

Starting March 15 here in Ontario they are opening the online registration for vaccines for people 80 and older. I might be able to get mine at the end of summer. 

Yes, I read that recently. I'm hoping that for you, it will be a little closer than that, maybe if vaccine production and distribution continues to be ramped up. 

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3 hours ago, Fudgie said:

YAY. I am so psyched for you!

I, too, had the Pfizer shots. I had a short headache and some very mild fatigue for a couple days. No other issues, just like you. You may feel sicker with the 2nd shot (I did not, but many of my coworkers did!) so be sure to plan for a day off or so after the day you get your second! 

Thank you!  The fatigue is kind of exhausting.  I’m going to attribute some of it to bad sleep and the long ride(I had a dream that my fiancée let me sleep and I missed my appointment.  Woke up irrationally pissed off at her.  😂).  

My mom and fiancée are going Saturday for their second.  I’m curious to see how it hits them!  

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7 minutes ago, Cheetarah said:

Thank you!  The fatigue is kind of exhausting.  I’m going to attribute some of it to bad sleep and the long ride(I had a dream that my fiancée let me sleep and I missed my appointment.  Woke up irrationally pissed off at her.  😂).  

My mom and fiancée are going Saturday for their second.  I’m curious to see how it hits them!  

I am so glad you guys have been able to get your vaccinations! 

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1 minute ago, Seraphim said:

I am so glad you guys have been able to get your vaccinations! 

I wish the whole world was on the same page.  😟. I didn’t anticipate getting mine this early.  We weren’t supposed to start until April.  But, they added very specific diseases to the eligibility list.  

But, it’s honestly horrible, the process.  It’s like hunger games.  In order to get all these appointments (my mom, fiancée and myself) I had to have 7 websites open, my phone with a list of zip codes and dedicate a few hours to nothing but vaccine searches per person.  

It’s so upsetting for seniors and low income, or people who simply are not technologically savvy to navigate this.  All they get is one hotline that’s always busy.  

On the bright side, there are vaccine finder volunteers all over FB and elsewhere helping these people get appointments.  But still, there needs to be a more equitable way for people to obtain appointments.  

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6 minutes ago, Cheetarah said:

I wish the whole world was on the same page.  😟. I didn’t anticipate getting mine this early.  We weren’t supposed to start until April.  But, they added very specific diseases to the eligibility list.  

But, it’s honestly horrible, the process.  It’s like hunger games.  In order to get all these appointments (my mom, fiancée and myself) I had to have 7 websites open, my phone with a list of zip codes and dedicate a few hours to nothing but vaccine searches per person.  

It’s so upsetting for seniors and low income, or people who simply are not technologically savvy to navigate this.  All they get is one hotline that’s always busy.  

On the bright side, there are vaccine finder volunteers all over FB and elsewhere helping these people get appointments.  But still, there needs to be a more equitable way for people to obtain appointments.  

Yeah, my mom and step dad will be in this predicament and my MIL too. My mother-in-law is 86 years old and has a heart condition but knows nothing about technology. My stepdad is 81. And my mom well she’ll be 75 next month and of course has pulmonary fibrosis. Neither are tremendously tech savvy. 

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In my city, seniors (65+) are getting vaccinated by their primary providers. They don't have to make an appointment, just wait for a call and THEN they make an appointment. 

It seems like most young people don't have primary doctors here any more. I know I do but I'm in the minority. However, they are savvy and I imagine sometime this year, most will be able to stroll into a pharmacy and get it done. 

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Mild fatigue turned into some moderate fatigue today.  I woke up sore all over at 4am and couldn’t fall back asleep for a couple hours.  Took 3 naps today!  It’s almost a hungover feeling.  

In great spirits, though!  Much much much rather some discomfort than the alternative. 

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Well, that’s finally done with(vaccine side effects).  I definitely had flu like symptoms.  Low grade fever, aches and rough fatigue. Was in bed from Friday night to Saturday afternoon.  I’m definitely planning for the day and day after off for the second dose, thanks fudgie!  I’ll gladly go through it again.  

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